
  • 网络sailing direction;pilots
  1. 中国古代航海科学与文明之一翼:航路指南史略

    A branch of Chinese ancient navigation science and civilization : a brief history of sailing direction

  2. 航路指南乃是人类在航海领域中,展示其科学与文明发展水准之一翼。

    Sailing direction shows the development of science and civili-zation of mankind in the navigational field .

  3. 航路指南是对海图和气他水道部门的航海出版物的补充。郑和的第一次航行,穿越了印度洋。

    Admiralty Sailing Directions are complementary to the chart and to the other navigational publications of the Hydrographic Department . On Zheng He 's first voyage , he set sail across the Indian Ocean .