
zhàn bèi
  • combat readiness;war preparedness;armament
战备 [zhàn bèi]
  • [war preparedness] 战争准备

  • 加强战备,巩固国防

战备[zhàn bèi]
  1. 加强医院战备质量建设,提高战时卫勤保障能力,是军队医院的主要任务之一。

    Enforcing quality construction of war preparedness , improving ability of medical support at wartime are ones of the missions of military hospital .

  2. 结合我军医院的实际,提出了我军医院卫生战备建设应做好以下几方面的工作:加强卫生战备训练与演练工作,特别要注意练为战,防止练为看;

    The author put forward viewpoints on construction of medical war preparedness in military hospitals in practice as followed : strengthening training and drilling for medical war preparedness , especially for war not for watching ;

  3. 部队已进入战备状态。

    The troops have entered into combat readiness .

  4. 机内测试(Built-inTest,BIT)技术是实现上述要求的有效途径之一,它在保证装备战备完好性、提高维修效率方面起着重要的作用。

    Built-in test ( BIT ) is one of efficient technologies to achieve these requirements .

  5. 美国海军在中国领海附近一般都是执行“日常工作惯例”而不在进入B级战备。

    China 's territorial waters in the vicinity of the United States Navy are generally implementation of the " day-to-day working practices ," rather than into the B-grade combat readiness .

  6. 关于加强航空材料应用研究和促进成果产业化的几点体会信息安全敏感物品供应链中RFID的应用&航空制造业与军用战备集装器材

    Some Comments on Applied Research and Development of Aeronautical Materials RFID on Security of Sensitive Information Products Logistics & Aviation Manufacturing and Military Equipment

  7. 结果:配备RFID系统的战备药箱,可以实现不开箱自动分类统计和管理箱内的医疗物资,实现了医疗物资状态的实时监控和医疗物资使用期限的自动提示。

    Results The combat readiness medicine-chest equipped with RFID system can automatically classify to count and manage medical supplies in medicine-chest without opening the chest .

  8. 以3DGIS系统的图形显示、强大的空间查询和空间分析功能为基础,解决交通战备及其附属设施基于空间地理位置的可视化信息管理。

    Solve the traffic establishment and it 's affiliated facility founded on the regular of space geography , based on the figure display , strong spatial query and spatial analyses of 3D GIS .

  9. 根据武器系统RMS参数指标,建立以系统战备完好性为目标和维修保障费用为约束的RMS综合仿真模型。

    According to the parameter index of R M S , the synthetical simulation models of R M S which taken system combat readiness integrity and restricted by maintenance safeguard fee are established .

  10. 方法:在战备药箱中采用RFID技术和串联空分多匝天线技术结合的RFID系统,使战备药箱具有智能化。

    Methods RFID technology and series antenna coils separated in space were used in combat readiness medicine-chest , thus enabling the medicine-chest to have the virtue of intelligence .

  11. 根据北约(Nato)高级军事官员的说法,俄罗斯政府在俄乌边境部署了2万处于战备状态的驻军,大大高于上周部署的逾1.5万人&这一数字是美国官员透露的。

    Moscow has around 20,000 troops deployed in battle-ready formations on the border , according to senior Nato military officers – significantly more than the 15,000 US officials said were deployed there last week .

  12. 功能增值后的IETM可进一步增强舰船级维修能力,保障舰船战备完好性。

    After the increasing of the function , the IETM can strengthen the ability of warship class maintenances further and ensure the combat effectiveness of the naval vessel .

  13. 漳州战备大桥斜拉索采用OVM200型平行钢绞线拉索体系。

    Stay cables of Zhangzhou War Preparation Bridge use cable system of OVM200 parallel steel wire rope .

  14. 分析表明,该扫雷装备在无限保障能力的条件下,其4h连续作业后,战备完好率为99.12%,平均可用度和瞬时可用度分别为95.8%和93.86%。

    The analysis indicates that the combat readiness ratio of the mine clearing vehicle is 99.12 % , and its expectation of availability and instantaneous availability is 95.8 % and 93.86 % respectively after working continuously for four hours , which has better supportability than that of others .

  15. 漳州战备大桥主塔鞍座处节段模型试验研究

    Section Model Test Research in Saddles of Zhangzhou War Preparation Bridge

  16. 通用战备物资委托企业代储问题研究

    Research on Mechanism for War Reserve Materiel Storage Entrusted by Enterprise

  17. 非战争军事行动的战备物资储备策略(侵略中国的)八国联军

    Materials Reserve Strategic of Non-war Military Operations in the Combat Readiness

  18. 论保障性设计与装备战备完好性的提高

    Discussion on Supportability Design and Improvement of Operational Readiness of Materiel

  19. 604米战备桥控爆设计思想

    The Design of Demolishing a Bridge for War by Controlled Blasting

  20. 军队已处于战备状态。

    The army is in a state of preparedness for war .

  21. 新时期军队医院卫生战备工作的思考

    Study on Health and Combat Readiness in Military Hospitals in New Era

  22. 装备战备完好性的模型预测研究

    Study on Predictive Model for Sufficient Readiness of Combat Equipment

  23. 基于模糊综合评判的雷达兵战备评估

    Evaluating Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment for Combat Readiness of Radar Troops

  24. 军队战备物资储备结构优化模型研究

    Research on Optimized Model of the Military Repertory of Combat Readiness Structure

  25. 我们决心加强战备。

    We are determined to strengthen our preparedness against war .

  26. 陆军已进入高度战备状态。

    The army is in a high state of readiness .

  27. 战备烧伤异体皮的获取及皮库建设的探讨

    Exploration of the Construction of Allogeneic Skin Bank for Preparedness against War

  28. 我们听到了一片战备声&那激昂的战鼓

    We hear the sound of preparation-the music of boisterous drums

  29. 部队是按战备状态部署的。

    The army had been placed on a war footing .

  30. 这会削弱部队的战备能力,奥巴马说。

    It undermines the readiness of our forces , Mr. Obama said .