
  • 网络Strategy Manager;strategic manager
  1. 温水中的青蛙:从市场政治家到战略管理者

    Frogs in warm wate : From market politician to strategic administrator

  2. 另一方面,如果不对其进行系统的整合,这些过于复杂多样化的理论和方法又会给企业战略管理实施者增添无形的障碍,使他们在纷繁的战略管理理论的丛林中无所适从,望而却步。

    On the other hand , the rather complicated theories and methods frustrate the implementer of Corporate Strategy Management , which makes them perplexed and confused in the jungle of all the Strategy Management theories .

  3. 如何能有效落实、执行企业战略是许多管理者面临的一个严峻问题。

    How can a company executing strategy effectively have became a big problem .

  4. 大学办学理念、发展战略及其对管理者素质的要求&加拿大多伦多大学办学理念及其启示

    The Idea of Running University , Development Stratagem and Requirement for Supervisor 's Diathesis & The Idea of Running University of Toronto and Its Enlightenment

  5. 每个国有企业的具体情况千差万别,本文主要提出四个国有企业产的多元化的实现途径:国有企业法人交叉持股、员工持股制度、引入战略投资者和管理者收购。

    The specific circumstances of each vary state-owned enterprises , the paper proposes four major state-owned enterprises ways to realize the diversification of production : corporate cross-holdings of state-owned enterprises , employee stock ownership system , the introduction of strategic investors and management buyouts .

  6. 战略期权思想为管理者解决当前的不确定性问题开辟了新的渠道。

    The thought of strategic options pioneers a new channel to settle current uncertainty for managers .

  7. 伟大的推销员天生深谙此道,但那些战略执行不利的管理者需要好好补上一课。

    Great salesmen are born knowing this . Executives whose strategies are not delivering need to learn it .

  8. 在坚持核心战略的同时,管理者应根据可能出现的不同情况,作出相应的战略选择。

    At the same time as committing to a core strategy , managers should create strategic options based on different possible scenarios .

  9. 从企业的角度,如何评价战略的优劣,这是战略管理研究者的主要任务之一。

    One of the major missions of the strategic management researchers is to evaluate the strategies from the enterprise location .

  10. 同时对影响财务战略制定和选择的财务战略环境和战略管理者两大关键因素进行了初步探讨。

    And meanwhile preliminarily discusses the two key factors of financial strategic environment and strategic managers that influence the establishing and choosing of financial strategies .

  11. 无论战略变革本质是什么,但企业战略首先是作为管理者,特别是高层管理者头脑中的思维而存在的。

    No matter what is the essence of strategic change , but corporation strategy comes into being in the form of mentality in the managers ' mind , especially the top managers .

  12. 在企业管理中,战略管理和人力资源管理是两大核心内容,而人力资源战略管理是二者相互融合的产物。

    In business management , strategic management and human resource management are the two core content , while the strategic management of human resources is the product of merging the two .

  13. 战略风险是企业生产经营中遇到的主要风险类型,全面影响到企业可持续发展和生存危机,如何识别、评估和控制战略风险的发生和发展,成为企业战略管理者关注的核心问题。

    The strategic risk is the main risk type in enterprise produces which affects comprehensively the enterprise sustainable development and the survival crisis . How to distinguish , appraise and control strategic risk is the core question to which the enterprise strategy director pays attention .