
  1. 树立媒介公信力,必须遏制新闻炒作。

    To establish the public trust in media , news propagation must be banned .

  2. 论新闻炒作现象

    Discussion of News Sensationalization Phenomena

  3. 由于新闻炒作在实践中被不断的异化,因此对它要理性看待。

    Because of the dissimilation of " news sensationalization " in practice , we need to treat it reasoningly .

  4. 我认为那次飞车事件只是一次无聊的媒体新闻炒作。

    I think that incident in the car on the estate was one of those nonsensical things built up by the press .

  5. 本文结合新闻炒作的案例分析新闻炒作的背景、意义、失范现象及其成因,提出遏制失范新闻炒作的应对之策。

    The paper analyzes the background , meaning , abnormity and reasons combine with the cases of news sensationalization , and present the solution to limit the news sensationalization .

  6. 美国之所以对以色列的报道会是正面的,不是因为犹太人的新闻炒作,或者犹太籍人士的鼓吹,象你刚才谈得到的,而是事实如此。

    The fact that Israel is portrayed in a positive light , not because of the Jewish press , or Jewish-run press , as you are suggesting , but because that 's the factual scene .

  7. 国家网信办表示,除了存在违法违规信息,“百度还存在部分搜索结果有失客观公正、百度新闻炒作渲染暴力恐怖等有害信息问题。”

    In addition to several breaches , the regulator said : " Some search results on Baidu are not impartial or objective , and its news channel has spread harmful information involving violence and terrorism . "

  8. 通过研究富士康跳楼事件中的媒体报道,笔者发现在富士康跳楼事件报道中,媒体存在缺乏人文关怀、新闻炒作,追求耸动、妄加推测,归因不明等对社会不负责任的不良现象。

    Through the study of media coverage for jump from a building of Foxconn , I found there is a lack of human concern , news speculation and pursuit of provocative , improper speculation , attributed to unidentified and other adverse social irresponsible behavior .

  9. 娱乐新闻的过度炒作、虚假新闻、低俗化等现象,已经引起了全国自上而下的广泛关注和指责。

    Excessive propagation of the amusement news , false news , have already caused the extensive concern and criticism from top to bottom of the whole country .

  10. 因此,将会发生一些戏剧性的事件&你们新闻媒介会大肆炒作。

    So you are going to see a bit of what your news media loves to play up : drama .