
  • 网络Greek World;hellenistic world
  1. 但是,到公元前9世纪,爱琴海以外地区出产的物品和材料正出现在希腊世界。

    But by the ninth century , objects and materials of non-Aegean origin were appearing in the Greek world .

  2. 苏格拉底审判后的当下,柏拉图离开雅典,广泛地的游走于希腊世界。

    Almost immediately after the trial of Socrates , Plato left Athens and traveled extensively throughout the Greek world .

  3. 艺术的终结意味着希腊世界的丧失。

    The end of art means the loss the greece world .

  4. 因此,可以说雅典的繁荣是整个希腊世界的繁荣。

    Therefore , the prosperity of Athens can represent the prosperity of Greek .

  5. 公元前4世纪,希腊世界在无休无止的城邦混战中急剧衰落下去。

    In the BC 4th century , Greece rapidly fell because of endless warfares inter-city-states .

  6. 古希腊世界的海盗活动,贯穿古希腊文明史的各个阶段,几乎遍及整个地中海世界。

    Piracy goes through the whole history of ancient Greece , and can be found all over the Mediterranean world .

  7. 希腊世界的基础组织了命名运动,社会和身份的一个国际科学会议。

    The Foundation of the Hellenic World organized an international scientific conference entitled " Athletics , Society and Identity " .

  8. 这后来启发了其它哲思学院,在希腊世界的广泛设立,随后并传入罗马人的世界。

    This , in turn , spawned other philosophical schools throughout the Greek world and later , the Roman world .

  9. 雅典城市在雅典城邦乃至整个希腊世界的中心地位由此得到进一步的提升、加强和巩固。

    Athens City as the center in Athens State , even the whole Greek world , was further promoted , enhanced and consolidated .

  10. 由于商品经济的发达、阶级矛盾、种族矛盾、军事变革等因素,该地区在希腊世界率先建立了僭主政治。

    Because of flourished commodity economy , class contradiction , race contradiction and the military reform , Peloponnese took lead in establishing the tyranny .

  11. 在希波战争时期,重装步兵体制有效地保护了希腊世界的政治独立,实现其自身的军事价值。

    During the period of Persian Wars , the heavy infantry system protected effectively the political independence of the Greek world and achieved its military value .

  12. 第二部分为小结,从雅典海上势力的崛起成就帝国霸业的观点出发,进而论述雅典海上帝国对雅典和整个希腊世界的影响。

    It discusses from the development of Athenian marine forces to the influence of the Athenian empire of the Seas on the Athens and the whole Classical Greek world .

  13. 雅典城邦是古希腊世界的重要城邦之一,特别是在古典时期,雅典在希腊历史舞台上扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    Athens was one of the major poleis of the ancient Greek , especially in the classi-cal period of Greece , which has played a pivotal role in the history stage .

  14. 斯巴达城邦是古希腊世界有名的城邦,也是一个非常有特色的城邦,其主要表现是公民与非公民的人口比例悬殊,社会制度军事化。

    Sparta State is a world well-known and very distinctive state in ancient Greece . Its characteristics mainly show in the great disparity of the proportion of citizens and non-citizens and the militarization of social regime .

  15. 并且,你还要学习一些关于希腊世界的知识,为什么我要在学期一开始,用一节课讲了希腊世界和罗马世界,还有第二圣殿犹太教。

    Also , then you learn something about the Greek world , why I gave an entire lecture at the beginning of the semester on the Greek world and the Roman world , and second temple Judaism .

  16. 雅典是希腊世界的重要城邦之一,也是希腊世界中传世文献存世最多的城邦,所以研究雅典古典时期的国土防御作战进程是研究西方古代军事史的重要内容之一。

    As Athens was one of the most important states , and kept most documents in Greece , to study the course of Athenian territorial defense became one of the most important parts in western ancient military history .

  17. 亚里士多德住在可说是希腊城邦世界中,最顶尖的自治城市。

    Aristotle lived at the virtual cusp of the world of the autonomous city-state of the Greek polis .

  18. 上古埃及和希腊是世界古代史上的两个主要国家,都具有独特的地理环境。

    Ancient Egypt and Greece were two main countries in the world ancient history , and they both possessed superior geographical conditions .

  19. 命运观,不仅是理解古希腊精神世界的关键,更是理解古希腊悲剧的关键。

    " Fate " was not only used as the key word to understand the Greek spirit-world , but also used to touch the core of Greek tragedy .

  20. 亚历山大图书馆是在古代亚历山大图书馆基础上进心的重建,古亚历山大图书馆曾是希腊语世界最大最具影响力的图书馆,由亚历山大大帝建于约2300年前。

    The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is the revival of the ancient Royal Library of Alexandria , which was the largest and most influential library in the Greek world . It was built by Alexander the Great some 2300 years ago .

  21. 希腊依然是世界航运业强有力的竞争者。

    The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping .

  22. 古希腊是现代世界文明的发源地。

    Ancient Greece is the birthplace of the modern world .

  23. 希腊一度是世界文明的中心。

    Greece was once a nuclear civilization of the world .

  24. 希腊是排名世界前15的旅游目的地。

    Greece ranks in the top15 tourism destinations worldwide .

  25. 五彩纷呈的古希腊罗马神话世界

    The Colorful World of Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology

  26. 希腊的异教世界不是现代的,而现代的基督教世界也不是希腊的。

    The Greek pagan world was not modern , and the modern Christian world is not Greek .

  27. 中国儒家文化、犹太文化、古希腊文化是世界的元典文化。

    The Confucian school culture , Judaist culture and Greek culture are the classical culture in the world .

  28. 在希腊和罗马世界,皇权天赋凌驾于普通大众之上。

    In the Greek and Roman worlds , entitlement claims took the form of assigning supernatural paternity to public figures .

  29. 希腊的异教世界是一个完全不同的世界,所以他们对于人类的观念也是十分不同的。

    The Greek pagan world was a different world by itself and therefore their conception of man was also quite different .

  30. 声音2:在古希腊和罗马世界,人们会在“神谕”中寻找未来。

    Voice 2 : In the ancient Greek and Roman worlds , people would seek the future in an " oracle . "