
  1. 外戚与宦官的斗争循环往复,在安、顺、桓帝时也都发生过。

    Such pattern repeated constantly , and the reign of Emperors An , Shun and Huan had no exception , either .

  2. 梁冀很忿恨,就把质帝毒死,另立宗室15岁的刘志为帝,是为桓帝。

    In resentment , Liang Ji poisoned Emperor Zhi , and put fifteen-year-old Liu Zhi on the throne , that was Emperor Huan .

  3. 不料想张成的弟子,诬告李膺与太学生、诸郡儒生及游学士人“共为部党,诽讪朝廷”。桓帝大怒,逮捕了李膺等200余人。

    However , Li did not anticipate that ZhangJ s disciple would then accuse him of forming clique with students of the academy and scholars in various prefectures to defame the imperial court and the emperor.EmperorHuan became extremely enraged , and arrested Li as well as some 200 students .

  4. 公元146年,桓帝在位时,这一斗争出现了转折点。宦官的权利达到无以复加的地步,在朝廷中掀起更大的波澜,形成东汉王朝后期的宦官与外戚专权的格局。

    The year 146 , when Emperor Huan came to the throne , it was a turning point at which palace eunuchs began to rise to supremacy , causing even greater upheavals in the court . The Eastern Han Dynasty entered its last stage when consort clans and eunuchs had the imperial power in hands .