
  • 网络Horizontal integration
  1. 整合措施分为三个方面即纵向整合、横向整合以及与网络新应用(LBS、3G、团购、网上商店)的整合。

    The integration measures are divided into three aspects , which are vertical integration , horizontal integration and the integration combined with new network applications ( LBS 、 3G 、 group purchase 、 online shop ) .

  2. 在经济全球化背景下,价值链出现了前所未有的垂直分离和横向整合。

    In the background of economic globalization , there are vertical separation and horizontal integration on value chain .

  3. 供应链企业的信息资源横向整合研究

    Research on the Transverse Integration of Information Resources of Supply Chain Enterprises

  4. 新医改背景下医药产业的发展与整合方向纵向整合和横向整合

    The Direction of Pharmaceutical Industry 's Development and Integration under the New Medical Reform

  5. 体验性旅游项目设计包括纵向深度设计和横向整合设计。

    Experience tour item design is the core and sprit of tour site planning .

  6. 自制剧价值链延伸的前提来自剧本的独创性、剧集的影响力和明星的号召力。自制剧要实现价值最大化,需要对价值链进行有效整合,包括纵向整合和横向整合。

    Homemade play value chain extension of the premise from the originality of the script , the drama of influence and star appeal .

  7. 同时,为横向整合企业的管理模式、总部定位提供参考,对企业实践起到一定的指导作用。

    Meanwhile , it provided a reference for the management mode of corporate with horizontal integration and the role of the headquarters , and it also had some means to corporate practice .

  8. 这种“横向整合”形成了一条从供应商再到分销商的贯穿所有相关企业的“链”,由此可见供应链管理是将企业资源的范畴从过去单个企业扩大到整个社会。

    So the mode of Supply Chain Management ( SCM ), which embodies the Horizontal Integration theory , comes forth to utilize the outer resources for satisfying the real-time needs of the customers .

  9. 分析了高等学校发展战略的基本模式,以及高等学校薪酬战略与学校发展战略相匹配的原理,给出了高等学校薪酬制度的基本模型、纵向整合模型以及横向整合模型。

    The paper analyzes the basic pattern of college developmental strategy , as well as the principles matching the college salary system and developmental strategy , establishing the basic , longitudinal conformity and crosswise conformity model of college salary system .

  10. 并购既可以是以扩大企业规模,增强企业竞争力量为目的的横向整合,也可以是以加强产业链,实现上下游的强势整合为主旨的纵向并购。

    M & A can be horizontal merger whose purpose is to expand the scale of enterprises and improve the competitiveness , it can also be vertical integration whose keynote is to strengthen the industrial chain and achieve the strong integration of upstream and downstream .

  11. 所谓整合,相对应的,一个是纵向整合,即整合的历史必然性,其次是横向整合,即学科结构的调整,两岸发展的差异评价,提供相互借鉴的断面和标准。

    The conformity , corresponds , one is the longitudinal conformity , is the conformity historical inevitability , next is the crosswise conformity , is the discipline structure adjustment , both banks development difference appraisal , provides cross section which and standard uses for reference mutually .

  12. 当这些积累达到一定规模,企业在原有业务领域增长缓慢或成长空间有限的情况下,企业便会通过纵向整合,或者横向整合,或者国际化等战略寻求新的业务增长点。

    When these accumulated to a certain scale , the enterprise is in the original business areas slow growth or get a limited space , the enterprise will be through the vertical integration , or horizontal integration , or seek new business such as international strategic growth .

  13. 政府横向业务整合模型研究

    Research on government horizontal business integration model

  14. 认为:1在确定单元教学目标时应实现目标的纵向与横向的整合;

    The following is our conclusion : 1 . we should make the target integrated with horizontally and vertically when defining unit teaching target ;

  15. 第三章是论文最核心的部分,提出了横向购并的整合机理模型。

    We present the model for integration mechanism of horizontal M & As in the third chapter , which is the core of this thesis .

  16. 在这个产业结构背景下,有战略眼光的企业家应该通过以横向的产业整合或纵向的价值链整合为内容的战略性产业重组来获得企业的新一轮成长。

    In such a context , the visionary entrepreneurs should grow their enterprises through horizontal industry restructure and vertical industry integration based on enterprises ' value chain .

  17. 而动漫产业链更是一种横向资源的整合链。动漫产业具有成本高、回报高、风险高、产品关联度高、国际化程度高等一系列特点。

    Animation industry chain is a chain of horizontal integration of resources , with high cost , high return , high risk products related , higher degree of national characteristics .

  18. 提出了第三方支付产业的整合方式,包括横向并购的整合方式增强支付功能、提高市场份额;纵向兼并与合作的整合方式降低交易成本,提高服务质量。

    The integration of the third party payment industry , include the integration of horizontal mergers which enhance the payment function , improve market share ; and integration of vertical merger and cooperation which reduce transaction costs , improve service quality .

  19. 针对数字媒体艺术与其它艺术形式的异同,进行横向的交叉与整合。

    Aiming at the similarities and differences between digital media art and other art forms , this paper makes a cross-horizontal integration .

  20. 指出新农合信息系统发展的趋势是不断推进横向和纵向的整合。

    Pointing out that the development trend of the new rural cooperative medical information system is to move forward on improving integration constantly .

  21. 要以满足用户个性化信息需求为中心开展信息资源整合平台建设,要变纵向整合为横向纵合。整合后的信息资源平台,主要由用户平台和资源整合平台组成。

    To meet use 's demand for personalized information , we should develop information integration platforms , which should consist of user platforms and resource integration platforms .

  22. 文章揭示出发挥纵向行政资源作用的同时,搞好横向行政资源的整合,在增强“泛珠三角”经济圈整体的国际竞争力方面的重要意义。

    The article has announced the important meaning in strengthening the whole international competitiveness of PAN-Pearl River Delta that to in ˉ tegrate the horizontal administrative resources while giving play to the role of vertical administrative resource .

  23. 回归分析结果进一步表明:纵向分权或横向分权分别对顾客响应速度不仅有正效应,而且存在负效应,取决于横向整合的强弱和决策权的类型。

    The results of regression analysis revealed as follows : vertical or horizontal decentralization has not only positive effect but also negative effect , which rests with the degree of horizontal integration and the type of decision-making power .