
  • 网络Strike Fighter;An attack fighter
  1. 日本和美国的其他盟国也许不得不转向比较小,比较慢也比较便宜的F-35联合攻击战斗机(JointStrikeFighter)。F-35拥有为猛禽战斗机开发的一些技术。

    The Japanese and other allies may have to look at the smaller , slower and cheaper F-35 Joint Strike Fighter , which has some of the advanced technology developed for the Raptor .

  2. 联合技术公司在今年曾遭遇过多次打击,包括庞巴迪C系列的齿轮传动式涡轮风扇发动机原型起火,还有F-35联合攻击战斗机的引擎爆炸。

    United Technologies has suffered a few setbacks this year , including a fire in the prototype for the geared turbofan on the Bombardier C-Series and an engine blowout on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter .

  3. 美国先进联合攻击战斗机(JSF)项目在充分提高飞机性能的基础上,利用先进制造技术,最大限度地节约了成本。

    The project of American JSF saves the cost in the maximum limit by using the advanced manufacturing technology on the basis of improving the performance of aircraft .

  4. 武器被一架西安JH-7A攻击战斗机携带-平台与如此尖端的AAM一起第一次被看到。

    The weapons are carried by a Xian JH-7A strike aircraft-the first time that platform has been seen with such sophisticated AAMs .

  5. 洛克希德·马丁公司正在研制的低成本、新一代、多用途联合攻击战斗机F-35飞机的推进系统由F135发动机/F136发动机和轴驱动的升力风扇等部件构成。

    The propulsion system of Lockheed Martin low-cost multi-role next-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter consist of the F135 / F136 engines and common propulsion system components .

  6. 在F35联合攻击战斗机上,霍尼韦尔的这一系统帮助机身减轻1000磅,缩短11英寸。

    In the F35 Joint Strike Fighter , Honeywell 's system carved 1000 pounds off the weight and 11 inches off the length of the plane .

  7. 军售禁令还使得日本承包商无法参与日益普遍的先进武器系统跨境合作开发项目,比如美国与其它8个国家合作开发的f-35联合攻击战斗机。

    The curbs also prevented Japanese contractors from taking part in the cross-border projects that are increasingly common for advanced weapons systems such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter , which was developed by the US in partnership with eight other nations .

  8. 这两家公司涉足的项目最敏感,造价也最高昂,其中包括研发F-35联合攻击战斗机。F-35可执成多种任务,如躲开侦查,飞行员可瞄准数英里外、肉眼看不见的地面目标。

    The two are involved in the most sensitive and costly projects , including developing the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter , which can perform tasks such as evading detection and allowing pilots to home in on ground targets miles away and invisible to the human eye .

  9. 联合攻击战斗机推进系统的研制和发展

    The Development of Joint Strike Fighter Propulsion System

  10. 轻型地面攻击战斗机

    Light ground attack fighter

  11. 前线海军和海事的攻击战斗机,更多是降下来维修而不是飞翔在天空。

    Frontline Navy and Marine strike fighter aircraft are more likely to be down for maintenance than to be in the sky .

  12. 我知道3型飞机,可悬停在这两个领域我工作和生活,那些被派驻鱼鹰和联合攻击战斗机。

    I know of3 aircraft that can hover and two of those are stationed in the area I work and live , those being the Osprey and Joint Strike Fighter .

  13. 美国则要求自己生产出具有攻击性的战斗机并可以在全球使用。

    The US requires that their own fighters can be used globally and are equipped with offensive functions .

  14. 类型:第四代单引擎,单座,担当拦截、优和对地攻击的多任务战斗机。

    TYPE : Fourth-generation single-engine , single-seater multirole fighter capable for interception , air superiority , and ground attack missions .