
xī shōu hé bìnɡ
  • consolidation by merger
  1. 尤其是换股吸收合并模式里的公用科技的整体上市对市场绩效影响最为强烈。

    Especially , the influences of market performance in the holistic listing of public technology through the pattern of stock for stock consolidation by merger are most obvious .

  2. TCL集团IPO及换股吸收合并TCL通讯是中国资本市场发展过程中的重要事件,它标志着中国资本市场正在逐渐成熟,加快了与国际资本市场接轨的步伐。

    This case is a cornerstone in the development of Chinese capital market .

  3. 案例分析TCL集团吸收合并案

    Case Analysis : M & A of the TCL Group

  4. 其次,本文对当今资本市场上整体上市模式进行总结,并分为三种模式:定向增发模式、换股IPO模式和换股吸收合并模式。

    Secondly , this article summarizes the model of list in integrity and classify it to three : directional add-issuance , IPO convertible , convertible merger .

  5. 第三章以TCL集团吸收合并TCL通讯为例,比较了购买法和权益结合法下的财务状况、经营成果和主要财务指标,说明不同会计处理方法产生的经济后果。

    Chapter Three analyses the merger and absorption of TCL Group as an example , compare the purchase and pooling of interest method of the financial situation , operating results and main financial targets , the different accounting treatment of the economic consequences .

  6. 从2003年TCL集团吸收合并TCL通讯整体上市至今,经过了将近五年的时间,整体上市在我国也有了较大的发展,学者们的观点也从最初的观望态度转为支持。

    TCL Group absorbed TCL Communication CO. , LTD in 2003 and had been listed as a whole . After nearly five years , listed as a whole in China also made great progress , the views of scholars from the initial wait-and-see attitude turned to supporting attitude .

  7. 通过对换股吸收合并和现金吸收合并的比较,明确了两者的不同之处。

    It compares Stock-for-stock Merger with Cash Merger to make clear the difference between them .

  8. 第一百七十三条公司合并可以采取吸收合并或者新设合并。

    Article 173 The merger of a company may be effected by way of merger or consolidation .

  9. 我国公司法规定了合并可采用新设合并和吸收合并两种形式。

    As stipulated in China Company Law , merger and consolidation are the two forms to be applied .

  10. 狭义的并购概念是指一家企业对另一家企业的一定比例或全部股权购买或者吸收合并的交易行为,以达到对被并购企业控制的目的。

    The narrow concept means a kind of equity purchasing or merge transactions to control the targeting companies .

  11. 在这一部分中,作者列出了兼并、收购、购并(并购)、合并、新设合并、吸收合并等六个与公司购并相关的概念,并对公司购并行为进行了分类。

    In the part , the author lists six concepts concerning and makes classification of M & A action .

  12. 上市公司召开股东大会决议审议换股吸收合并方案时,应达到法定的人数。

    Listed company convenes a resolution of the shareholders ' assembly considered Stock-for-stock Merger plan , should achieve a quorum .

  13. 按法律形式划分,可分为吸收合并、新设合并和控股合并。

    As for the standard in law , it can be divided into absorbing merger , startup merger and control merger .

  14. 企业发生吸收合并,合并企业管理类别适用合并后存续企业的管理类别;

    In case an enterprise is merged , it shall be subject to the management category of the surviving enterprise after merger ;

  15. 但在股权置换式吸收合并中,目标公司的股东是以其持有的目标公司股权作为出资。

    But in the practice , the target company 's shareholders make investment by way of their share right of the target company .

  16. 本文以模拟的吸收合并案为例,分析了企业合并利用购买法在融资决策中进行会计操纵的可能性。

    This paper analyzes the simulated case of firm merger . We recognized the possibility of financial manipulation using purchase method for financing decision .

  17. 在吸收合并下,基于其并购环节的特点,拥有税收的优势及资源的有效配置,产生更多优质企业,有益于传统行业,受关注程度越来越大。

    Obsorption merger , based on its features , has the advantage in taxes and resources allocation , generating high quality company and getting a lot of attraction .

  18. 支持资方的投资者,其拥有某一公司大量股票,可以凭股票吸收合并此公司,这是资方所不愿看到的。

    An investor sympathetic to management who holds a large block of stock in a company that is or could be subject to a takeover unwanted by the management .

  19. 吸收合并,是指公司接纳其他公司加入本公司,接纳方继续存在,加入方解散。

    Merger by absorption refers to a company that absorbs other companies as its own future components , the absorbing company continues to exist while the participating ones are dissolved .

  20. 上市公司换股吸收合并协议不仅需要股东大会决议通过,而且需在相应的审批、备案手续办理结束后才能生效。

    The merger agreement needs not only the resolution of the general assembly of shareholders through , and in the appropriate approval , filing formalities only after the end effect .

  21. 东方航空去年吸收合并了规模较小的竞争对手上海航空,而自2008年年底以来,一批小型民营航空公司要么破产,要么被固有竞争对手吞并。

    China Eastern absorbed its smaller rival Shanghai Airlines last year and a series of smaller private airlines have gone under or been gobbled up by state-owned competitors since the end of 2008 .

  22. 可以证明的是,默多克奠定最终的胜利是在道琼斯董事会承认吸收合并会是该企业的最好的战略选择的那一刻,然后谈判开始。

    Arguably , Mr Murdoch 's eventual triumph was guaranteed from the moment Dow Jones 's board admitted that a merger might be the best strategy for the firm , and started to negotiate .

  23. 为了保护中小股东的利益,在股东大会决议时需要排除与吸收合并事项有关联的股东或董事、监事。

    In order to protect the interests of small shareholders , in the resolution of the general assembly of shareholders should be excluded the shareholders or directors , supervisors who are related with the matters of Stock-for-stock Merger .

  24. 从合理性、保证稳定、国家补贴、逐步移交、区别对待和吸收合并六个方面分析了国有大中型企业剥离非经营性资产的原则。

    From rationality , guarantee the stability , state subsidies , to gradually transfer , difference between the treated and the absorption of six respects analysised state-owned large and medium-sized enterprise come off asset of blame management sex principle .

  25. 另外,在合并后的市盈率维持不变且没有产生协同效应的情况下:市盈率相似的两公司换股吸收合并时,不同的换股比例会引起股价不同方向的变动。

    In addition , if price-earnings ratio ( PE ) will remain unchanged and there have not synergy , when the two companies which have simile PE M & A , different exchange ratio cause stock changes in different directions .

  26. 5-羟色胺再吸收抑制剂合并认知疗法治疗伴抑郁障碍慢性前列腺炎的疗效观察

    The efficacy of SSRIs combined with cognitive therapy on chronic prostatitis with depression