
  • 网络Bosnian war
  1. 联合国设在海牙的战争罪法庭指控卡拉季奇在波黑战争期间犯有种族灭绝罪、反人道罪和其它暴行。

    Prosecutors of The Hague-based United Nations War Crimes Tribunal charged Karadzic with genocide and crimes against humanity during the Bosnian war .

  2. 三十五岁的朱莉除了导演一职以外,还担任了制作人与编剧的角色,这部在计划中的电影讲述的是一个在波黑战争中的爱情故事。

    Jolie , 35 , is also producing the film and writing the screenplay for the sweeping love story set during the Bosnian War .

  3. 在波黑战争中,波斯尼亚得到了帮助。

    With the war in yugoslavia , Bosnia got donations .

  4. 浅析波黑战争与和平的转化

    Bosnia - herzegovina : from war to peace

  5. 卡拉季奇是1992至1995年波黑战争期间波斯尼亚塞族领导人。

    Karadzic : Poet Obsessed With Violence Karadzic was the leader of the Bosnian Serbs during the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina .

  6. 波黑战争有其内因和外因,既是潜伏多年历史积怨的总爆发,也是外部势力为扩展其自身利益插手的结果。

    The Bosnian war was not only an explosion of the resentment left over and piled up by history , but also the result of the interference by external forces after more vested interests .

  7. 波黑战争是二战结束后在欧洲爆发的一场规模最大的战争,也是联合国在冷战告终后进行的一次新的最后宣告失败的维和行动。

    The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina has been a war of the largest scale in Europe since World War II ? The peace-keeping operation there was a new effort made by the United Nations after the end of the Cold War but was eventually declared to be a failure .

  8. 波黑塞族战争时期的领导人RadovanKaradzic已经于2008年被捕。

    The wartime political leader of the Bosnian Serbs , Radovan Karadzic , was captured in two thousand eight .

  9. 他被指控在波黑宣布独立后的波黑战争中,犯下了种族灭绝和其他罪行。

    He is accused of genocide and other crimes during the war fought after Bosnia-Herzegovina declared its independence .