
qín wù bīnɡ
  • orderly;batman
勤务兵 [qín wù bīng]
  • [orderly] 旧军队中为军官办杂务的士兵

  1. 他听到诺拉正在破口大骂一名勤务兵没有将食品箱及时送回厨房。

    He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough

  2. 勤务兵打着了火①,谢尔比宁在摸烛台。

    The orderly struck a light , Shtcherbinin felt for a candlestick .

  3. 勤务兵可没有到那地方去的职责。

    An orderly has no business being where he is .

  4. 他朝着勤务兵的脸野蛮地踹了一脚。

    He launched a brutal kick in batman 's face .

  5. 新兵一到就应该到勤务兵房间报道。

    On arrival , new recruits should report to the orderly room .

  6. 被分配指派为英国军事官员服务的勤务兵。

    An orderly assigned to serve a British military officer .

  7. 我派一个勤务兵上去守着,派两个!

    But I 'll put an orderly on guard * two , indeed !

  8. 勤务兵走出来拍平了沥青路上的一些疙瘩。

    The batsman walked out to pat down some bumps in the pitch .

  9. 每个将军都配有一个勤务兵。

    Every general was accompanied by an orderly .

  10. 施瓦格曼向他保证,他能做到,便叫两个勤务兵去弄汽油。

    Schwaegermann assured him he could and sent two orderlies to procure the gasoline .

  11. 但是没有想到,三毛进军队后做了连长的勤务兵。

    But Sanmao served unexpectedly in the army as an orderly for his company officer .

  12. 即使只是个打杂的勤务兵你也需要与之建立深情谊

    You must form the most tremendous bonds , even with a servant . Really ?

  13. 男人并不拥有婚姻,他只是一个为妻子的爱服务的勤务兵。

    A man does not own a marriage ; he is only a steward of his wife 's love .

  14. 灯火管制开始不久,一个勤务兵顺着列车车身走着,他弄出的嘎拉嘎拉响声惊动了我们。

    Shortly after blackout we were disturbed by an orderly making his way down the length of train with a rattle .

  15. 那小伙子失魂落魄的,他们让他当勤务兵,在旅部伺候开饭。

    The boy was in very bad shape and they were using him as an orderly to wait on table at the staff .

  16. 只有大门内,一个与店老板答话的勤务兵在走动,踩着泥泞发出响声。

    The only sound came from a servant of some sort talking with the porter at the gate , and splashing through the mud .

  17. 一个叫莱维的勤务兵正在洗牌。为了防止作弊,他重新洗牌。

    One of the orderlies , Levy was shuffling the cards . So as to prevent cheating , he was asked to reshuffle the cards .

  18. “呸,见鬼去吧。”可以听见被勤务兵和仆役们的哈哈大笑声掩盖的说话声。

    " Pooh , go to the devil , do ," he heard the cook 's voice , smothered in the laughter of the servants .

  19. “他大人从昨晚起就很不舒服,一连三个晚上都没睡觉了,”勤务兵低声央求道。

    " His honour has been very unwell since the evening ; he has not slept for three nights ," an orderly 's voice whispered , interposing .

  20. 保卢斯的勤务兵现在不在了,因此他可以盖着两条毛毯,赤裸着躺在床上睡觉。

    Paulus orderly was still absent , so Field Marshal removed cover from the bed , put his own two blankets on top , undressed and laid down .

  21. (勤务兵送拉兹洛朝飞机方向走去)(里克从口袋里取出信件交给雷诺)。

    This way , please . ( Orderly escorts Laszlo off in the direction of the plane )( Rick takes the Letters out of his pocket , and hands them to Renault . )

  22. 一个退休的四星级将军在曼哈顿的一个酒吧偶然地遇到了他以前的勤务兵,勤务兵也退休在家。

    A retired four-star general ran into his former orderly , also retired , in a Manhattan bar and spent the rest of the evening persuading him to come work for him as his valet .

  23. 若不是我那忠勇的勤务兵摩瑞把我抓起来扔到一匹驮马的背上,安全地把我带回英国阵地来,我就要落到那些残忍的嘎吉人的手中了。

    I should have fallen into the hands of the murderous Ghazis had it not been for the devotion and courage shown by Murray , my orderly , who threw me across a pack - horse , and succeeded in bringing me safely to the British lines .