
  • 网络Product sharing;PSC
  1. “乌兹别克斯坦共和国吉萨尔(gissar)和乌斯秋尔特(ustyurt)西南地区气田产品分成协议”1号补充协议。

    Supplementary agreement No.1 to " product sharing agreement for the fields in the territory of south-west Gissar and ustyurt region of the Republic of uzbekistan " .

  2. 分类是将相似的产品分成组。

    Classification relationships-Classifications are arrangements of like products into groups .

  3. 勘探和产品分成合同;

    Exploration and production sharing agreement ;

  4. 目前国际上主要的合同模式有租让制合同,产品分成合同,技术服务合同和回购合同。

    Presently , there are mainly four contract models internationally , namely concession , PSC , service and buy back contracts .

  5. 以物品的分类为基础,将体育服务产品分成共同资源和俱乐部产品两大类。

    On the basis of classifying goods , the article classifies sports service products into two kinds , which are common resources and club goods .

  6. 今天,壳牌勘探中国有限公司(壳牌)宣布与中国海洋石油总公司(中国海油)签订产品分成合同,对渤海湾渤南地区进行油气勘探。

    Shell Exploration ( China ) Limited and China National Offshore Oil Corporation ( CNOOC ) has signed a Petroleum Sharing Contract for the exploration of the Bonan area of Bohai Bay .

  7. 国际石油合同包括租让制合同、产品分成合同、风险服务合同、回购合同、联合经营和国家石油公司私有化6类。

    International petroleum contracts include six types of the concession contract , the production sharing contract , the risk service contract , the buyback contract , the joint venture and the national petroleum company privatization .

  8. 在实践方面,根据市场竞争力强弱可把这些农产品分成三类:第一类为竞争优势产品,包括谷子、马铃薯、苹果、核桃;

    In practice , all 16 categories of agricultural products studied were classified into 3 types according to their market tompetitiveness : the first type was the competition-preponderant products including millet , potato , apple , walnut ;

  9. 银行前置平台把原有金融业务和产品分成独立单元,利用灵活的参数配置来进行业务间的逻辑控制,使得整个系统层次性和逻辑性都更加明确,产品开发部署更加快速。

    The front platform separates financial services and products into independent units , using flexible configuration parameters for the business logic between the control , making the whole system logical and specific , product development and deployment more rapid .

  10. 将面向MC的产品配置设计过程分成产品族设计和变型设计两个循环。

    The design process of product for MC is divided into two cycles : New product design for a group of products and variant product design .

  11. 在此方法中,同种数字产品或服务被分成多种消费类别,不同的消费类别有不同的标价。

    In the proposal , price is classified in according with different class of services for the same digital content .

  12. 本文按产品的要素密集性将农产品分成两类:一类是土地密集型农产品,另一类是劳动密集型农产品;其中,劳动密集型农产品是我国的优势农产品。

    The agricultural products are divided into two types in the thesis : one is the land-intensive agricultural product ; the other is the labor-intensive agricultural product .

  13. 在分析ATO产品配置设计的基本原理的基础上将ATO产品配置设计过程分成3个阶段。

    Basing on the fundamental of Product Configuration Design , the process of configuration is divided into 3 phases .