
He was , in a sense , given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa .
He is a Nobel Prize-winner ; but he is also an exile and an Afrikaner , whose work presents a bleak portrait of the new South Africa .
New South Africa 's Ten Years : Plural and Integral Nation-building
Land Reform in New South Africa : A Ten Years ' Road
Christianity and Peace , Stability in South Africa
On10 may , 1994 , Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as president of the New South africa .
We call on our white compatriots to join us in the shaping of a new South Africa .
The novel depicts a series of disgraceful events between the white and the black in post-apartheid South Africa .
No-weapon sign in front of Mandela 's old house seems the metaphor for Mandela 's policy of reconciliation in South Africa .
After the foundation of the new South Africa , the government has faced different educational problems which are left by the apartheid period .
In order to survive in the apartheid-free South Africa , the ex-colonizers need to throw off their superior ideology and adapt to the new situations .
Foreign companies were blamed for their failure to invest in the New South africa . they , in turn , blamed the six companies that dominate the domestic economy and prevent real competition .
At the opening of what became known as the Rivonia trial , Mr. Mandela delivered another long speech that ended with his vision for a new South Africa , and what he was willing to sacrifice for it .
Likewise , in new South Africa , the once-dominant white have to learn to live with the black through hybridity . For the whole world , only through hybridity and compromise can different countries and different cultures coexist peacefully and harmoniously .
Basing its analysis on the intensified racial problem in the post-apartheid South Africa , the present paper exposes the existential plight faced by the people of modern times , and reveals the author 's sympathy for the human misery and his humanitarian concern for mankind .
A new South African party , the Congress of the People , picked a Methodist bishop , Mvume Dandala , as its presidential candidate .
It has helped train a new generation of African space scientists and engineers .
New Zealand is at best a second or third choice among South Asians seeking a new home , he said .
The New Exploration of Building Self-Development Dynamic System in Africa & a review of South Africa 's national strategy of indigenous knowledge
The BRICs nations Brazil , Russia , India , China and now South Africa have little in common beyond size and growth .
This modest shift over the past month deserves to be recognised by the summit of leaders of the BRICs countries Brazil , Russia , India , China , and now South Africa meetinginchinathisweek .
However , in the new century , South Africa 's export is challenged by international green barrier . How to adapt to the trend of environmental protection and to maintain sustainable increase of foreign trade are two major problems to South Africa 's export .
She was the winner of the2008 MTN New Contemporaries Award , South Africa .
A dwindling supply of wild medicinal plants is threatening South Africa 's traditional medicine industry , according to new research .
Gao says the new vaccine can produce neutralizing antibodies for mutant COVID-19 strains found in South Africa , Britain and Brazil .
The new plant is aimed at making up a recent shortfall of domestic building products , such as cement , much of it caused by the huge infrastructure programme from construction for the football World Cup .