
  • 网络safe harbor;Safe Haven;Safe Port;safeharbor
  1. 在以市场风险披露为基础的衍生交易监管政策下,SEC的305规则体制由定量、定性信息披露要求与前瞻性信息披露的安全港规则有机构成。

    In the supervisory policy based on the disclosure of financial derivatives'market risk , " 305 rule " system is synthetically constructed by quantitative disclosure requirements , qualitative disclosure requirements and " safe harbor " provision .

  2. 安全港锚:这些锚能让海盗们感到更安全。

    Safe Harbor Anchor ?: These anchors make pirates feel better defended .

  3. 中期来看,G3的安全港特点正在恶化,而新兴经济体的安全港特点则在改善。

    In the medium term , the safe haven characteristics of the G3 are deteriorating while those of the emerging economies are improving .

  4. 工业团体认为,联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)曾提议的一项修订机制(现在搁置了)会将这个篱笆(指“安全港”规则)凿开一个洞。

    Revisions proposed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) on hold for now would punch holes in this ring fence , say industry groups .

  5. 亚洲股票能为全球投资者提供安全港吗?

    Could Asian shares provide a safe haven for global investors ?

  6. 外国基金仍在平仓,逃向安全港。

    Foreign funds are still liquidating positions and fleeing for safe havens .

  7. 论租船合同下安全港保证义务

    On the Undertaking of Safe Port under Charter Party

  8. 投资者大举涌入美国国债和德国国债等安全港。

    Investors rushed into havens , including US Treasuries and German government bonds .

  9. 不过,两者都被视为当前乱世中的安全港。

    Yet both are perceived as havens of safety in a troubled world .

  10. 论美国破产法之金融合约安全港规则

    Financial Contract Safe Harbor Rule in US Bankruptcy Law

  11. 在全球经济问题上,不存在任何安全港。

    There is no safe haven from the problems of the world economy .

  12. 其它货币同样不是安全港。

    Other currencies are not safe havens either .

  13. 安全港规则及其在我国的适用

    Safe Harbor Rule and Its Applications in China

  14. 在危机刚刚过去那会儿,许多富翁争相把资产向安全港转移。

    For a while after the crash , many rich people piled into safe havens .

  15. 金边债券,投资者的安全港

    Gilts as a safe haven for investors

  16. 欧洲和日本也在失去安全港的特征。

    Europe and Japan , too , are losing the characteristics of a safe haven .

  17. 世界其它地区蒙受损失,美元则是相对的安全港。

    The rest of the world suffers , and the dollar is a relative safe haven .

  18. 我们希望我们的城市是美国人的庇护之地,而不是罪犯的安全港。

    We want our cities to be sanctuaries for Americans , not safe havens for criminals .

  19. 在衡量市场集中度时,应当建立安全港规则的量化标准。

    In the measure of market concentration , we shall establish quantitative standards of safe harbor rules .

  20. 安全港模式:我国资本弱化税制建立的现实选择

    Safe Harbor Model : the Real Choice of Establishing Tax System of the Thin Capitalization in China

  21. 法律规制、行业自律、安全港是网络隐私权保护的三大模式。

    Legal regulation , industry self-regulation , the safe harbor are three major modes of internet privacy protection .

  22. 说美国政府债务是安全港,就像在说1941年的珍珠港是安全港一样。

    US government debt is a safe haven the way Pearl Harbor was a safe haven in 1941 .

  23. 周一,对美国、以及美元作为安全港的信心实际上反而有所增强。

    On Monday confidence in the US , and the dollar as a safe haven , actually strengthened .

  24. 美国破产法传统上给予若干金融合约以程度不等的破产安全港保护。

    US bankruptcy law traditionally provided certain financial contracts with different levels of exemption , or safe harbor protection .

  25. 前瞻性陈述是根据证券私人诉讼1995年改革法案的安全港条款所制定。

    The forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of1995 .

  26. 投资者竞相转向美国和德国国债等安全港,导致两国国债收益率跌至7个月来低点。

    Investors scrambled into the havens of us and German government bonds with yields on Treasuries and bunds dropping to seven-month lows .

  27. 他们为银行担保是因为后者提供了一种社会效用:资金的安全港和支付系统。

    They guarantee banks because the latter provide a social utility : a safe haven for money , and a payment system .

  28. 日元成了安全港,企业和投资者以日元赚取的利润比以往任何时候价值都高。

    The yen is a safe haven , and profits in yen earned by companies and investors are more valuable than ever .

  29. 尽管受到年轻人的欢迎,这次有关假期的公投检验出人们对传统上有经济安全港之称的瑞士经济的满意程度。

    Though popular with young people , the referendum on vacation time tested how comfortable the Swiss feel about their traditional safe-haven economy .

  30. 全球各国政府为了使本币走软而进行的干预出乎市场的意料,也使投资者更加难以找到安全港。

    Intervention from governments around the world to weaken their currencies has surprised markets and made it harder for investors to find havens .