
qín gōng jiǎn xué
  • work-study program;study under a work-study programme;part-time-work and part-time-study;run a school on the basis of self-supporting through hard work;study on a work-study basis
勤工俭学 [qín gōng jiǎn xué]
  • [work-study programme] 利用学习以外的时间参加劳动,而以劳动所得维持生活。现在则泛指在学习期间参加劳动为勤工俭学

  • 这些都是我校学生勤工俭学的产品

勤工俭学[qín gōng jiǎn xué]
  1. 他打算靠勤工俭学读完大学。

    He planned to work his way through college .

  2. 基于J2EE的镇雄县教育局勤工俭学管理信息系统

    Management Information System for Zhenxiong Education Bureau Work-study Programme Based on J2EE

  3. 游戏介绍:制服MM们勤工俭学,在茶餐厅里打工赚钱,要服务好客人哦!

    MM : They illustrate uniform work-study , earn money in the cafe room to serve the guests !

  4. 本文介绍了一种基于Web针对信息管理而开发,应用于云南省镇雄县教育局勤工俭学办公室的物品管理系统。

    The thesis initiates an information system based on Web , and applies it in the management of articles and goods for work-study office in Zhenxiong Education Bureau , Yunnan Province .

  5. 如果你要转成F-1签证,这样的话,你就能参加勤工俭学的项目,但是,你最好在你自己的国家转签证。

    If you are going to change to F-1 , which you need to do in order to get into the paid internship program at the university , it is much better to do that while in your home country .

  6. 高校图书馆勤工俭学学生管理工作初探

    Investigation on the Administration of Part-time-job Students in University Libraries

  7. 其次我会负责你的勤工俭学项目

    Second , l 'm in charge of your work study program ...

  8. 积极建立教育资助制度,广泛开展勤工俭学活动。

    Set up education subsidize system , widely carry out work-study program .

  9. 武汉市大学生校外勤工俭学维权现状的调查分析

    A Survey of Current Situation of College Students'taking of Part-time Jobs in Wuhan

  10. 大学生勤工俭学的现状分析与对策研究

    Analysis of the Current Part-work and Part-study System for College Students and Solutions

  11. 浅谈如何加强高校勤工俭学学生参与图书馆工作的管理

    A Brief discussion on how to Manage University Students ' Part-time Work in Library

  12. 高校学生勤工俭学应受劳动法保护

    College students work-study be protected by labor law

  13. 他把这笔勤工俭学所得的钱捐给了山东费县一个叫孙姗姗的贫困小学生。

    He donated a impoverished primary student named Sun Shanshan in Shandong Fei County .

  14. 这是一个勤工俭学的信息系统与电信在巴黎的伙伴关系。

    This is a work-study program in information systems , in partnership with Telecom Paris .

  15. 人文关怀,调动积极性等方面,提出了加强对勤工俭学学生管理的具体措施。

    Human solicitude , fully arousing enthusiasm etc.

  16. 你是个坦率的人我喜欢勤工俭学上大学

    You 're a straight-up guy . l like that . Working your way through college .

  17. 大学生的第二课堂&深圳大学勤工俭学活动的调查报告

    The Second Classroom for University Students & A findings report of part-study-part-work programme in Shenzhen University

  18. 学生用勤工俭学的收入缴纳学习费用和生活费用。

    Students pay their tuition fees and living costs from income earned through the work-study program .

  19. 询问校经济援助办公室关于奖学金,助学金,勤工俭学和贷款的情况。

    Ask the school 's financial-aid office about scholarships , grants , work-study programs , and loans .

  20. 当然,我会考虑在适当的时候从事勤工俭学的工作。

    Of course , I also will do some part-time jobs through working during the proper time .

  21. 如果校内无法找份工作勤工俭学,你就到校外去找。

    If you can 't get a work-study job , you should look for a job off-campus .

  22. 你好,我现在在芬兰勤工俭学,打算明年去瑞典读书,不知道能否和你成为好友。

    Hello there ? any chance to know you . I will be in Sweden this year .

  23. 很多大学生在校期间就一直勤工俭学,毕业后开始拼命地还款。

    Many students get part time jobs during college and start to pay back their debt after graduation .

  24. 四周后我回到学校,请求学校再次给我勤工俭学的机会。

    I went back at the end of four weeks , asking to begin the work-study program again .

  25. 年轻人也在向我们寻求勤工俭学项目,可以学习和赚钱的地方。

    Young people are also asking us for work-study programs , places where they can learn and earn .

  26. 加强管理,引导学生积极参加社会实践和勤工俭学活动;

    Strengthening the management for encouraging students to attend social practice and do part-time job to support study expense ;

  27. 一个初中生利用暑假勤工俭学,正在撕去葡萄上套的袋子。

    One Junior student begins her work-study in Summer vacation , she is putting the bag from the grape .

  28. 如果当初,我无法花时间学习如何编写代码,而是必须勤工俭学补贴家用,

    If I had to support my family growing up instead of having the time to learn how to code ,

  29. 学校和其他教育机构提供的教育劳务,学生勤工俭学提供的劳务;

    Educational services provided by schools and other educational institutions ; and services provided by students participating in work-study programs .

  30. 当同学符合财政援助的条件时,通过勤工俭学,每小时可以得到7美元。

    Time was when every student who qualified for financial aid was able to get a $ 7-an-hour work-study job .