
  1. 从某种意义上来说,他已经全权负责建立新南非的协商工作。

    He was , in a sense , given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa .

  2. 他是一位诺贝尔奖得主,但也是一个流亡者和一个阿非利卡人(Afrikaner),他的作品描绘了新南非的黯淡景象。

    He is a Nobel Prize-winner ; but he is also an exile and an Afrikaner , whose work presents a bleak portrait of the new South Africa .

  3. 新南非十年:多元一体国家的建设

    New South Africa 's Ten Years : Plural and Integral Nation-building

  4. 新南非十年土改路

    Land Reform in New South Africa : A Ten Years ' Road

  5. 基督教与新南非的和平与稳定

    Christianity and Peace , Stability in South Africa

  6. 1994年5月10号,纳尔逊曼德拉正式就任新南非总统。

    On10 may , 1994 , Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as president of the New South africa .

  7. 我们呼吁白人同胞与我们一起建立新南非。

    We call on our white compatriots to join us in the shaping of a new South Africa .

  8. 小说描绘了在种族隔离结束的新南非发生在白人和黑人之间的一系列可耻的事情。

    The novel depicts a series of disgraceful events between the white and the black in post-apartheid South Africa .

  9. 曼德拉旧居入口处禁止武器的标志,也可以成为对曼德拉以宽广的胸怀在新南非实行民族和解政策的一种解读。

    No-weapon sign in front of Mandela 's old house seems the metaphor for Mandela 's policy of reconciliation in South Africa .

  10. 新南非建立后,针对种族隔离时期所遗留下来的各种教育问题,对教育进行了积极的改革。

    After the foundation of the new South Africa , the government has faced different educational problems which are left by the apartheid period .

  11. 从前的殖民者要想在没有种族隔离制度的新南非生存下去就需要放弃他们优越的白人意识形态,调整自己适应新环境。

    In order to survive in the apartheid-free South Africa , the ex-colonizers need to throw off their superior ideology and adapt to the new situations .

  12. 人们指责外国公司不在新南非投资,而外国公司则指责南非的六大公司控制了国内经济、阻止真正的竞争。

    Foreign companies were blamed for their failure to invest in the New South africa . they , in turn , blamed the six companies that dominate the domestic economy and prevent real competition .

  13. 在著名的利沃尼亚大审判开始时,曼德拉发表了另一个长篇演讲,并以他对一个新南非的愿景作为结尾。他表示愿意为建立一个新南非而牺牲自己的生命。

    At the opening of what became known as the Rivonia trial , Mr. Mandela delivered another long speech that ended with his vision for a new South Africa , and what he was willing to sacrifice for it .

  14. 同样,在新南非,曾经的殖民者也应该通过杂糅学会与黑人和平相处。放之世界舞台,不同国家与不同文化应通过杂糅才能和谐相处。

    Likewise , in new South Africa , the once-dominant white have to learn to live with the black through hybridity . For the whole world , only through hybridity and compromise can different countries and different cultures coexist peacefully and harmoniously .

  15. 本文以小说揭示新南非新旧交替时代种族问题为出发点,深层剖析作品所反映的人类共同的生存境遇,展示作家对人类苦难的深切同情和其人道主义的终极关怀。

    Basing its analysis on the intensified racial problem in the post-apartheid South Africa , the present paper exposes the existential plight faced by the people of modern times , and reveals the author 's sympathy for the human misery and his humanitarian concern for mankind .

  16. 一个新的南非政党,人民大会,选择了一位卫理公会主教MvumeDandala作为其总统候选人。

    A new South African party , the Congress of the People , picked a Methodist bishop , Mvume Dandala , as its presidential candidate .

  17. 这个卫星的项目就是在该大学开始的。正如他所说,它已经帮助培训了新一代南非空间科学家和工程师。

    It has helped train a new generation of African space scientists and engineers .

  18. 他说,在寻找新家的南非人之中,纽西兰顶多只是第二或第三选择。

    New Zealand is at best a second or third choice among South Asians seeking a new home , he said .

  19. 非洲建构自主发展动力体系的新探索&南非本土知识国家战略述评

    The New Exploration of Building Self-Development Dynamic System in Africa & a review of South Africa 's national strategy of indigenous knowledge

  20. 金砖国家巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国,加上新加入的南非除了规模和增长之外,几乎没有什么共同之处。

    The BRICs nations Brazil , Russia , India , China and now South Africa have little in common beyond size and growth .

  21. 上周在中国会晤的金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国以及新加入的南非)领导人理应认识到最近一个月来的这种细微变化。

    This modest shift over the past month deserves to be recognised by the summit of leaders of the BRICs countries Brazil , Russia , India , China , and now South Africa meetinginchinathisweek .

  22. 但在新世纪,南非的出口贸易遇到了国际绿色壁垒的挑战,如何适应国际环保大趋势、保持外贸持续增长,是南非外贸面临的主要问题。

    However , in the new century , South Africa 's export is challenged by international green barrier . How to adapt to the trend of environmental protection and to maintain sustainable increase of foreign trade are two major problems to South Africa 's export .

  23. 她是2008年新梅新当代奖,南非冠军。

    She was the winner of the2008 MTN New Contemporaries Award , South Africa .

  24. 据一项最新调查显示,南非野生植物减产威胁到了南非传统制药业。

    A dwindling supply of wild medicinal plants is threatening South Africa 's traditional medicine industry , according to new research .

  25. 高福表示,新疫苗可以对南非、英国和巴西发现的新冠病毒变异毒株产生中和抗体。

    Gao says the new vaccine can produce neutralizing antibodies for mutant COVID-19 strains found in South Africa , Britain and Brazil .

  26. 新工厂旨在生产南非国内最近短缺的水泥等建材,短缺在很大程度上是由世界杯足球赛的庞大基建工程引起的。

    The new plant is aimed at making up a recent shortfall of domestic building products , such as cement , much of it caused by the huge infrastructure programme from construction for the football World Cup .