
  • 网络Attack Helicopter
  1. 司法部提到的另一封来自普拉特惠特尼公司高管的邮件说,Z-10作为一架军用攻击直升机进行了首次飞行。

    The first flight of the Z-10 was as a military attack helicopter , according to another email from a Pratt executive that was cited by the Justice Department .

  2. 几种专为攻击直升机准备的新型地面目标。

    Several new ground units for attack helicopter missions .

  3. 因为EADS可以轻易地对该工厂进行扩展或改装,使它可以支持EADS日益增长的防卫业务,比如用来生产欧洲直升机公司(Eurocopter)的攻击直升机,或是先进的喷气式战斗机和支援飞机等。

    Eads could easily expand or convert the future plant to support its growing defense businesses , like its popular Eurocopter attack helicopters or its cutting-edge jet fighters and support aircraft .

  4. 而且我们的北方领域也需要这样的攻击直升机,我受不了“眼镜蛇”,它们就像我们的F16一样都太老旧了。

    Also we need these attack helicopters for the terrian up north I cant stand the Cobras they are pre-historic just like our F16s .

  5. 不过如果他们要攻击直升机的话。

    But if they 're going to attack the helicopter .

  6. 研究了在攻击直升机上旋翼挥舞效应对增稳系统性能和设计的影响。

    Rotor flapping dynamics affects the stability of combat helicopters .

  7. 英国预期将派遣最大的战船搭载阿帕奇攻击直升机前往。

    Britain is expected to send Apache helicopters based on the country 's largest warship .

  8. 攻击直升机作战效能评估

    Evaluation of Operational Effectiveness for Attack Helicopter

  9. 上图是米-25或米-35攻击直升机,一般来说,这是前苏联时期米-24雌鹿攻击直升机的出口版本。

    This is a Mi-25 / Mi-35 , essentially the export version of the Soviet-era Mil Mi-24 Hind helicopter gunship .

  10. 此前,法国和英国准备向利比亚派遣攻击直升机,试图打破军事僵局。

    Earlier , it emerged that France and Britain are to deploy attack helicopters against Libyan to try to break the military stalemate .

  11. 阿巴斯少将说,军用喷气机星期二在这次行动的初期阶段首先轰炸了激进分子据点,然后攻击直升机打死了50多名武装分子。

    General Abbas said military jets first bombed militant positions in the early stages of the operation Tuesday and then attack helicopters killed more than 50 fighters .

  12. 塞翁失马焉知非福,看看印度的攻击直升机吧,它们究竟有多少是在印度制造的呢?

    The embargos are a blessing in disguise , just look at India they have a attack helicopter , but how much of it is made in India ?

  13. 陆军航空兵装备攻击直升机、运输直升机和其他专用直升机及轻型固定翼飞机,遂行空中机动和支援地面作战任务。

    The Army aviation corps , equipped with attack , transport , and other specialized helicopters and light fixed-wing aircraft , carries out air maneuvers and provides support for ground operations .

  14. 阿巴斯少将补充说,巴基斯坦军方在斯瓦特西北地区维护稳定的努力由于缺少他所说的“先进的”设备而遭受阻碍,这样的设备包括攻击直升机和侦察设备。

    Abbas added that the Pakistani military effort in the northwest Swat region is hampered by a lack of what he called " sophisticated " equipment , including attack helicopters and surveillance equipment .

  15. 希拉里公开批评俄罗斯向叙利亚出售攻击直升机的做法也无济于事,只因为美国官员私下承认,她故意夸大措辞,以向俄罗斯施压。

    It also does not help that Mrs Clinton publicly accused Russia of selling attack helicopters to Syria , only for US officials to admit privately that she deliberately exaggerated the claim to put pressure on Moscow .

  16. 此外,韩国官员在本国议会上表示,平壤在靠近有争议的海上分界线&北方限制线(NorthernLimitLine,NLL)的地区部署了攻击型直升机和火箭。

    Moreover , South Korean officials have told its parliament that Pyongyang has deployed attack helicopters and rockets in an area near the Northern Limit Line , a disputed sea border west of the Korean coast .

  17. 连续波寻的导弹攻击武装直升机的设计原理分析

    Analysis on design concept of CW seeker to attack armed helicopters

  18. 论悬停潜艇攻击悬停直升机检测问题研究

    Study on hovering - attack of submarine Radar Detection of Hovering Helicopter

  19. 11月下旬,在反叛武装向戈马进发的同时,联合国维和特派团派出了攻击式直升机,协助政府军在暴力冲突中保护平民。

    As rebel soldiers advanced on the city of Goma in late November , the UN peacekeeping mission deployed attack helicopters to help the national army protect civilians amid the violence .

  20. 希拉里在华盛顿一个智囊团会议上表示:“最新消息表明,俄罗斯正向叙利亚输送攻击性直升机,这将导致冲突急剧升级,对此我们感到担忧。”

    Speaking at a conference at a Washington think-tank , Mrs Clinton said : " we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria , which will escalate the conflict quite dramatically . "

  21. 俄国直升机部队的骄傲,母鹿是一种多功能攻击,运输直升机,可以搭载6个人。

    The pride of the Russian rotary fleet , the Hind is still a versatile attack and transport helicopter capable of holding six men .

  22. 导弹攻击地面目标及直升机的兼容性分析

    Compatibility Analysis of Attacking the Helicopter and Ground Target by Missilery