
zhàn dì jì zhě
  • war correspondent
  1. 1952年,她的小说《瑰宝》(AMany-SplendoredThing)出版,这本小说是以她与英国战地记者莫里森(IanMorrison)在香港生活时期的爱情故事为底本写出的。

    Her 1952 novel , ' A Many-Splendored Thing , ' was based on her romantic relationship with British war correspondent Ian Morrison while the two were living in Hong Kong .

  2. 在成为作家之前,他曾当过21年的战地记者。

    He worked as a war correspondent for twenty-one years .

  3. 对于战地记者来说,躲避狙击手的子弹是家常便饭。

    For war reporters , dodging snipers ' bullets is all in a day 's work

  4. JaninedIGiovanni和BrunoGirodon都是战地记者,1993年他们在萨拉热窝相识相恋,此时这座城市刚刚陷入长达近四年的围攻之中。

    Janine dI Giovanni and Bruno Girodon were war reporters who met and fell in love in Sarajevo in1993 , just as the city was settling into the siege that would last nearly four years .

  5. 我曾是美国空军战地记者。

    I was a combat photographer for the United States Air corps .

  6. 士兵,运动员…战地记者,明白

    Soldiers , athletes ... War reporters . Got it .

  7. 斯蒂芬克兰是另一位赢得战地记者声誉的伟大作家。

    Stephen Crane was another great writer to gain fame as a war correspondent .

  8. 在后来的第二次世界大战中,贝尔登成为了最为人们熟知的美国战地记者之一。

    Later in World War II , he became one of the best-known of U.

  9. 丘吉尔在南非担任战地记者期间,首次受到大家的关注。

    Churchill first came to public attention while working as a war correspondent in South Africa .

  10. 作为中央电视台在伊拉克的战地记者,水均益曾置身于种种危险之中。

    As cctv 's war reporter in iraq , Shui Junyi was exposed to many dangers .

  11. 在西班牙战争和第二次世界大战期间,他充当战地记者。

    During the Spanish War and World War II , he served as a war correspondent .

  12. 以色列战地记者说他们最担心的是哈马斯的陷阱。

    The Israeli military correspondent who accompanied the soldiers said they were concerned about Hamas booby-traps .

  13. 格罗斯曼曾经是一名忠诚党的人,以及一名广受赞誉的战地记者,他幸免入狱。

    Grossman , once a loyal party man and an acclaimed war correspondent , was spared jail .

  14. 我记得一周之前美国战地记者曾经告诉我:原子弹爆炸了。

    It was weeks later that some American journalists told me that it had been an atom bomb .

  15. 在那里,他有机会作为一名战地记者随着简易装甲列车进行跟踪采访。

    While there , he was offered a chance to accompany an expedition on an improvised armored train .

  16. 有些优秀的战地记者为了让人们知道真实的情况而牺牲了生命。

    Some of the admirable wartime journalists lost their lives in order to inform people of the true situation .

  17. 1966年初,斯坦贝克作为纽约报纸《新闻日报》的战地记者前往南越。

    Early in1966 , Steinbeck journeyed to South Vietnam as a war correspondent FOR the New York newspaper , Newsday .

  18. 不过,西蒙诺夫也是一名勇敢的战地记者,待人友善,处事大度,而且最终良心发现,为自己的所作所为深深忏悔。

    Yet Simonov was also a brave war reporter , a generous friend and , eventually , conscience-stricken and remorseful .

  19. 因而本文在一定意义上可以作为外国新闻史,以及外国战地记者研究的一个补充。

    So in a sense , it can be used as a foreign history , and foreign journalists a complementary study .

  20. 二战期间任战地记者,这次机会为他后来的写作提供了大量素材。

    During World War II he was a war correspondent , as opportunity that provided the material for much of his later writing .

  21. 这个他与希姆莱对抗的场景曾被一个德国战地记者拍了下来,该照片也成为了二战中最具有代表性的照片之一。

    The confrontation was captured on camera by a German war correspondent and the photo is one of the most iconic of the war .

  22. 当时的战地记者这样描述:从天而降的盟军伞兵,就像胡椒粉一样被撒向天空、风而逝。

    The descending paratroopers of the Allies , as described by war correspondents , were like pepper powder spread in the air and gone with the wind .

  23. 贝茨曾梦想成为一名战地记者,但巴黎这座城市有她最爱的时尚与文化,这个念头从没超出过这个城市。

    Although she 'd envisioned becoming a war correspondent , she never made it past the city that was home to the fashion and culture she most admired .

  24. 战地记者们从2003年开始在那儿用餐;此外还有美国士兵,以及对抗美国士兵的叛军,两者甚至有可能同时在那儿吃饭。

    Starting in 2003 , journalists covering the war ate there , and so did U.S. soldiers and the insurgents who fought them , perhaps even at the same time .

  25. 当战地记者偶然遇见了一位秘密特工时,他发现了一件超乎自然的事情:这位特工自称是一个利用精神力量执行杀人任务的组织的成员。

    A reporter ( McGregor ) finds an incredible story when hestumbles upon a special ops agent ( Clooney ) who claims to be partof a unit that uses psychic powers in missions .

  26. 科尔文是一位勇敢的战地记者,她明确指出了国际政治中一个反复出现的两难抉择:国际社会到底有没有义务进行干预,以避免大规模平民伤亡?

    Colvin , a gallant war reporter , put her finger on a recurring dilemma in international politics . Does the outside world have a duty to intervene to prevent the mass killing of civilians ?

  27. 1971年,他在越南战争期间,作为战地记者前往西贡。1975年美军从越南撤离时,他乘坐最后一架直升机离开被围困的西贡。

    His time as a war correspondent began in 1971 , when he was sent to Saigon at the height of the Vietnam War , and was on one of the last helicopters to leave the besieged city as the U.S. withdrew in 1975 .

  28. 20世纪70年代后期,詹姆斯.芬顿还只是牛津大学在读大学生时,就开始了他的新闻事业:书评撰稿人、战地记者、驻外通讯记者、戏剧批评家,而现在他是著名的美国政治时事评论员。

    In the late 1970s , while an undergraduate at Oxford University , he began his career in journalism : as a book reviewer , then as a war reporter , a foreign correspondent , a theatre critic and now as a popular commentator on American politics .

  29. 战地摄影记者-当然

    The war photographer . - Yes , of course .

  30. 作为一个战地新闻记者,她经历过许多危险。

    As a news reporter in the war , she was exposed to many dangers .