
ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • attack a city
  1. 他率领主力部队攻城。

    He led the main strength of his army against the city .

  2. 用兵之道,攻心为上,攻城为下。

    In war , to attack the mind is first , to attack a city secondary .

  3. 警告(提示?):AI也被设定为使用一切可用的梯子和攻城塔作为进攻点。

    WARNING : AI is set to use all ladders and towers from the entry point .

  4. 我们还计画在巫妖王之怒中加入PVP区域,冬拥湖,有着世界性PVP任务以及攻城武器。

    We have plans in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for a world PvP zone , Lake Wintergrasp , which will feature world PvP objectives and siege weapons .

  5. 20世纪60年代后,很快Belafonte的事业开始走下坡路。但这丝毫不令人感到意外:守城永远没有攻城有意思。

    After the 1960s , " My Song " goes downhill quickly , but that is hardly a surprise : maintaining fame is never as interesting as achieving it .

  6. 南欧要塞城墙改进,可以放置攻城塔了。

    Southern European fortress wall fixed to allow docking of towers .

  7. 战争棍-给予山岭巨人临时的强化的攻城攻击。

    War club-gives the mountain giant a temporary siege enhanced attack .

  8. 北欧城堡地形改变,现在可以放置攻城塔了。

    Northern European castle terrain fixed to allow docking of towers .

  9. 攻城机械将不再格挡、招架和闪躲。

    Siege engines should no longer block , Parry or dodge .

  10. 他说他不再进军攻城。

    He says he will attack no more towns or cities .

  11. 火炮工场允许建造更多种类的攻城火炮。

    Cannon Maker allows the construction of simple varieties of siege artillery .

  12. 增加攻城车以及其炮塔的所有伤害。

    Increase all damage from Siege Engine and its turrets .

  13. 新的攻城方法比我想象的更有效。

    The new siege engines worked even better than I 'd hoped .

  14. 那将军命令部下攻城。

    The general commanded his men to attack the city .

  15. 现在,守城方的人将不再能购买任何的攻城武器。

    Now , defenders cannot buy anymore siege weapons .

  16. 伐木机被很怕攻城伤害(城甲?)

    The shredder is very vulnerable to siege damage .

  17. 攻城战失败了,但是战争还远远没有结束。

    The siege is lost , but the war is far from over .

  18. 现在您手握重兵,攻城拔寨,下一步呢?

    You wield an army , you hold a city , what next ?

  19. 随后他增加了一个章节,建议攻城部队找一只猫。

    Then he added a section advising siege armies to find a cat .

  20. 攻击方通过他们的围攻的进度能得到更多的攻城武器。

    Attackers will get more siege vehicles depending on their progression throughout the siege .

  21. 懂得休息的人,比懂得攻城拔寨的人,更伟大!

    He that can take rest is greater than he that can take cities !

  22. 他们正加强军力,准备攻城。

    They were building up their military strength for a drive against the city .

  23. 博尔顿的攻城铁锤代为斯在忧虑他正在丢失他的硬汉形象。

    Bolton Wanderers battering ram Kevin Davies is worried he is losing his hard-man image .

  24. 他们没有攻城武器.

    They don 't have siege weapons .

  25. 与旧式攻城炮相比,重型攻城炮无论射程、威力和精准程度都大为提高。

    The Grand Bombard has increased range , damage and accuracy compared to the bombard .

  26. 增加投刃车的攻城伤害。

    Increase siege damage from Glaive Thrower .

  27. 否则,他满可以成为一个攻城掠池的大将军。

    Otherwise he might have been a great general , blowing up all sorts of towns .

  28. 在奥杜亚攻城区,你将能从更远的地方就发现硫磺铁。

    In the opening sequence of Ulduar you can now see Liquid Pyrite from farther away .

  29. 堆筑攻城的土山,起码又得三个月。

    and the piling up of mounds over against the walls will take three months more .

  30. 攻城开始后不久,军事重点就转移到了莫斯科,然后向南部移动。

    Soon after the siege began , the military focus switched to Moscow and then moved south .