
  1. 对海尔文化进行深入地研究,对同处于转型期的中国其他企业具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The job is important to use for reference to other enterprises in China .

  2. 海尔文化无处不在,凝聚在品牌中,渗透到海尔人心中,贯穿于生产经营全过程。

    Haier culture everywhere in rallying the brand , Haier into the hearts of production throughout the entire process .

  3. 海尔文化又看不见摸不着,那是一种精神,一种境界,一种品位,是海尔发展的内在动力。

    Haier culture is elusive and it is a spirit realm , a grade , Haier is the intrinsic force .

  4. 多篇论文就他的“海尔文化激活休克鱼”理念进行阐述,他的这一经典案例是他兼并那些硬件施设尚好但管理混乱小企业之后的简短精悍的总结。

    Papers are written about " activating stunned fish ", his epigrammatic summation of the post-merger integration of the succulent but ill-managed morsels that Haier has taken over .

  5. 虽然中国存在着大庆文化和海尔文化等优秀的企业文化,但是很多中国企业没有看到企业文化在企业管理中起到的积极作用。

    Although there are such excellent cultures as Daqing culture and Haier culture , a great many Chinese firms failed to see the effective roles that corporate culture plays in their corporate management .

  6. 海尔文化的建设,有以下启示:文化观念的变革是企业深化改革的前提;

    From the construction of the Haier culture , the author has get three enlightenments : the first one , the evolution of the cultural ideology is the precondition for deepening the industrial reform ;

  7. 由此,我们看到了海尔成功更为深层的原因,这就是以海尔文化为特色的管理。

    Thus , we see the Haier more deep-seated reason , which is the Haier characteristics of the culture of management .