
jī dé
  • accumulate virtue;do good deeds;be given to kindness and charity
积德 [jī dé]
  • [do good deeds;be given to kindness and charity] 为求福而做好事(迷信)

  • 积德行善

积德[jī dé]
  1. 这是积德斯高写剧本的地方。

    It 's actually where Jack driscoll 's written a play .

  2. 当时,出资印制善书被认为是积德抵罪的好事。

    At that time , printing kind book was a good deed .

  3. 查理康拉德在积德行善。

    Charles Conrad is on the side of the angels .

  4. 其次还要积德行善,有一颗向善之心。

    Even next turn deserves another to do well , to have a good heart .

  5. 一点慈悲,不但是积德种子,也是积福根苗。

    A little compassion is both seed for cultivating virtue and root for accumulating merits .

  6. 宗教是诱导人们积德行善的力量吗?

    Is religion a force for good ?

  7. 你今天做的好事,人们往往明天就会忘记;无论怎样,去行善积德。

    The good you do today , people will often forget tomorrow ; Do good anyway .

  8. 现在是我们积德振作他人的时候了。

    Now it 's time to bank some good karma and make someone else 's day .

  9. 古今来许多世家,无非积德,天地间第一人品,还是读书。

    Many ancient aristocratic , But the first character , between the world turn deserves another , or reading .

  10. 我们这个家族是虔诚的,同时又是行善积德的,决不会容忍这种败行劣迹。

    We are a people of prayer , and good works to boot , and abide no such wickedness .

  11. 没有安宁,死了也不得休息,因为我活着的时候从来没有行善积德!

    No peace , no rest for me in death , because I was never good or kind in life !

  12. 另一方面,要有良好的心理(心态),保持身心愉快,多行善积德。

    On the other hand , a good psychological ( mind ), to maintain better about more good deeds , Jide .

  13. 没有安宁,死了也不得休息,因为我活着的时候从来没有行善积德!”

    No peace , no rest for me in death , because I was never good or kind in life ! '

  14. 积德也看起来不再有同样的激情,尽管在与小牛的交易达成后,这些可能都会改变。

    More tellingly , he just hasn 't had the same fiery passion & though that could change if his trade to Dallas is completed .

  15. 雅夏回到家乡把自己囚禁在只能容身的小屋里终日忏悔,研读经书,行善积德。

    Yasha comes back to hometown and imprisons himself in a small house where he repents and studies Jewish scripture all day long and does good .

  16. 他们懂得了努力学习,努力工作,努力玩耍,懂得了举止得体,乐观自信,行善积德,

    Well , they 're learning to study hard and to work hard and to party hard and to look good and to feel good and to do good ,

  17. 认为傣泰民族灰姑娘型故事始终是一部教导世人遵守家庭伦理道德,引导世人一生行善积德的道德教育教科书。

    The " Cinderella type " stories of Thai-Dai nationality are always social " textbooks " to teach people to comply with family moral ethics , to guide people do good things in their whole lives .

  18. 神仙观念重视个人行为的表现,劝善积德,对社会风俗的纯净有积极意义。

    They played an important role in the society . The fairy idea valued the personal behavior performance , advised to accumulate well virtue , and had the positive meaning to the purity of the social customs .

  19. 先秦时期,孔孟、老庄等诸子学说体系里即孕育着慈善思想的精蕴,譬如儒家言“仁爱”,道家言“积德”,墨家言“兼爱”。

    During the pre-qin , the various schools of thought and their exponents , Confucius and mencius , Laozi and zhuangzi , were pregnant with the quintessence of philanthropic thoughts such as benevolence of confucianism , accumulated-merit of taoism , universal love of mohism .