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  • 网络Greek Education;education in Greece
  1. 因为要接受希腊教育,就得去运动场。

    Well if you 're going to have Greek education you have to have a gymnasium .

  2. 一部阐释古希腊教育魅力的经典之作&《希腊的学校》解读

    A classic work on ancient Greek education-Understanding of Schools of Hellas

  3. 西方教育哲学的原初分野及当代启示&论古希腊教育哲学中价值教育与修辞教育的分离

    Original Interfluve Contemporary Revelation of Western Educational Philosophy On Separation of Value Rhetoric Education in Educational Philosophy of Ancient Greece

  4. 希腊教育部长安娜•戴蒙托珀罗斯指出,希腊的劳动力处于失衡状态,大学生毕业生的人数要多于岗位的数量。

    Education minister Anna Diamontopoulos points out that Greece 's labor force is out of balance-with more university graduates than there are positions .

  5. 而他建议改革诗学,尤其是荷马诗学,清楚地代表着彻底地背离,希腊教育实作与信念。

    And his proposals for the reform of poetry , especially Homeric poetry , represent clearlya radical departure from Greek educational practices and beliefs .

  6. 拉布里安尼德斯说,希腊很多教育程度最高的人,现在都想要出国。

    He says many of the most educated in Greece are leaving .

  7. 希腊职业教育改革和发展趋势

    Reform and Development of Vocational Education and Training in Greece

  8. 古希腊高等教育探微

    An Exploration of the Higher Education of Ancient Greece

  9. 摘要希腊高等教育具有政府举办、学校自治的特征。

    The higher education in Greece is characterized for the integration of governmental funding and institutional autonomy .

  10. 在这部份的《政治学》,亚里士多德对,当时的希腊政治教育传统与模式,提出严肃的挑战。

    In these parts of the Politics Aristotle offers a serious challenge to existing Greek traditions and patterns of political education .

  11. 文章并非简单地肯定古希腊人性教育的价值,而是对古希腊教育观内在特性进行了揭示,展示了古希腊教育目的、教育方法及教育价值取向的形而上特性,以阐明对研究当前教育的意义。

    It reveals the real properties of Greek views on education , the targets , approaches and value orientations of education , and its role in current education research .

  12. 古希腊的教育思想家不仅对教育的人性追寻提出自己的见解,并且创办学园,进行卓有成效的教育实践。

    The education ideologist of ancient Greece not only put forward own views of inquiring the educational human nature , but also established lyceum , carrying on fruitful education fulfillment .

  13. 通识教育是源于古希腊自由教育并在美国发展成熟的一种教育理念和人才培养模式,曾于20世纪初即被引入我国,后来为专业教育模式所挤压。

    General education is an education idea and a mode of talent cultivation , which originated from liberal education in ancient Greece and developed well in United States of America . General education was recommended to China in early 20 century but was gradually pressed by vocational education .

  14. 儒家思想和古希腊哲学中教育理念的比较

    The Comparison between Confucianism and Ancient Greek Philosophical Educational Concept

  15. 因此,通过对古希腊时期音乐教育思想与内容的思考,再来看当今音乐教育的现状,我们能获得颇多的感慨和启示。

    For this reason , we could draw more inspiration from thinking about the ideology and substance of music education in ancient Greek .

  16. 从古代到中世纪以来一直使用的翻译教学法,从罗马时代开始,就应用于拉丁语和希腊语的教育当中了。

    Translation pedagogy which has been used from ancient times to the Middle Ages was applied to the teaching of Latin and Greek since Roman times .

  17. 他集古希腊、罗马教育经验之大成,在着重阐述演说辩论家的培养问题时,对教师素质提出了许多有价值的见解。

    Having combined the educational experiences from Greece and Rome , he put forward many individual ideas about teachers ' quality on the cultivation of orators .

  18. 通过解读文本,希腊三杰的教育被分别概括为引导、塑造和教导。

    The " education " of the three great men of the ancient Greece can be concluded as " leading ", " shaping " and " instruction " .

  19. 古希腊的生活道德教育思想探微

    Research on the Idea of " Life-Moral-Education " of Ancient Greece

  20. 由智者和希腊哲人组成的教育团体,为整个希腊文化的繁盛以及政治的传播做出了重要的贡献。

    Formed by the wise and the Greek philosophers of education groups for the entire Greek culture , flourished and spread of political and made important contributions .

  21. 公元前500年至前337年为希腊的古典时代,这一时期也是希腊普通教育发展的黄金时期,古希腊的高等教育即肇始于这一时期。

    From BC 500 to BC 337 is the classical Greek era . This period is also the golden age of Greek general education development .