
hánɡ kōnɡ shì ɡù
  • Aviation accident;air accident
  1. 解释结构模型在航空事故分析中的应用

    The Application of Interpretive Structural Model to Air Accident Analysis

  2. 波音公司表示,根据针对航空事故调查的国际规则,它不能发表评论。

    Boeing said it could not comment under international rules governing air accident investigations .

  3. 追踪航空事故的数据库公司航空安全网络(AviationSafetyNetwork,ASN)列出了1948年以来的80架失踪飞机。

    The Aviation Safety Network , a database tracking accidents , lists 80 planes as ' missing ' since 1948 .

  4. NET技术完成系统的开发并完成航空事故数据的测试,进行了航空事故原因的分析,找出事故原因的内在规律,对有效地进行航空安全管理具有现实的指导意义!

    NET technology , and carry out the analysis of the causes of civil aviation accident and find out the internal law , which is practically instructive for the effective regulation of the aviation security .

  5. 目前航空事故是非常可怕的事情。

    At present the plane accidents are the terrible affairs .

  6. 对多因子诱发航空事故的思考

    Thinking on Phenomenon that Several Factors Bring out Aviation Accident

  7. 每次航空事故都要在技术调查结果上花时间。

    Every aviation accident takes time for the technical findings .

  8. 航空事故的发生是航空系统存在缺陷的反映。

    The occurrence of aviation accidents mirrors the defects in the aviation system .

  9. 航空事故人身损害赔偿权利人的身份,在航空运输实践中有时很难界定。

    People usually think that claimants for personal injury compensation in air crash only are passengers .

  10. 许多适航标准、技术和管理规则,无论初始适航还是持续适航,都来自于航空事故的教训。

    Many airworthiness standards , specifications and regulations for initial or continual airworthiness were learned from the aviation accident lessons .

  11. 据法国航空事故的权力,调查人员尚未找到飞行记录器的客机。

    According to the French air accident authority , investigators have not yet found the flight recorders of the airliner .

  12. 人为因素在现代航空事故中所占的比例高达80%以上,其中飞行人员原因造成的占60%以上。

    Human factor is the reason for 80 % of modern aviation accidents , and flight crew factor reaches 60 % for aviation accidents .

  13. 旧金山的消防队长说韩亚航空事故中死亡的两人是在严重受损的飞机外发现。

    San Francisco 's fire chief says the two people who died in the Asiana airlines crash were found outside of the heavily damaged jetliner .

  14. 英国航空事故调查局表示,目前很清楚,起火的部位靠近飞机的尾部,与电池的位置相距较远。

    The Air Accidents Investigation Branch says it 's clear the fire damage at the back of the plane was far from where the batteries are located .

  15. 而这个事故并没有发生在起飞或降落的时候,这两个阶段是大部分航空事故发生的阶段,所以可能性减少了,但依然存在许多可能。

    That the crash did not happen during takeoff or landing the phases of flight when most accidents occur somewhat limits the possibilities , but numerous possibilities remain .

  16. 事故造成50人死亡。致命的航空事故越来越少,但是在过去的五年内,区域性航班则发生了四起航空事故,主要的航空公司则只有一起。

    Fifty people died . Deadly airline crashes are increasingly rare . But regional carriers have had four in the last five years , while major airlines have had one .

  17. 然后提出了提高航空事故中人员生存率的方法,指出为了减少伤亡,尽量加大预防力度。

    Then , a suggestion of enhancing a human survival rate in the aviation disaster is proposed . Further , it points out that the more precaution measures should be made in order to suppress the incidents .

  18. 事实上,航空事故发生后,赔偿权利人除旅客外,还有机上其他人员、地面第三人以及受害人的近亲属等。

    In fact , after the accident , not only the passengers have claim on the carrier , but also other people on hoard , third parties on the surface and she decedent 's near relatives do .

  19. 为了预防和矫正航空事故诱发因素的萌生与发展,改善民航安全管理的科学性和可靠性,进一步降低事故率,减少航空灾害造成的损失。

    In order to prevent the emergence of accident-inducing elements and control the further development of them , to improve aviation security management to be scientific and reliable , and decrease the accident rate and aviation calamity loss .

  20. 由这家总部位于伦敦的通信卫星运营商和英国航空事故调查人员进行的分析,决定性地证明失踪飞机最后发出的信号来自南印度洋的一个偏远海域。

    The analysis by the UK-based company , a London-based operator of communications satellites , and UK air accident investigators , proved conclusively that the last signal from the aircraft came from a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean .

  21. 《人民日报》通过其认证的官方微博帐号发文称,马方表示,这是根据英国航空事故调查局数据得出的结论;

    On its verified Weibo account , the official Communist Party mouthpiece People 's Daily said it wasn 't satisfied with Malaysian authorities ' conclusions , which officials have said were derived from British air crash investigators ' data . '

  22. 英国航空事故调查人员表示,起火的波音梦想客机是一架埃塞俄比亚航空公司的飞机,目前没有证据表明火灾与电池系统有关,电池系统的问题曾导致787客机今年年初被迫停飞。

    British Air Accident investigators say there 's no evidence at this stage to link a fire on an Ethiopian airway 's Dreamliner to the plane 's batteries , a problem that grounded Boeing 's fleet of 787s earlier this year .

  23. 并且,当前调查航空事故及不安全事件中人误的方法仍是对事故或事件的各项数据进行分析,大多数事故/事故征候报告系统都没有围绕人误的理论框架进行设计。

    Moreover , current investigation methods of human errors accidents / incidents are still concentrating on analyzing the data of accidents / incidents , and most accidents / incidents reporting systems did not focus on the theoretical framework of human errors .

  24. 诸多研究表明许多航空事故的发生都和地面保障因素有关,机场作为航空运输的主要地面活动场所,其安全保障对整个航空运输安全系统有着十分重要的意义。

    A series of studies show that many aviation accidents are related to the ground guarantee factor . As the main ground activity place of air transportation , airport with its safety support plays a very important role in the whole air transportation security system .

  25. 老龄飞机电气线路容易发生导线短路、导线过负荷、继电器触点粘接、汇流条固定触点松动等故障,严重时可诱发放电,引起电气火灾,造成航空事故。

    Aging aircrafts are prone to raising electrical wiring faults , such as short circuit , wire overload , adhesion of relay contacts , slack bus bar and so on . The discharge fault may cause a fire disaster even air crash when the situation is severe .

  26. 在航空运输事故中承运人应负的责任

    What duties Should Be Shouldered by Carrier In Air-transport

  27. 近年来,大量民用航空飞行事故的调查结果表明:四分之三以上的民航飞行事故都是由于人为原因所造成。

    In recent years , a large number of civil aviation accidents show that more than three quarters of accidents are caused by man-made causes .

  28. 然而马来西亚这次的飞行事故,与英航事故和7月份在旧金山国际机场的韩亚航空坠机事故非常不同。

    But the Malaysian disaster is very different from both the BA incident and the crash involving a Asiana Airlines flight at San Francisco International Airport in July .

  29. 英航和韩亚航空的事故都是发生在着陆前的一小段时间里,而马航失事客机的信号在航行不久便在雷达探测仪上消失了。

    Both the BA and Asiana accidents occurred shortly before landing , while the Malaysia airlines plane disappeared off the radar during the early stages of the trip .

  30. 撇开别的不谈,英国航空的事故至少驳斥了上述诋毁:在压力之下,英国人也会干出同样的蠢事。

    If nothing else , the BA accident has disproved that slur : under pressure , the British are just as capable of the same act of stupidity .