
jī yuàn
  • grudge;vendettas;accumulated rancour;piled-up grievances
积怨 [jī yuàn]
  • [accumulated rancour] 宿怨;积久的怨恨

  • 积怨甚多

积怨[jī yuàn]
  1. 我对他不怀任何积怨。

    I bear him no grudge .

  2. 这场危机的根源是这两个群体之间积怨已深的敌对情绪。

    The crisis is rooted in deep rivalries between the two groups .

  3. 他和前妻积怨已久。

    He feuded with his ex-wife

  4. 不幸的是,巴思勋爵和他的继任者之间的关系只能用“积怨已久”来概括。

    Sadly , the feud sums up the relationship between Lord Bath and the man who succeeds him .

  5. 积怨很深,一下子难以消除。

    It is difficult to remove overnight all the grievances [ problems ] accumulated over the years .

  6. 他一贯欺压邻里,积怨甚多。

    He always rode roughshod over his neighbours and incurred widespread resentment .

  7. 他们的积怨来自于他们之间在政治上的狗咬狗。

    Their rancor dated from a political dogfight between them .

  8. 佛罗里达州灯塔市的婚姻顾问卡罗林·诺斯(CarolynKelleyNorth)说,人们会慢慢积怨,然后会突然爆发。

    ' People build up resentment , and then they snap , 'says Carolyn KelleyNorth , a marriage counselor in Lighthouse Point , Fla.

  9. 尽管中国已抓住安倍晋三(shinzoabe)新任日本首相这一机会,全力修复对日关系,但两国在如何诠释历史的问题上仍积怨甚深。

    Though China has seized on the new Premiership of Shinzo Abe to try to repair relations with Japan , the issue of how both countries interpret history continues to fester .

  10. 积怨是一种影响全身的有害的情绪。

    Bitterness is a harmful emotion that affects the whole body .

  11. 他心里对他们已积怨多年。

    He had nured a grudge against them for ages .

  12. 从我们的学生时代起她就对我一直怀有积怨。

    She 's harbored a grudge against me since we were at school .

  13. 此次惨剧的积怨是由于村名之间关于牛群和放牧权的整治产生的。

    The feud between villagers seemed to be over cattle and herding rights .

  14. 中日在香港问题上积怨颇深

    There 's bad blood historically between China and Hong Kong and Japan .

  15. 一些积怨一些新仇

    Some old grudges and some new ones .

  16. 如果积怨、信念或态度让你变得心情沉重的话,那么不妨轻装上阵吧。

    When an old resentment , belief or attitude becomes heavy , lighten your load .

  17. 宽容会缓和积怨。

    Mercy should alloy our stern resentment .

  18. 对他怀有积怨的某个人。

    Someone with a grudge against him .

  19. 积怨在心只能使你不愉快。

    Nursing a grievance makes you bitter .

  20. 我只是觉得我们之间的积怨太久了。

    It seems that you and me have been mad at each other for so long .

  21. 他甚至和一位积怨多年的同学言归于好。

    He even reconciled with a classmate with whom he had had trouble several years ago .

  22. 昨天我和苏争得面红耳赤,可这倒消除了我俩的积怨。

    I had a massive argument with Sue yesterday , but it has cleared the air .

  23. 别让某件特别的事情打开你积怨的闸门。

    And don 't let a particular concern open the floodgate for all your accumulated frustration .

  24. 一名有数十年积怨的枪手在学校将女孩们截住,对她们实施枪决。

    Gunman with decades-old grudge barricaded girls in school and killed them " execution style " .

  25. 这包括你的家,或是累积在心里的积怨,开始一段寻求真相的旅程。

    From your house to bitter , old resentments , and set out on a trust-seeking journey .

  26. 当我们无法原谅某个人曾经伤害过我们或是使我们很生气时,积怨就产生了。

    Bitterness can result when we can 't forgive someone who has hurt us or made us angry .

  27. 从此,两家消除积怨,并在城中为罗密欧和朱丽叶铸了一座金像。

    Since then , two home runs and eliminate the city for romeo and Juliet casting a gold .

  28. 李磊说与父母和妻子之间的长期积怨导致了惨案的发生。

    Jack : Li confessed that long-term hostility towards his parents and wife eventually led to the slaughter .

  29. 他没有给出任何富有建设性的提议,而只是列出了俄罗斯的种种陈年积怨,并且声称,一切都是乌克兰的错。

    Mr Medvedev offered no constructive proposals but listed old Russian grudges , claiming that all faults lie with Ukraine .

  30. 更重要的是,撤军将在克什米尔大受欢迎,该地与印方统治积怨甚深。

    More important , withdrawing soldiers would be hugely popular in Kashmir , where alienation from Indian rule runs deep .