
xīn wén chū bǎn
  • Press and Publications
  1. 针对这些问题,市新闻出版局将采取三方面的措施。

    In light of these problems , City Press and Publications Board will take three measures .

  2. 根据我国新闻出版总署2005年的统计,我国在主要文化产品贸易方面,都存在着严重的逆差。

    According to the statistics from The General Administration of Press and Publications in 2005 , China has great deficit in the trade of main cultural products .

  3. 这个国家的新闻出版事业受到严格控制。

    The country 's press is rigorously controlled .

  4. 该集团旗下公司的其他管理层人士也表示有重组计划,从而证实了中国新闻出版总署(generaladministrationofpressandpublication)网站上一份业内刊物的有关报道。

    Other officials at group companies also said there were plans for restructuring , confirming a report by an industry publication posted on the website of the General Administration of press and publication , the print media regulator .

  5. HN出版集团为新闻出版局所属企事业单位基础上组建的出版集团。

    Publishing Group established on the basis of the enterprises and institutions which was attached to Press and Publication Bureau .

  6. 中国电影集团公司、该片的另一位发行方华夏电影发行有限责任公司(HuaxiaFilmDistributionCo.)以及中国的审查机构国家新闻出版广电总局没有回应记者的置评请求。

    The company , co-distributor Huaxia Film Distribution Co. and China 's censorship office , the State Administration of Press , Publications , Radio , Film and Television , didn 't respond to requests for comment .

  7. 中国音像与数字出版协会游戏出版工作委员会近日发布声明称,国家新闻出版广电总局密切关注《精灵宝可梦Go》手机游戏以及相关技术。

    According to a statement released by the Game Publication Committee under the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association , the State Administration of Press Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) has paid close attention to the Pokemon Go mobile game and related technology .

  8. 另一方面,通过对SC期刊社的绩效考核的研究,也为绩效考核理论在科学绩效考核一片空白的新闻出版业的应用和研究奠定了基础。

    On the other hand , it lays the foundation of application and research of the theory of performance appraisal in the press and publication industry with a blank scientific performance appraisal .

  9. 在刚刚过去的周末,中国国家新闻出版广电总局勒令优酷土豆(YoukuTudou)、搜狐(Sohu.comInc.)等视频网站下线多部热播剧,其中就包括美剧《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)和《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)。

    Over the weekend Chinese authorities pulled from Youku Tudou , Inc. and other streaming websites a number of hits , including U.S. - made shows ' The Good Wife ' and ' The Big Bang Theory . '

  10. 电影《华盛顿邮报》(ThePost)真实地再现了上世纪70年代新闻出版业的一个显著特征,那就是《华盛顿邮报》的老板凯瑟琳?格雷厄姆(KatharineGraham)对其家族企业及旗舰产品全心全意的付出。

    One striking feature of the world of 1970s newspaper publishing , lovingly recreated by the film The Post , is the single-minded devotion of the Washington Post 's owner Katharine Graham to her family 's company and its flagship product .

  11. 管理该国出版业的国家新闻出版总署(GAPP)准备着手进行改革,以加强国内出版工业。

    The country 's General Administration of Pressand Publication ( GAPP ), which regulates all publishing , is to make reforms to strengthen its home-grown industry .

  12. 这些企业报刊有的在省一级新闻出版局登记,取得内部刊号,有的取得国内统一cn号,可以在全国或以某个地域为主的范围内公开征订、陈列、销售,刊登广告。

    Some of them have the provincial press and publication bureau registration , access to internal numbers , Some of them have the national unity No. cn can be public subscription , displayed , marketing , advertising in some places throughout the country .

  13. 去年,行业监管部门中国新闻出版总署(GAPP)在半个多世纪以来首次承诺,将允许民营公司制作图书,弱化国有出版公司的垄断地位。

    Last year , the General Administration of Press and Publication , the regulator , promised to dilute the state publishing houses ' monopoly by allowing private companies to produce books for the first time in more than half a century .

  14. 实现了新闻出版行政管理办公网络化、流程化,提高了工作效率。

    The administration network office for publishing and press is implemented .

  15. 政府想加强对新闻出版的管理。

    The government wants to tighten its control on the press .

  16. 新闻出版署即将举办全国期刊展览

    Press and publishing ministry will soon conduct a nationwide periodicals Exhibition

  17. 论中心城市新闻出版管理机构建设

    On Construction of Administrations of Press and Publication in Core Cities

  18. 作为中国现代史上著名的新闻出版家和政论家,邹韬奋是一个有着重大影响的历史人物。

    Zou Tao-fen is a great influence person in modern Chinese history .

  19. 非法期刊严重扰乱了我国新闻出版秩序。

    Illegal Periodicals seriously disturb the order of national press and publishing .

  20. 这些预言可能使得新闻出版业忧心忡忡。

    This kind of prediction may worry those in print news business .

  21. 延安清凉山新闻出版革命纪念馆

    Revolutionary Memorial Hall for Journalism and Publication , Qingliang Hill , Yanan

  22. 开启人文重庆的书香之门&访第十七届全国书市组委会秘书长、重庆市新闻出版局局长汪俊

    Chongqing and I opening the scholarly door of cultural Chongqing

  23. 全球化与中国新闻出版业的发展

    Globalization and the Development of Chinese Press and Publishing Industry

  24. 晚清新闻出版政策的演变

    Evolution of the Policy on News and Publication during Late Qing Dynasty

  25. 新闻出版行业是包括出版行业、印刷行业、发行行业的一个综合性行业。

    Press and Publication includes Publication , Press and Publish .

  26. 我国新闻出版业的产权制度改革模式研究

    On Property System Reform Mode in Chinese Publishing Industry

  27. 外部效应:新闻出版规制的理论依据

    External Effect : Theoretical Base of the Regulation of Press and Publication Industry

  28. 新闻出版业规制及规制变革思路

    The Regulation of Press Publishing and its Changing Ideology

  29. 新闻出版工作是一种特殊的文化职业。

    News publishing is a special culture profession .

  30. 市场化取向的改革推动新闻出版业规制的变革。

    The reform of marketability pushes the change of the regulation of press publishing .