
gōng jiān
  • To overcome difficulties;assault fortified positions;storm fortifications;surmount technical difficulty;assault strong defensive installation
攻坚 [gōng jiān]
  • (1) [assault strong defensive installation;storm fortifications]∶攻打强敌或敌人的坚固防御工事

  • 攻坚部队

  • 故凡用兵者,攻坚则轫(柔,怠惰),乘瑕则神。--《管子.制分》

  • (2) [surmount technical difficulty]∶花大力气去突破科学、生产技术上的难题

  • 地震预报是科学攻坚的重要项目

攻坚[gōng jiān]
  1. 在改革进入攻坚阶段,存续企业的改革至关重要。

    When the reform goes into the phase to assault fortified positions , reformation of reserveenterprises should be paid much attention to .

  2. 这一时期,处遗工作进入攻坚阶段,全部完成了历史遗留问题。

    During this period ," left behind " the job to enter phase of assault fortified positions , completed the historical bequeath problem .

  3. 全面推进乡村振兴的深度、广度、难度都不亚于脱贫攻坚,决不能有任何喘口气、歇歇脚的想法。

    Promoting rural vitalization on all fronts will be no easier than the anti-poverty battle , allowing no letup or sluggishness .

  4. 今年是决胜全面建成小康社会、决战脱贫攻坚之年,全国广大教师用爱心和智慧阻断贫困代际传递,点亮万千乡村孩子的人生梦想,展现了当代人民教师的高尚师德和责任担当。

    This year is the time to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieve the goal of poverty alleviation and sense of responsibility of contemporary teachers .

  5. 问什么责?办法明确的问责内容主要包括六类情形:一是贯彻落实国家教育政策不坚决不彻底。二是履行教育职责不到位。三是教育攻坚任务完成严重滞后。

    The guideline categorizes those activities into six types : lack of resolve and commitment in implementing4 national education policies , poor fulfillment of educational responsibilities , delay in completion of education tasks , irregularities in running educational institutions ,

  6. 脱贫攻坚取得胜利后,要全面推进乡村振兴,这是“三农”工作重心的历史性转移。

    After a victory in poverty alleviation is scored , China should push forward the rural vitalization in an all-round way as a historic shift of the focus in its work concerning agriculture , rural areas and farmers , he stressed .

  7. 17年来,参与探月工程研制建设的全体人员大力弘扬追逐梦想、勇于探索、协同攻坚、合作共赢的探月精神,不断攀登新的科技高峰。

    Over the past 17 years , space scientists and engineers who have participated in China 's lunar exploration program have promoted the lunar exploration spirit of pursuing dreams , daring to explore , cooperating in tackling difficulties and win-win cooperation , and have achieved new heights in science and technology .

  8. 这是发挥新型举国体制优势攻坚克难取得的又一重大成就,标志着中国航天向前迈出的一大步,将为深化人类对月球成因和太阳系演化历史的科学认知作出贡献。

    It is another major achievement in overcoming difficulties by giving full play to the advantages of the new nationwide system , marking a great step forward in China 's space industry . This will contribute to deepening the understanding of the origin of the moon and the evolution history of the solar system .

  9. 我们要万众一心加油干,越是艰险越向前,把短板补得再扎实一些,把基础打得再牢靠一些,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,如期实现现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫、贫困县全部摘帽。

    United as one , we shall work harder . The greater the difficulties are , the further we advance , strengthening our weak links even more and laying a more solid foundation to win the hard battle against poverty with determination , to lift all impoverished4 rural residents and counties out of poverty by current standards as scheduled .

  10. 从初步构思、技术攻坚和设计,再到测试和展开营销,这一系列流程IBM团队仅仅用了18个月就完成了。

    A team of IBMers took only about 18 months to build BlueMix from initial concept , through technical underpinnings and design , to beta testing and marketing .

  11. 有关专家预言,MBO在我国国有经济战略性改组的攻坚战中会发挥积极作用。

    Some relevant experts predict that MBO will play an active role in the campaign of the state-owned economy 's strategic reform .

  12. 中国作为发展中大国,目前正处于经济金融体制改革的攻坚阶段,金融深化和金融开放是我们必然要选择的路径之一,在加入WTO之后,这种要求就尤为迫切。

    As the largest developing country , China is undergoing the crucial stage of economic institutional transformation , financial developing and opening is our essential way , especially after the accession of WTO .

  13. 随着改革进入攻坚阶段和人均gdp超过1000美元,我国也进入矛盾凸现期,新的矛盾不断出现,深层次的矛盾不断显现。

    GDP per capita hitting over usd1000 , our country has entered a stage where critical problems need to be addressed , new contradictions are bursting out rapidly and deeper problems emerge continuously .

  14. 随着国内银行业推进巴塞尔新资本协议实施进程的加快,LGD模型的构建成为国内各家银行攻坚的重点。

    With the domestic banking sector to promote the implementation of Basel II to speed up the process , the development of LGD model becomes the focus of tackling domestic banks .

  15. HartmutMehdorn在他自己追求的占领全球方面已经达到了些许胜利–例如获得部分私有化的放行信号,但仍存在持续的局部战役要攻坚。

    Mr Mehdorn has been notching up victories in his own quest for global domination-getting the go-ahead for a part-privatisation for instance-but there are continuous battles at local level .

  16. 串联攻坚战斗部前级爆轰场对后级影响分析

    Analysis of Following Projectile Effected by Precursory Charge of Tandem Warhead

  17. 医药卫生体制改革进入攻坚阶段的几个问题

    Several issues about medical care system reform entering into key phase

  18. 关于2000年前打赢扶贫攻坚战的战略与策略调整的建议

    Recommendations on regulating strategy and tactics of poverty alleviation before 2000

  19. 论国有企业改革攻坚阶段的政府行为

    On the Behavior of Government in Key Stage of SOE Reform

  20. 我国正处在经济建设的攻坚阶段,寻求稳定物价水平下的经济持续增长,是我国宏观经济调控的重要目标。

    Our country is in the crucial stage of economic construction .

  21. 2007绿色新长征路上的攻坚之年

    2007 : Key Year in the Green Long March Road

  22. 云南扶贫攻坚乡特征与因素分析

    An Analysis of Characters and Factors of Poverty Alleviation Villages of Yunnan

  23. 攻坚阶段的中国改革:形势、特点与任务

    China 's Reform in Transition Period : Situation , Characteristics and Tasks

  24. 试论扶贫攻坚工作与云南小康社会建设

    Poverty Relief and Storming and Fully Building A Well-off Society in Yunnan

  25. 心智研究:跨学科的攻坚

    Study on the Mind : Cracking a Multidisciplinary Research Difficulty

  26. 纤维增强攻坚战斗部爆炸威力试验研究

    Experimental Research of Blast Power of Fiber Reinforced Anti-hard-target Warhead

  27. 西部农村两基攻坚与文化协调发展战略

    Two basic aspects in western rural areas and culturally coordinated development strategy

  28. 打好节能减排攻坚战和持久战。

    We will strive to conserve energy and reduce emissions .

  29. 农村卫生改革已进入攻坚阶段,如何在理论上先行一步,深入研究农村卫生改革的整体思路是非常有意义的。

    It is significant to study theoretically overall thinking on rural health reform .

  30. 不过打这样一场攻坚战其实是在浪费宝贵的时间。

    But its a waste of precious time to fight that uphill battle .