
  • 网络New Product;new goods;new commodity
  1. 这个东西很可能就是“艾伦侦查器”,滑铁卢艾伦实验室研制出的一款新商品,它事实上是一台会飞的照相机(camera)。

    It might just be the Aeryon Scout , a new product from Aeryon Labs of Waterloo that is actually a flying camera .

  2. POP广告作为陈列于商业场所的售卖点促销广告,现已成为商家,特别是大型超市用来展示或推出新商品的直销式广告形式。

    POP advertising displays in commercial establishments as a point of sale promotions , has become a business , especially for large supermarkets to display or new product direct-style advertising .

  3. 他在Basel的展览亭中接受采访说:它要传达的信息是希望、生命强于死亡、重生。此次参展的单位多达2100多家,争相展示最新商品,其中奢侈品参展商大大增加。

    " It is a message of hope , of life stronger than death , of rebirth ," he said in an interview in exposition booth in Basel , where more than 2,100 exhibitors are flaunting their latest wares amid a boom for the luxury goods sector .

  4. 新商品在30天推广期内店内不得进行降价促销。

    No markdown should be taken in the period of30 's promotion .

  5. 我们将非常乐意收到你方寄来的最新商品目录。

    We shall be glad to receive your latest catalogue .

  6. 一些新商品将在商店橱窗中展出。

    Some of the new ~ will be displayed in the shop window .

  7. 文章通过运用新商品价值论,给出些许启示。

    The article gives some tips based on new theory of commodity value .

  8. 他们将向市场供应新商品。

    They will supply the market with new commodities .

  9. 我们写信求寄新商品目录。

    We sent off for the new catalogue .

  10. 但普通家庭购买的物品组合会随着新商品的问世而变化;

    But what the average household buys changes with the arrival of new goods ;

  11. 何不帮我宣传一下最新商品呢?

    why not show off my latest wares ?

  12. 贵公司会依循关键路径来发展与导入新商品吗?

    Do you adhere to a critical path in developing and introducing your new products ?

  13. 新商品开发中的VE和创造性

    VE and Creativity in Product Development

  14. 本店刚到一批新商品,欢迎选购。

    A Batch of new goods has just arrived , you are welcome to pick and Buy .

  15. 新商品「活丽33草本锭」甫上市,即受到会员朋友的爱用与支持。

    New product'For You33 ' , launched recently , was loved and supported by members a lot .

  16. 遵照贵方4月22日来信要求,现寄上我方最新商品目录及价目表。

    In reply to your letter of april22nd , we are sending you our latest catalogue and the price list .

  17. 这是这两项90年代发展起来的最新商品化技术在计算机领域中的首次应用。

    For the first time these two latest commercial technologies developed in 90 's are applied to computer video processing .

  18. 工人使用生产手段生产新商品,而这些商品就成为资本家的财产。

    By using the means of production , the worker produces new goods which become the property of the capitalist .

  19. 另外在系统管理中实现功能主要有商品信息的更新、添加新商品、订单处理等功能。

    The main function of the system administration are updating the information of products , adding new products and processing the orders .

  20. 我也喜欢跳蚤市场,除了二手商品,偶尔也会找到从未使用过的新商品。

    I also like flea markets . You 've got the second-hand goods and you can also find some brand new stuff .

  21. 我们做过市场研究之后,决定一次针对女性消费者推出三种新商品。

    After we did the market research , we decided to launch three new products for female consumers , all in one go .

  22. 优秀服务、重合同、守信用、重视发展新商品、保证产品质量

    Offer excellent services , oBserve contracts , keep promises , attach importance to development of new commodities and guarantee the quality of products

  23. 在通过贝宝支付账单前,有人可能购买价值10美元的新商品,或者网上游戏中的物品。

    Someone might buy $ 10 worth of news articles , or goods in an online game , before getting billed by PayPal .

  24. 其中商品管理子系统包括商品浏览,商品分类检索,最新商品推荐,商品信息自动维护。

    Among commodities , including commodity management sub-system view , the classification of goods to retrieve the latest recommendation of goods , information goods , auto maintenance .

  25. 该公司的构想是,让消费者产生一种对生活方式产品和新商品的认知,诸如行李箱、更多的女士系列产品以及男士晚礼服等。

    The idea is to create consumer awareness of lifestyle items and new categories such as luggage , an expanded ladies ' range and evening suits for men .

  26. 新商品零售商通常选择挨家挨户上门推销,因为这种方法能够充分展示商品的特征,使之能与潜在的顾客进行直接与对的磋商。

    Retailers of new products often choose door-to-door selling because this approach can fully demonstrate the features of the products and enable direct and one-to-one consultation to prospective buyers .

  27. 研究和思想的交流加快了创新、发明和新商品、新产品的创造。这一切以一种人类历史上前所未见的速度增长。

    Exchange of research and ideas has accelerated innovation , inventions , and creation of new goods and products , at a rate never before known in human history .

  28. 对久茂公司享有所有权的商品加工和进一步处理需以久茂公司名义进行,久茂公司将无偿拥有产生的新商品的所有权。

    The further processing of the products owned by JUMO must be undertaken on behalf of JUMO company , and JUMO will possess the new products'ownership free of charges .

  29. 而且管理员可以对商品的信息进行维护与管理,包括对现有商品信息的修改、新商品信息的加入、过时商品信息的删除等;

    The administrator of this system can maintain and manage all products information , including updating the information , adding new products to system and deleting unfashionable products from system .

  30. 的经销商之一,是刚刚引进新商品,并丢在门口了,而她打动了她的车和下来到标记和显示业务。

    One of the dealers was just bringing in new merchandise and had dropped it off at the door while she moved her truck and got down to the business of tagging and displaying .