
hánɡ kōnɡ jī dì
  • air base
  1. 好像还不够,一架巴西C-130大力神军用运输飞机自从2014年紧急降落后,仍搁浅在智利航空基地的跑道附近。

    As if that were not enough , a Brazilian C-130 Hercules military transport plane has remained stranded near the runway of Chile 's air base here since it crash-landed in 2014 .

  2. 但是,他坚持必须认真讨论,修改已有13年历史的美国海军陆战队航空基地在冲绳内部的搬迁计划。

    However , he insisted there must be serious discussions on revision of the 13-year-old plan to relocate the US marine air base within Okinawa .

  3. 这是由在海军航空基地(NAS)的卡内奥赫,夏威夷,在日本偷袭珍珠港后合照日本飞机扫射汽车。

    Cars that were strafed by Japanese aircraft pictured at Naval Air Station ( NAS ) Kaneohe , Hawaii , in the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor .

  4. 1945年12月5日下午,美国海军上尉查尔斯·泰勒(CharlesTaylor)率领13名飞行学员,驾驶着五架海军“复仇者”号鱼雷轰炸机从佛罗里达州的劳德代尔堡海军航空基地起飞。

    On the afternoon of December 5 , 1945 , five Avenger torpedo bombers left the Naval Air Station at Fort Lauderdale , Fla. , with Lt. Charles Taylor in command of a crew of 13 student pilots .

  5. 比亚里茨航空基地的高级官员LaurentSaintespes告诉法国媒体机构,“这个人真可笑。不过伦敦奥运会期间,这种可笑事可是屡见不鲜。”

    Laurent Saintespes , senior officer at Biarritz airbase told Agence France Presse , ' He was a bit naive . But at a time when the Olympics are taking place in London you have to see the funny side of things . "

  6. 工厂是巨大的&是一个航空基地改建的地方。我认为,有一些过大。

    The factory is enormous-a converted aircraft shed , I think , almost too big to be practical .

  7. 这个作品是一个小平台,在那可以俯瞰戒备森严的普天间海军陆战队航空基地。这个基地比纽约的中央公园还要大且一直延伸到海边。

    A platform looks out over the fenced-off Futenma Marine Corps Air Station , which stretches out to the sea over an area larger than Central Park in New York .

  8. 综合运用管理学和经济学的理论与方法,分析了南航航空基地不断增加、运输能力不断增强的现状,指出了南航航线网络存在的布局不合理、规模不经济等方面的不足。

    The thesis analyses the status quo of ever-increasing base of China Southern Airlines and continuously enhance transport capacity by the integrated use of theory and methods in Management and Economics , and pointes out the existence of the irrational , diseconomies of scale and other deficiencies .

  9. 日本航空自卫队基地防空地面设施(BADGE)系统

    BADGE System of Japanese Air Self Defense Force

  10. 面对挑战,必须加强航空技术创新基地建设。

    Faced to the challenge , we must enhance the building of aeronautic technology innovation bases .

  11. 以航空母舰为基地的飞机在上空巡逻。

    Carrier-Based aircraft patrolled aBove .

  12. 他是美国空军志愿队的头,然后扩展为美国十四航空队,基地在昆明。(这个地方不知道在那里?)

    He headed the American Volunteer Group ( AVG ) and was promoted to general in command of the14th Air Force , based in Kunming .

  13. 对象主要包括航空公司总部基地公司、机场运营总部、航空关联企业总部、航空商务服务总部及航空研发总部等。

    Objects including airlines headquarters , the operational headquarters , aviation , aviation enterprise headquarters associated business services headquarters and aviation r & d , etc.

  14. 之后当我在美国海军工作时开始对商业感兴趣了。因为我当时负责美国海军航空驻日基地的服务与零售营运。

    Later , when I was in the United States navy I grew more interested in business , well running service and retail operations at US air base in Japan .

  15. 航空相片在造林基地设计和面积验收中的应用

    Application of Aerophotograph in Design of Forestation Base and Its Area Estimation

  16. 外国人看到,在这种金融体系的背后,是美国遍布全球的航空母舰和军事基地。

    Foreigners see a financial system backed by American aircraft carriers and military bases encircling the globe .

  17. 本文对中国西南航空公司飞机维修基地进行了战略规划。本文首先介绍了中国西南航空公司飞机维修基地,然后分析国内民航维修业的现状和问题,并进行了行业结构分析。

    First , the thesis introduces the CSWA Aircraft Maintenance Base , then summarizes and analyzes the present conditions and problems of the local aviation maintenance industry and discusses the framework .

  18. 鹰联航空、国航等航空总部基地正在紧张建设,这些航空企业将成为您开展临空商务的专业伙伴。

    United eagle airlines , China aviation headquarters are nervous as construction , the aviation enterprise will become your business partner in the professional area .

  19. 特别是在学生的航空教育方面,除了安排学生参访飞行表演及航空基地外,在学校课程与教材上也多有相关的内容介绍。

    The aviation education , especially , was incorporated with not only attending air shows and visiting airbases , but also the relevant instructions and materials in schools .