
  • 网络industry integration;Industry Consolidation
  1. 他说,这场危机可能迫使规模较小的厂家出局,从而加速产业整合。

    He said the crisis could accelerate industry consolidation by forcing small producers out of business .

  2. 通过西安雄厚的经济实力带动咸阳的大反战,通过咸阳的加入,实现关中地区产业整合的新途径。

    Driven by strong economic strength of Xi ' an Xianyang , anti-war , of Xianyang Guanzhong area of industry consolidation .

  3. 中国家电产业整合并购问题研究

    A Study on Chinese Electric Home Appliances Industrial M & A

  4. 产业整合:我国企业信息化改造的新模式

    A New Economic Model : Industrial Integration in Our Country

  5. 我国体育制造业的现状及产业整合策略

    Current situation and industry integration strategies of sports manufacturing industry in China

  6. 论服务业对外直接投资及产业整合效应

    The FDI in Service Industry and the Industrial Consolidation Effect

  7. 产业整合是市场经济发展的一个必然过程。

    Industrial integration is a natural outcome of market development .

  8. 欠发达民族地区产业整合研究新视角&以延边朝鲜族自治州为例少数民族和民族地区扶贫开发

    New Perspective of Industrial Consolidation Review of Less-Developed Minority Areas

  9. 产业整合与区际协作

    The Industry Integration and the Regional Cooperation Industry Industry

  10. 新形势下长沙市城乡产业整合发展的路径选择

    The choice of rural-urban industrial integrated development in Changsha under the new situation

  11. 论文第二部分着重论述区际协作与产业整合的关系。

    The second discusses the relation of the regional cooperation and the industry integration .

  12. 基于产业整合理论视角的旅游产业发展研究

    Study on the Development of China 's Tourism Industry Based on Industry Integration Theory

  13. 长江沿岸经济带产业整合背景下的土地利用变化研究

    Study on the Land-use Change in the Industrial Integration of Yangtze River Coastal Economic Belt

  14. 市场机制在钢铁产业整合中应发挥基础性作用。

    Market mechanism should play the foundational role in the steel and iron industry integration .

  15. 产业整合与创新中的信贷结构调整

    Industrial Conformity vs. Innovative Credit Regulation

  16. 彩电业市场的竞争博弈与产业整合

    China 's Color TV Set Industry in Competition on Chess Board Market and Conformity of Production

  17. 山西宏源公司产业整合背景下的人力资源管理研究

    A Study on the Human Resources Management of Hongyuan Company in the Context of Industry Integration

  18. 通过战略性并购进行产业整合,培育大企业、大集团;

    Through merge carry on industrial merger while being strategic , cultivate big enterprise , big group ;

  19. 第五部分是对山西省文化旅游产业整合提出的建议。

    The fifth part is mainly about suggestions which propose the integration of Shanxi cultural tourism industry .

  20. 论旅游产业整合

    On Integration of Tourism Industry

  21. 本文首先分析了资本市场在产业整合中的作用。

    In the first place , this paper analyze the function of the capital market in the industry integration .

  22. 文章探讨了产业整合的概念、原因以及实现产业整合的途径,认为产业应包括产业与环境及产业间的整合。

    This paper studies the concept of integration of industries , the reasons and approaches to integration of industries ;

  23. 整体上市具有产业整合功能,有利于消除关联交易,控股股东挪用上市公司资金等市场痼疾,有利于为金融创新拓展空间。

    " Overall listing " is helpful for industries ' integration and will eliminate connected transaction and controlling company 's defalcation .

  24. 产业整合是企业基于长期的发展战略,培育竞争力,扩大市场规模的根本需要。

    And assumes that integration of industries is mainly for the enterprises ' long-term development , increase in competitiveness , and market expansion .

  25. 但作为一家私营企业,比亚迪自然不在去年政府指定的8家“产业整合者”之列。

    But BYD , a private company , was naturally not on a list of eight state-appointed " industry consolidators " last year .

  26. 对不同买壳上市类型的绩效比较研究显示,产业整合类买壳上市绩效提升最为明显。

    Comparative study of different types of Reverse Merger shows that the type of " industry merger " achieves the most prominent performance improvement ;

  27. 当前制造业正经历着价值链拆分、产业整合及与此相伴随的大规模国际转移。

    At present , manufacturing industry is experiencing value chain separation , industry integration which is accompanied by massive transfer of international manufacturing industry .

  28. 最后指出产业整合是提高我国钢铁行业整体竞争力的必要途径。

    Finally , this paper pointed out that industry integration is the necessary way to enhance the overall competitiveness of iron-steel industry in China .

  29. 目前跨国公司采取水平分工和垂直分工并举方式,进行全球产业整合,将世界各国纳入一体化分工的网络。

    Transnational corporations are undertaking a global integration of industries through horizontal and vertical divisions of labor , involving all nations into their networks .

  30. 国际资本推动中国产业整合从区域经济一体化的角度,审视东北经济的比较优势,并进行相应的产业整合,就成为东北经济振兴的必由之路。

    International Capital Promotes the Industrial Integration in China This paper recommends analyzing the comparative advantage and industrial integration from the perspective of regional economic integration .