
èr děnɡ bīnɡ
  • private second class;Pte;private soldier;leading aircraftman
  1. 在墨西哥战争中他参军成为一名二等兵。

    He enlisted as a private in the Mexican War

  2. 每个炮兵连都有一个炮手是军士,其余都是二等兵。

    One gunner in each battery was an NCO and the rest were privates .

  3. v.降级;降格;免职那中士因不服从命令被降为二等兵。

    degrade The sergeant was degraded to private for the reason of disobeying order .

  4. 当时,伦敦步枪旅的19岁二等兵亨利·威廉姆森(HenryWilliamson)从前线给母亲写了一封信。

    Henry Williamson , then a 19-year-old private in the London Rifle Brigade who survived the war to become an author , sent a letter from the front to his mother .

  5. 不过2012年后,韩国歌在朝鲜越来越流行了,包括K-pop的经典曲目--安在旭的朋友,金光石的二等兵的信和为了爱等等。

    But since 2012 , South Korean songs have become increasingly popular amongst DPRK listeners , including K-pop classics such as Friend by Ahn Jae-wook , Private 's Letter by Kim Kwang Seok and For Love .

  6. 当时二等兵每天的工资是四便士。

    Fourpence was a private soldier 's daily pay at that time .

  7. 你还记得二等兵贝克和英格拉姆是怎么死的吗?

    Can you remember the deaths of private Baker and private lngram ?

  8. 干得好二等兵-我表现得好吗

    Well done , Private . Did I do good ?

  9. 二等兵戈登,你刚跌断你的双腿。

    You just broke both your legs , private gordon .

  10. 我没想到你办的到,二等兵怀恩。

    I never thought I 'd see the day , private wynn .

  11. 你想和我的门生个宝宝吗,二等兵?

    You trying to make a baby with my barracks door , private ?

  12. 那个中士因为不服从命令而被降为二等兵。

    The sergeant was degraded to private for the reason of disobeying order .

  13. 二等兵琼斯(因勇敢)被授予维多利亚十字勋章。

    Private Jones was awarded the Victoria Cross ( for his gallantry ) .

  14. 二等兵告诉他们老鹰已经着陆了

    Private ! Tell them the eagle has landed .

  15. 上校把中士降为一个二等兵。

    The Colonel reduced the sergeant to private .

  16. 二等兵多切斯特前来报到。

    Well , Private Dorchester reporting for duty .

  17. 我曾在一家胡刷厂里做过工,在美国陆军中当过二等兵。

    I had worked in a shaving-brush factory , joined the US army a private .

  18. 又在玩精神感应了,二等兵?

    Playing psychic again , private ?

  19. 你现在是二等兵了。

    You are now a private .

  20. 二等兵派康提,你有像伞兵那样把裤子扎进靴子里吗?

    Private Perconte , have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper ?

  21. 二等兵提波那里来那么多。

    How is it private tipper .

  22. 我不记得这是为什么不过我还是作为一名二等兵参加战斗。

    I don 't remember what the reason was but I still fought as a common soldier .

  23. 今年二十岁的二等兵林奇明年六月将与军士鲁宾·孔特勒拉结婚,孔特勒拉的母亲说。

    Private Lynch , 20 , will marry Army Sergeant Ruben Contreras next June , his mother said .

  24. 25岁的二等兵考顿·切在体能训练时猝死,这起事件发生几天之后,众议院启动调查。

    The probe was launched days after 25-year-old Private Corlton Chee collapsed during physical fitness training and died .

  25. 二等兵迪奇,你必须克服重重难关,如果你想留在这支特战小组的话。

    Private dickey , you will have to jump through all the hoops if you want to stay in this special squad .

  26. 近日,纽约市举行了纪念陈宇晖的活动,他儿时居住过的街道被命名为二等兵陈宇晖路。

    Chen was recently memorialized in New York City where the street of his childhood home was code-named Private Danny Chen Way .

  27. 二等兵陈宇晖是中国移民的儿子,他在纽约市长大,高中毕业后入伍。

    The son of Chinese immigrants , private Danny Chen grew up in New York city and enlisted in the army after high school .

  28. 他带着一种吃惊的不以为然的神情看着我,就像一位上校看着一名靴带没有系好的二等兵一样。

    He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval , as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone .

  29. 二等兵格林说她和她舰上的伙伴将在波斯湾上庆祝圣诞节。

    Able Seaman Green said she and her ship mates would celebrate this Christmas at sea as they conduct security patrols in the Persian Gulf .

  30. 首相大人当时走在唐宁街上。被拦下后卡梅伦还大大赞扬了这位认真负责的二等兵。而在之前他刚乘坐伦敦地铁,准备去位于斯特拉福特的奥运公园。

    The PM praised the squaddie for being on his marks as he walked to Downing Street after using the London Underground to visit the Olympic Park in Stratford .