
chǎn dì biāo jì
  • indication of origin;indication of source
  1. 第一部分首先论述地理标志的概念及其与相关概念如原产地名称、产地标记、商标、商品通用名称的相互联系与区别,从而对地理标志有了更进一步的了解。

    The first part discusses the concept of geographical indication and the relationship and difference between origin names , trademarks and common names of commodities .

  2. 商业标记包括商标、商号(字号、厂商名称)、地理标志、域名、产地标记、知名商品特有名称、包装、装璜及商业广告短语、企业徽标等。

    Commercial mark contains trademark , enterprise name , geographical indication , domain name in network , symbol of product region , specific mark for famous goods , package , advertising phrase and enterprise symbol etc.

  3. 表明商品产地和可靠性的标记。

    A mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity .