
hánɡ kōnɡ xìnɡ zhōnɡ ěr yán
  • aero-otitis
  1. 目的:建立航空性中耳炎的动物研究模型。

    Objective : To establish the animal model of aero-otitis media .

  2. 目的总结飞行员咽鼓管咽口周围疾病与航空性中耳炎的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the correlation between diseases around pharyngeal opening of eustachian tube and aero-otitis media ( AOM ) .

  3. 鼓膜造瘘治疗航空性中耳炎两例并文献复习

    Tympanic membrane ostomy on aerotitis media-2 cases report with review of the literature

  4. 结果①排前10位的病症为空中晕厥、腰椎病、慢性胃炎、加速度耐力不良、地面晕厥、航空性中耳炎、泌尿系结石、眩晕、神经衰弱和颈椎病。

    Results ① The first 10 diagnoses in disease spectrum of 1200 pilots are in flight syncope , lumbar spine disorder , chronic gastritis , acceleration intolerance , ground syncope , aero-otitis media , urinary calculus , vertigo , neurasthenia and cervical spine disorder .