
  • 网络air sports
  1. 不过国际航空运动联盟目前并未立即对此事做出回应。

    There has been no immediate comment by the World Air Sports Federation .

  2. 如果国际航空运动联盟认证他的纪录,那么该纪录将比由美国人史蒂夫·福塞特在2002年创下的纪录还要早2天。

    If his record is confirmed by the World Air Sports Federation he will have taken more than two days off the record set by American Steve Fossett in 2002 .

  3. 如果他的纪录得到世界航空运动联盟的确认,他将把美国人史蒂夫.福塞特2002年创造的纪录缩短两天多。

    If his record is confirmed by the World Air Sports Federation , he will have taken more than two days off the record set by American Steve Fossett in 2002 .

  4. 航空模拟器运动系统设计与研究

    Research and Design on Motion System of Flight Simulator

  5. 这就孕育产生了一种新的社会体育文化品类&航空体育运动。

    This is pregnant with producing a kind of new social sports cultural category - Air sport .

  6. 拙文在撰写中国航空体育运动发展问题的过程中,正值纪念世界航空百年之时,不由让人赞叹;

    During the process of writing the Chinese air sport and develop the question , On the occasion of while commemorating the aviation of the world for a century , people can not help praising .

  7. 模型考虑了航空母舰的运动状态和拦阻状态对着舰的影响,同时也计入了起落架支柱的法向力、轮胎的侧向力等因素。

    The model includes the influence of the carrier movement and the arresting state , while the landing-gear normal force and the tire lateral force are also included .

  8. 人体平衡功能的研究在许多领域受到重视,目前已涉及医学、康复医学、航空医学、体育运动和作业安全等领域。

    Study on human balance function is getting attention in many fields , including the fields of medical , rehabilitation medicine , aviation medicine , sports and work security .

  9. 航空成像过程中相机相对地面做高速运动,不可避免地造成目标场景影像在CCD像面上产生像移,导致航空成像运动模糊。

    In the process of aerial imaging , the camera moves at a high relative speed to the ground , which inevitably brings image motion on the CCD focal plane for the target scene and results motion blurred images .