
gōng jī
  • attack;assault;strike;hit;offensive;accuse;fly at;onslaught;smite;slip into;launch an offensive;sic;molest;firing-line
攻击 [gōng jī]
  • (1) [launch an offensive;attack]∶发起或发动进攻

  • 发动总攻击

  • 天空划过几颗红色的信号弹,攻击开始了。--茹志娟《百合花》

  • (2) [strike]∶对发动军事进攻

  • 机群在攻击目标之后安全返回

  • (3) [attack]∶激烈指责;中伤

  • 不准进行人身攻击

攻击[gōng jī]
  1. 警方对那起攻击的凶残感到震惊。

    The police were shocked by the ferocity of the attack .

  2. 这次攻击事件使和平谈判愈加紧迫。

    The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks .

  3. 这份报纸对总统的攻击纯属无稽之谈。

    The paper 's assault on the president was totally unjustified .

  4. 白细胞攻击受到感染的细胞。

    The white blood cells attack cells infected with an invader .

  5. 此时,猫就在可攻击鸭子的距离内。

    The cat was now within striking distance of the duck .

  6. 反对派领袖加强了对政府的攻击。

    The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government .

  7. 首相被攻击缺乏领导能力。

    The Prime Minister was attacked as incompetent to lead .

  8. 在辩论中她着实给对手以猛烈的攻击。

    She really lammed into her opponent during the debate .

  9. 他们的失败提高了那些受到他们攻击的人的声誉。

    Their defeat redounds to the glory of those whom they attacked .

  10. 警方对这一攻击的残忍感到震惊。

    Police were shocked by the viciousness of the assault .

  11. 军队在夜间发起攻击,把叛乱者打了个措手不及。

    The army attacked at night to surprise the rebels .

  12. 他在政治上已经处于极易受到攻击的境地。

    He has laid himself wide open to political attack .

  13. 潜艇在海上是不会受到攻击的。

    The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea .

  14. 他稳定住自己,以发动最后攻击。

    He was poising himself to launch a final attack .

  15. 这家报纸对总统发起了一场恶意的攻击。

    The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the president .

  16. 反叛者同时发动了几起攻击。

    There were several simultaneous attacks by the rebels .

  17. 他们向公司董事发起了正面攻击。

    They launched a frontal attack on company directors .

  18. 他对民主党人发动了猛烈的攻击。

    He launched a fierce attack on the Democrats .

  19. 巡逻队受到四面八方的攻击。

    The patrol came under attack from all sides .

  20. 他被指控携带攻击性武器。

    He was charged with carrying an offensive weapon .

  21. 那个人不知何故攻击我。

    The man attacked me for no apparent reason .

  22. 运动成为他攻击性心理的最佳出路。

    Sport became the perfect outlet for his aggression .

  23. 军队重新发动对首都的攻击。

    The army renewed its assault on the capital .

  24. 她对攻击她的人只有恨。

    She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker .

  25. 那条蛇盘绕起来准备攻击。

    The snake coiled up , ready to strike .

  26. 这是恐怖分子攻击的首要目标。

    It 's a prime target for terrorist attacks .

  27. 战斗机驾驶员发现敌机后便进行攻击。

    Fighter pilots searched out and attacked enemy aircraft .

  28. 报纸总是攻击英格兰队。

    The newspapers are always knocking the England team .

  29. 他们发动攻击之后返回了基地。

    After the attack , they returned to base .

  30. 只有言语而未伴随暴力不能算攻击。

    Mere words , unaccompanied by any violence , cannot amount to an assault .