
  • 网络bothridium;phyllidea;phyllidium
  1. 本公司专业制造和出口劈木机、碎木机、吸叶机等园林工具。

    We specialize in manufacturing log splitter , wood chipper and leaf vacuum , etc.

  2. 结果表明:采用附面层吹吸技术后叶栅的气动性能明显改善,气流转折能力增强,扩散因子增大,总压损失系数减小。

    All above shows that the aerodynamic performance of cascade meliorated obviously with the use of boundary layer blowing-sucking technique . The turning ability of airflow increased , the diffusion factor enhanced , and the total press loss-coefficient decreased .

  3. 根据害虫为害特点,将其划分为刺吸类、食叶类、食种子类、地下类和仓储类,对它们的发生规律与为害特点进行了描述。

    On the basis of the damaged characteristics , the pests were divided into 5 groups , that is , Leaf-eating , Sap-sucking , Seed-eating , Storage and Underground .