
  1. 中国建成了全球最大的清洁能源系统,新能源汽车产销量连续5年居世界首位。

    China has put in place the world 's biggest clean energy system , and has led the world in the output and sales of new energy vehicles for five years running .

  2. 本文主要研究的是几种产销量较大的全钢载重子午线轮胎在替换胎市场中的零售市场的分销渠道策略。

    This paper mainly research the retail market of replacement-tire .

  3. 企业产销量动态风险决策分析

    Study and Analysis on Dynamic Venture Decision of Enterprise Production and Sale

  4. 关于钢丝圈产销量的预测探讨

    On Prediction of Output and Sale Amount of Ring Travellers

  5. 2004年我国汽车产销量首次突破500万辆

    China automobile production over five million in 2004

  6. 到2002年,产销量同比分别增长55%和56%;

    In 2002 the figures show an increase of 55 % and 56 % respectively .

  7. 它在靠便宜挣钱,也在靠便宜扩大产销量。

    It got in on the cheap , and it 's expanding on the cheap .

  8. 2003年江铃的产销量在全国轻型车行业排第四位。

    In 2003 , JMC ranked 4th in the light vehicle industry by production and sales .

  9. 液压挖掘机是应用最广泛、结构最复杂、产销量最大的工程机械之一。

    Hydraulic excavator is one of the most widely used and complicated , the largest production and sales construction machinery .

  10. 2009年我国全年汽车产销量突破1300万辆,跃居全球第一位。

    The annual auto production and sales of China exceeded 13 million in 2009 , ranking first in the word .

  11. 汽车产销量的快速增长拉动了市场对汽车零部件及汽车生产设备的需求。

    Automobile production and sales driving the rapid growth of the market for automotive parts and automotive production equipment needs .

  12. 到了宋代(公元960~1279年),蜀绣的发展达到鼎盛时期,绣品在工艺、产销量和精美程度上都独步天下。

    Shu embroidery experienced its peak development in the Song Dynasty ( 960-1279 ), ranking first in both production and excellence .

  13. 相反,纯果汁和果汁类饮料由于其具有的天然、健康特性,产销量增长迅速。

    Contrary , the sale of pure juice and juice beverage because of the natural and healthy characteristic is increasing quickly .

  14. 如今,中国白酒仍以其精湛的工艺、独特的风格和最大的产销量而驰名中外。

    Today , Chinese Baijiu still famous with its superb technology , a unique style and maximum volume of production and marketing .

  15. 而作为该试验台每年产销量占据世界前三位的我国突破此项课题迫在眉睫。

    As for China , the dynamometer annual sales occupy the world top three , it is imminent to breakthrough this task .

  16. 在世界工程机械市场,小型多功能液压挖掘机属产销量最大的工程机械产品之一。

    In the world engineering machine market , mini-excavator is one of engineering machine products which have the largest produce and sale quantity .

  17. 目前,世界上产销量最多的稳定剂是铅稳定剂与金属皂类。

    Nowadays , the worldwide production and consumption of the lead salt stabilizers and the metal salt stabilizers dominates all of the stabilizers .

  18. 近十年来,中国的汽车市场快速发展,在2009年,国内的汽车产销量已经突破1000万辆的大关。

    Over the recent decade , Chinese automobile market has developed rapidly . By 2009 , the production has broken through 10 million .

  19. 2007年我国的啤酒产销量达到了3931.37万吨,连续第六年成为世界第一啤酒生产消费大国。

    After becoming the first beer yielding country continuously for 6 years , in 2007 , China beer yield reached about 39.31 millions ton .

  20. 根据专家的预计,2011年车市将继续增长,产销量可能会突破2000万辆。

    According to experts ' estimation , automobile market is expected to continue growing in 2011 , production and sales may exceed 20 million .

  21. 国产挖掘机与装载机产销量巨大反差的探源&兼论我国国产挖掘机振兴之路

    Exploring the reason of enormous negative difference of output saies volume for homemade excavator and loader-on vitalizing the way of china 's homemade excavator concurrently

  22. 产品成本的提高和产销量的减少,使得服饰企业的利润水平普遍降低,企业资金紧张,发展受到制约。

    By cost increasing and sale decreasing , finery corporations has lost profit , been lack of capital , and then been restricted from development .

  23. 21世纪以来,我国的肉制品产销量一直保持着强劲的增长势头,将成为居民的肉类消费主流。

    Beginning from the new century , the output of meat products is increasing rapidly , and meat products will become the main meat consumer goods .

  24. 中国汽车工业协会的统计数据显示,2009年中国汽车产销量已超过美国,成为产销第一大国。

    China Association of Automobile Manufacturers indicated that auto production and sales in China have surpassed the United States in 2009 and been NO.1 in the world .

  25. 近年来,中国汽车产销量急剧增长,汽车物流成为了我国经济的重要增长点。

    In recent years , Chinese automobile output and consumption are increasing dramatically and corresponding automobile logistics has become more and more important in our economic growth .

  26. 本文运用面向对象的方法设计了Client/Serever和Browser/Server两种模式下的汽车产销量统计系统,并对两种模式下的统计系统进行了比较分析。

    The thesis is mainly on the design and comparison of auto industry output and sales statistic system under the models of client / server and browser / server .

  27. 近几年,全球企业取得了空前的发展,产销量再创新高,市场需求呈现个性化,多元化趋势。

    In recent years , the global enterprises have made an unprecedented development , production and sales to new high , the market demand is personalized , diversified trend .

  28. 过去的20年是我国啤酒产销量高速增长的时期,从2002年起我国成为第一大啤酒生产和销售国。

    At last 20 years , Chinese Beer volume keep a high increasing rate . Since 2002 China was as the biggest beer production and sale Marketing in Worldwide .

  29. 我们的一个中期目标是三年内产销量占全国首位,质量达到世界同类产品前列。

    One of our mid-term targets is to achieve the highest output and sales in China and the best quality among like products in the world within three years .

  30. 去年市场容量和附加值较大的重卡产销量,更是出现了同比分别下降11.75%和6.59%的局两,颇为出人意料。

    It is quite a surprise that the market size and the production and sales of the heavy trucks also fell respectively by 11.75 % and 6.59 % last year .