
  • 网络Military Tactics
  1. 文中从GIS技术在军事战术方面应用的特点出发,提出了战术军事地理信息系统(MGIS)的数据模型,并从几何、拓扑、属性及三维空间信息组织几方面对其进行了讨论。

    This article brings up the data models in tactical MGIS , beginning with the discussing on the practical attributes of GIS technology to military tactics , also discusses the data models in geometry features , topological features , attribute features and organization of 3D information .

  2. 我们要去的地方用得上军事战术。

    We 're gonna need military tactics where we 're going .

  3. 无线adhoc网络体系结构的特点使得该网络特别适宜军事战术通信,而无线adhoc网络的组播协议则是实现战术前沿态势感知(SituationAwareness-SA)和指挥控制(Command&Control-C2)数据分发的有效手段。

    Wireless Ah hoc network is specially usable for military tactical communication with the architecture features . The Ad hoc multicast protocol is efficiency means for distributing of situation awareness and command & control data .

  4. 城市行动中的军事战术也需要认真的加以修订。

    The military tactics of urban operations are also in serious need of revision .

  5. 应注重警务战术训练与借鉴军事战术训练相结合,以增强其规范性,从而提高队伍的战斗力。

    Should combine the police training and military one together to improve the combating force .

  6. 上溯到18世纪,海军炮手将炮弹弹跳作为一种军事战术。

    Naval gunners as far back as the 18th century bounced cannonballs as a military tactic .

  7. 这款游戏发明于1812年,当时的普鲁士军队用这款游戏来给接受训练的军官教授军事战术。

    Invented in 1812 , it was used by the Prussian Army to teach military tactics to officers-in-training .

  8. 恐怖活动作为一种军事战术,其目的是杀死敌方战士,降低公民的道德标准。

    As a military tactics , the aim of terrorism is to kill enemy and drop citizen 's moral standard .

  9. 警察战术理论源于军事战术理论,发展于警察司法实践活动,是关于警察执法战斗指导规律的理论。

    The theory of police tactics concerns the principles of instruction in law enforcement procedure , which derives from military tactics and develops in police judicial practice .

  10. 由于采用了先进的网络通信协议、动态的网络拓扑结构、多跳转发技术和自组织的网络管理,使其广泛用于军事战术数据通信和民用无线数据通信领域。

    It employs advanced network communication protocols , dynamic topology structure , multi-hop forwarding technology and self-organization management , which make it widely used in the fields of military tactical communication as well as civil wireless communication .

  11. 在此基础上重点讨论军事上战术通信移动管理的必要性、特点与初步设想。

    Necessary , character and basic think of mobile management in tactical communications are discussed mainly in this paper .

  12. 它使军事力量的战术性使用与战略目标相联系。

    It links the tactical employment of forces to strategic objectives .

  13. 军事冲突中战术欺骗的一个优化模型

    An optimization model for tactical deception in military conflict

  14. 各民族领导人在会上还就军事情报和战术进行交流。

    The ethnic leaders also exchanged military information and tactics at the meeting .

  15. 关内道军事地形的战术性能和战略价值(第三、四章)。

    Second , the tactical capability and strategy value of Guan-nci Dao ( chapter 2 , chapter 4 . 1 ) .

  16. 短波快速自适应跳频通信系统是军事通信领域战术抗干扰通信新的发展方向。

    The HF fast adaptive frequency hopping communication is a new developing direction in the field of military anti-jamming communication foV tactics application .

  17. 基于军事冲突中战术欺骗所要达到的目标以及欺骗手段的资源约束和效果影响,建立了一个使军事欺骗总体效能达到最大的战术欺骗优化模型。

    Based on the goal of military deception , resource restraints , and mutual effects of deceptive means , an optimization model for tactical deception is established to cause the greatest effect of the total deception .

  18. 从未来无人机的军事需求及其战术性能入手,结合技术发展趋势和发展可行性,对未来无人机发展需要的一些关键技术进行了分析研究,这些关键技术对提高未来无人机的战术性能具有重要作用。

    Starting with the military requirement and its tactical performance for future UAVs , based on the UAVs ′ developing trend and feasibility , the research on those key techniques which are essential to tactical performance of UAVs is made .

  19. 一名军事指挥官必须对战术很老练。

    An army commadnder must be skilled in tactics .

  20. 军事冲突中实施战术欺骗已成为信息战的一个重要手段。

    A tactical deception in military conflicts is an important means in an information war .

  21. 一种应用于小冲突的军事编队;在战术情况允许的情况下尽可能广泛的分开。

    A military formation for skirmishing ; as widely separated as the tactical situation permits .

  22. 绪论部分介绍军事史中战略战术的概念和涉及清入关前军事战略战术的问题相关的学术成果及本文的选题意义与结构安排。

    Introduction section describes the strategies and tactics in military history and involves the concept of clear military strategy and tactics before entering the academic achievements relevant to the issues and topics of meaning and structure of this arrangement .

  23. 他在五天的军事训练营中,取得了军事战术训练的资格。

    He also spent five days on the OTC course at Knightsbridge barracks , qualifying in drill and tactics .

  24. 英国金雀花王朝的军事变革肇始于亨利二世以盾牌钱代替军事服役的改革,到爱德华三世时形成了一整套独具特色的军役制度和军事技战术。

    The military changes during the Plantagenet dynasty period in England begin in Henry ⅱ with scutage instead of military service reform . Till Edward ⅲ, it forms a set of the army officers and military tactics .