
jūn shì tónɡ ménɡ
  • military alliance
  1. 尽管乌克兰不是北约(NATO)成员,但却是该军事同盟组织长期以来的伙伴。

    While Ukraine isn 't a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization , it is a longtime partner of the military alliance .

  2. 欧洲要依赖与美国的军事同盟,因此别无选择。

    Dependent on the US military alliance , Europeans had little choice .

  3. 竞争性贸易制度变得跟军事同盟一样重要。

    Competing trade regimes becoming as important as military alliances .

  4. 解读日美军事同盟的新趋势及日本的战略意图

    Understanding the New Trend in Japan-U.S.Military Alliance , and Japan 's Strategic Intention

  5. 第一个方面是日美在签订各军事同盟条约时的摩擦。

    Firstly , we 'll explain how the frictions emerge when signing the alliance treaty .

  6. 在完善日美军事同盟体制的同时,发展独立的军事力量;

    Developing independent military force at the time of Perfecting Japan US military alliance system ;

  7. 美日强化军事同盟;

    America and strengthen the military allies ;

  8. 安全不能依靠增加军备,也不能依靠军事同盟。

    Security cannot be guaranteed by an increase in arms , nor by military alliances .

  9. 上合组织还不是一个军事同盟,不过,它可能会变成这样一个同盟。

    The SCO is not yet a military alliance , although it could become one .

  10. 这种信念使他们中的某些人想在美中之间建立军事同盟。

    It leads some of them to think of a military alliance between America and China .

  11. 他们建立军事同盟。

    They form a military alliance .

  12. 美国是我们关键的军事同盟,而中国是我们的合作伙伴。

    The United States is our key military ally , whereas China is our cooperative partner .

  13. 美国的军事同盟协议将会让美国有责任参与这些冲突。

    The US network of emerging military alliances could obligate the US to enter such conflicts .

  14. 二次大战期间,爱尔兰保持中立,它不属于任何军事同盟。

    Ireland remained neutral during the Second World War and does not belong to any military alliance .

  15. 美国亚太安全战略中的美韩军事同盟

    The Position of the Military Alliance between USA and ROK in America 's Security Strategy of Asia-Pacific Region

  16. 北约根本无需强迫它们加入,是它们恳求加入这个军事同盟。

    The military alliance did not have to force them to join . They begged to do so .

  17. 2001年,中俄双方签署了一份安全条约,但那与全面军事同盟尚有距离。

    In 2001 , the two sides signed a security treaty which stopped short of a full military alliance .

  18. 迈向准军事同盟:美台安全合作的深化与升级(1995~2008)

    Moving toward a " Quasi-Military Alliance ": The Deepening and Upgrading of US-Taiwan Security Cooperation ( 1995 ~ 2008 )

  19. 论战后日美军事同盟中的摩擦关系冷战后美日同盟关系研究


  20. 强化针对第三方的军事同盟不利于维护地区共同安全。

    To beef up and entrench a military alliance targeted at a third party is not conducive to maintaining common security .

  21. 他说,中国从未参加任何类似的由美国组成的外国军事同盟。

    He said China has never taken part in any kind of foreign military alliance like those formed by the United States .

  22. 土耳其过去一直与美国军事同盟友好,积极寻求加入欧盟,且对周边「落后的」中东地区邻居轻蔑以对。

    S.military ally , keen to join the European Union and disdainful of a " backward " Middle East on its doorstep .

  23. 这一时期美国通过与以色列结成正式的军事同盟而使对以色列的各种援助急剧增加,并使对以援助有了制度保证。

    All American aid to Israel experienced a dramatically increase through their military alliance , and guaranteed the aid with relevant regulations .

  24. 历史和现实都表明:和平不能依靠武力来实现,更不能依靠军事同盟来维持。

    Facts of the past and the present have shown that peace cannot be realized by force , much less by military alliance .

  25. 通过分析,日本国家安全战略的特征已经显露。重新定义日美军事同盟,这仍是新形势下日本国家安全战略的基础;

    They are : redefining the Japan-American military alliance which is the prerequisite of Japan 's National Security Strategy under the new situation ;

  26. 作为回应,佤联军,勐腊军,北掸邦军的第一旅,克钦独立组织就此组成军事同盟。

    In response , the UWSA , NDAA , SSA-N1st Brigade and Kachin Independence Organisation ( KIO ) have entered a military alliance .

  27. 一些专家同时认为,外界对持续了半个世纪之久的美日军事同盟的实力产生新的质疑也令日本和邻国之间发生的口角进一步升级。

    Some experts also see the tiffs being stoked by new questions about the strength of the half-century-old U.S. - Japan military alliance .

  28. 人们期望这个曾经挫败过(苏联)红军的军事同盟在数日内粉碎卡扎菲上校不堪一击的部队。

    The military alliance that faced down the Red Army might have been expected to crush the clumsy forces of Colonel Qaddafi in days .

  29. 有的国家深化亚太军事同盟,扩大军事存在,频繁制造地区紧张局势。

    Some country has strengthened its Asia-Pacific military alliances , expanded its military presence in the region , and frequently makes the situation there tenser .

  30. 法国败降以后,法西斯集团最终结成军事同盟,但国际反法西斯同盟也趋向形成;

    After the defeat and capitulation of France , Fascist states had formed aggressive military alliance , and the international anti Fascist alliance was also forming ;