
  • 网络Singapore Parliament;Parliament of Singapore;parliament
  1. 白振华先生,1947年生于新加坡,1988年至2001年任新加坡国会议员,曾任新加坡政府国会教育委员会副主席和新闻与艺术委员会副主席。

    Peh Chin-hua , born in Singapore in 1947 , served as the-Member of Parliament of Singapore from 1988 to 2001 and vice president of Education Commission and News and Art Committee managed by Singapore government .

  2. 公众对废除这一公开的歧视行为的请愿在新加坡国会引起了一场没有结论的辩论。

    A call for repeal of the openly discriminatory act saw a debate in the parliament but left the issue unresolved .

  3. 一位新加坡国会议员还提到“香港狭窄的公寓”,作为反对这个想法的理由。

    One Singapore member of Parliament , incidentally , referred to " the cramped apartments of Hong Kong " as a reason for opposing the idea .