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  1. 桓温依靠的是襄阳流民兵团。

    Huan Wen Xiangyang displaced persons relying on the Corps .

  2. 第一章论述桓温的先世,桓温仕宦生涯及思想性格。

    The first chapter mainly discusses the ancestor of Huan , the political career andhis thought and character .

  3. 它由桓温强制推行,违背了历史发展的必然趋势,其结局是人亡制废。

    It was operated by force and went against the historical trends , so ended in the operator 's death .

  4. 东晋永和二年十一月,经过对荆州一年多有效治理,桓温开始西征成汉。

    Having fathered Jingzhou in effect for more than one year , in November , 346 , Huan Wen started to send forces to suppress Cheng Han .

  5. 桓温、桓玄父子均以取得皇权为目标,最终却连门户也无法保全。

    Huan Wen and Huan Xuan and their sons took the imperial power as their aim but in the end they could hardly keep their family safe .

  6. 在此之后,当权的士族多标榜北伐以增加门户威望,其中以桓温的三次北伐最为著名。

    Afterwards , most of the gentry-officials in power advocated northern expeditions so as to gain their family prestige . Among them , three northern expeditions led by Huan Wen are the best known .