
  • 网络Demonstration;product demonstrations
  1. 简介:敏捷宣言(AgileManifesto)和其它敏捷指导方针建议要有频繁的产品演示,比如在每次迭代结束的时候。

    Summary : from The Rational Edge : The Agile Manifesto and other Agile guidance suggests frequent product demonstrations , such as at the end of each iteration .

  2. 本文以某轴承虚拟样机为例,从模型转换,以及产品演示的角度进行了研究。

    Taking bearing virtual prototype as an object , model transformation and product demonstration of virtual product were studied in this paper .

  3. 同时,当前在产品演示介绍、辅助教学等广泛领域,CAI课件都得到了广泛的应用。

    At the same time , the current introduced in the product presentation , a wide range of areas such as assisted instruction , CAI courseware has been widely used .

  4. 你要学会如何做产品演示。

    You 'll need to learn how to give a demo .

  5. 它带来了正常的工作时间、产品演示活动和公开宣传,等等。

    Office hours , demo days , general solicitation , etc.

  6. 我们的客户对我们的产品演示非常满意。

    Our customer is absolutely satisfied with our product presentation .

  7. 动态的产品演示将为您展示我们产品最新的技术动态。

    Dynamic demonstrations will take place featuring the latest advances from our products .

  8. 你花费了大部分午饭时间描述那个软件开发员的产品演示。

    You spend most of the lunch describing the presentation by the software developer .

  9. 该职位需要进行产品演示和销售,并为客户提供技术支持。

    The Sales Engineer does presentations and sales , and provides technical support to customers .

  10. 在电视广告里,需要有四秒的时间用于产品演示;

    In the television advertisement we have to allow four seconds space for the product demo .

  11. 是产品演示吗?

    Is it a product demo ?

  12. 在整个设计过程中,找到那些符合你目标用户的人来使用你的产品演示模型。

    Throughout the design process , find people who fit your target audience to test your prototypes .

  13. 我可以允许客户与产品演示交互,并在测试演示和应用程序时询问问题。

    I can permit clients to interact with a product demo and ask questions while they are testing the demo and applications .

  14. 在产品演示时,大家都知道佩奇会默默计时,如果他认为一款产品速度太慢,就会抱怨。

    During product demos , Page is known to count in his head and complain if he thinks a product is slow .

  15. 我们使用三维模型创建多用途的高端图像和动画,从造型设计到交互产品演示和商业广告。

    We use3D models to generate high-end images and animations for any purpose , form styling design to interactive product configurators and commercial advertisement .

  16. 例如,包在一个产品演示版外的数字包装器可以警告用户,软件再用几次就要关闭了。

    For example , a digital wrapper around a demo version of a product could warn the user that there are only a few more uses of the software left before it shuts off .

  17. 随着同声传译在规模较高的国际性会议上的应用,交替传译更多的使用于不同形式的场合,如培训,产品演示,知识讲座等,针对不同层次听众。

    As simultaneous interpreting applies more and more in international conferences , consecutive interpretation tends to be widely used in less formal occasions , such as occupation training , products ' demonstration , products ' promotion , lectures , etc.

  18. 查看IBM软件品牌的软件产品的演示程序。

    View demos of software products from IBM software brands .

  19. 产品手册演示了使用TO。

    The product manuals illustrate clustering using channel names like TO .

  20. 作者介绍了一种用于产品仿真演示的多媒体软件的特点及制作过程。

    The authors introduced a multimedia demonstrating software in simulating products .

  21. 为潜在用户及渠道做产品基础演示和介绍;

    Demonstrate Company products and their functions to potential customers and partners .

  22. 电脑三维动画在产品仿真演示中的应用

    An Application of 3 Dimension Animation in Simulating Products

  23. 我忍者胃痛,开车驶过暴风雨,给我的产品做演示,开车回家,完成必要的跟进。

    I drove through a rainstorm , did a demo of my product , drove home , and did the necessary follow-up , all while nursing a stomachache .

  24. 对于军事领域的产品设计,演示则显得更为重要。

    To the military products , show is more important .

  25. 向工地上目标施工人员提供产品施工的演示。

    Provide demonstration of product application to the targeted applicator on jobsite .

  26. 注册获得免费赠送的IBM软件架构师工具包:展示Rational产品的podcasts和演示。

    Register for the complimentary IBM software architect kit : Featuring podcasts and demos for Rational products .

  27. 观看developerWorks演示中心,包括面向初学者的产品安装和设置演示,以及为经验丰富的开发人员提供的高级功能。

    Watch developerWorks on-demand demos ranging from product installation and setup demos for beginners , to advanced functionality for experienced developers .

  28. 加热器产品工作过程模拟演示

    Simulated Demonstration of the Working Process of Heater

  29. 参加由外单位组织的电信研讨会、产品知识讲座和演示。

    To attend Telecommunication seminar , product knowledge , presentation , organized by the external bodies .

  30. 同样,有时系统测试团队负责一部分向产品管理层的演示,从而显示迭代的可交付件。

    Also , at times the system test team was responsible for a portion of a demo to product management to showcase the iteration deliverable .