
  1. 在高中力宏是一个勤学好问的学生。

    In high school , Lee-Hom was a curious and inquisitive person .

  2. 他勤学好问,博览群书,特别爱好天文、历法和数学,是一位博学多才的科学家。

    He studied diligently , andwas especially fond of astronomy , calendar and mathematics .

  3. 狗子心灵手巧又勤学好问,精通了做包子的各种手艺,于是就自己开了一家店。

    Being a diligent and honest young man , he eventually opened a shop of his own .

  4. 如果你既不积极主动也不勤学好问,如何在这个以专业知识为基础的行业领先?

    How can you be good in this knowledge-based industry if you are not motivated and have an inquisitive mind ?