
  • 网络security
  1. 集成电路(Integratedcircuit,IC)产业是信息社会经济发展的基石,社会进步的基础,国际竞争的筹码和国家安全的保障。

    Integrated Circuit industry is the foundation of the social economy development and the social progress , which can improve international competitiveness and provide guarantee for the national security .

  2. 信息安全的保障&双向指纹密钥校验系统

    Assurance on the information security ── the bi-directional print-mark check system

  3. 结论加强ADR监测是对医疗用药安全的保障。

    Conclusion The strengthening of ADR monitoring can ensure safe medication .

  4. 而小型的CA系统可以为小型企业或机构用户在网络上进行业务活动时,提供安全的保障,灵活的应用和较低的成本。

    A minitype CA system can provide safe guarantee , flexible application and lower cost when some small corporation or organization users are making business through network .

  5. 结论开展ADR监测工作是医疗机构的重要任务,加强ADR监测是患者用药安全的保障。

    Conclusion Carrying out ADR monitoring work is an important task for medical institutions , the strengthening of ADR monitoring can ensure safe drug use of patiaents .

  6. 美国学术职业安全的保障机制

    The Safeguard Systems of Academic Profession in American Colleges and Universities

  7. 在过渡时期,军方应当是安全的保障者。

    The army should be the guarantor of security during this transition .

  8. 钙元素为生命体的最优生境提供物质代谢的绿色和安全的保障。

    It provides green and safety guarantee of material supersession for organism .

  9. 电网运行方式的分析是电力系统安全的保障。

    Analysis of power grid operation mode is essential for power system security .

  10. 电子商务信息安全的保障体系

    On the Safety Guarantee System for Electronic Business Information

  11. 信任机制:构建东北亚区域安全的保障

    A Trust Mechanism : To Construct a Security Safeguard in the Northeast Asian Region

  12. 这部分中,还研究了粮食储备对粮食安全的保障作用。

    The paper studies the importance of state grain reserve to the food security .

  13. 没有安全的保障,学校的一切工作都将失去稳定的支撑。

    No security , the school all work is will lose the support of the stable .

  14. 经济安全的保障与责任

    Guarantee and Responsibility in Economic Security

  15. 信息安全的保障体系网上信息安全的防范

    Security System of Network Information

  16. 当我们的依靠即将从脚下溜走时,支撑点会带给我们安全的保障。

    They provide security when the things we depend upon seem to be slipping out from under us .

  17. 很多时候,我们常常把我们自己的资源、财富、和财产当作我们安全的保障。

    Too often , we have trusted in our own resources , wealth , and possessions for our security ;

  18. 从接入认证、网络各层的防护以及端点保护三个方面对软交换提供了安全的保障。

    The paper provides the security from the following 3 ways : authentication provided , network protection and endpoint protection .

  19. 结构设计及施工技术人员都需要对结构的成型过程有足够的分析,作为结构安全的保障。

    Structural engineers are required to have done enough analysis for the construction process to ensure the safety of the structures .

  20. 由于城乡景观格局的完整性是城市环境持续发展和城市生态健康与安全的保障,所以建构连续的城乡自然景观成为了城市环境可持续发展的必须。

    As the integrity of landscape pattern assure the sustainable environment and the healthy city , a city must the connective landscape .

  21. 风险投资作为高风险、高收益的投资活动,需要可靠的投资退出机制提供安全的保障。

    As an investment activity of high risk and return , venture capital needs reliable investment withdrawal mechanism to provide safety guarantee .

  22. 从传统上看来,在经济衰退时期,教师都是热门的职业选择。当私营部门的职业饭碗变得脆弱之时,教师行业却能提供安全的保障。

    Teaching has traditionally been a more popular career choice during recession & providing security when private sector jobs become more vulnerable .

  23. 电子商务是新兴商务形式,信息安全的保障是电子商务实施的前提。

    Electronic Commerce , as a commercial form , is being popularized and the information security safeguard is the premise of electronic commerce implementation .

  24. 本文认为,各相关部门对渤海冰期航行安全的保障措施对确保船舶航行安全意义重大。

    It is significant to argue that all related departments to the Bohai sea ice navigation safety guarantee measures to ensure ship navigation safety .

  25. 浙江民间艺术的生存与发展对于人类文化多样性的保持和国家文化安全的保障具有重要意义。

    The survival and development of Zhejiang Folk Art is important to the maintenance of human cultural diversity and the indemnity of national culture security .

  26. 企业国际化发展是对国家经济安全的保障,同时也是我国经济结构调整的需要和有效途径。

    The development of enterprise internationalization supports the national economic security , and it is an effective way to meet the demand of economic restructuring .

  27. 企业必须提高自主开发创新能力,形成自主核心技术,才能具有核心竞争力。介绍了增强自主创新能力的重要意义,指出:提高自主创新能力是国家安全的保障;

    Enterprises must increase their ability of innovation and development , and hold some core technology , so as to have their own core competitive power .

  28. 为了使数据流在网络上以组播的方式广泛并可信的传播,首先必须提供一套足够安全的保障机制。

    In order to make the data stream spread on the Internet widely and credible , we must apply a safeguard mechanism which is safe enough .

  29. 因此,可以说,在信息化社会里,没有信息安全的保障,国家就没有安全的屏障。

    So , it can be said , in the information society , without the protection of information security , there is no barrier to national security .

  30. 在本文中,笔者着重强调了对证人出庭作证的经济补偿和人身安全的保障,并且提出了庭外证人证言的收集方式。

    So in this article , the author highlights on witness financial compensation and physical security safeguards , and makes a collection of witness testimony outside court .