
  • 网络Marketer;marketing staff;Salesperson
  1. 然而,营销人员CliffordFinn说,这里从来不缺租客:

    And there 's no shortage of renters , says marketer Clifford Finn :

  2. 传统的营销人员也许会认为,从某种意义上说SeaTow提供的信息会减少事故(因此也就减少了SeaTow收到的呼救数),这会妨碍公司本身的业务。

    A traditional marketer might argue that to the extent that Sea Tow furnishes information that can reduce accidents ( thereby reducing Sea Tow calls ), it is undercutting its own business .

  3. 营销人员在助手的陪同下参加了会议。

    The salesman had been accompanied to the meeting by an assistant .

  4. 在费城这个比达拉斯还小的大都市地区,艺术对经济的贡献将近300万美元,创造了4.4万个工作岗位,其中80%的岗位来自艺术行业之外,包括会计师、营销人员、建筑工人、酒店经理、印刷工和其他类型的艺术工作者。

    In Philadelphia , a metro area smaller than Dallas , the arts have an economic impact of almost $ 3 million and support 44,000 jobs , 80 percent of which actually lie outside the arts industry , including accountants , marketers , construction workers , hotel managers , printers , and other kinds of art workers .

  5. 尽管如此,邀明星助阵仍是营销人员重要的推广手段之一

    But celebrity endorsements remain an important promotional tool for marketers .

  6. 直播间运营者、直播营销人员应该及时对消费者提出的合法合理要求做出回应。

    Account holders and livestreamers should respond to reasonable requests from consumers in a timely manner .

  7. 认为CRM是营销人员的事情;

    Thinking CRM as the job of marketing personnel ;

  8. 而userratings的应用将会十分普遍,营销人员将会发现userratings已成为大多数数字化体验设计的基本功能。

    User ratings will become so common that marketers should expect to find them woven into most digital experiences .

  9. 中国即将加入WTO,意味着竞争国际化将进入专业营销人员的视野。

    The fact that China is entering the WTO implies that international competition is coming into the sight of expert marketing personnel .

  10. CH公司营销人员的激励研究

    The Study of Inspiration for Marketing Personnel in CH Company

  11. 我刚从德州仪器在达拉斯举行的编辑日(Editor'sDay)活动归来,见了他们在很多领域的工程师和营销人员。

    I 'm just back from an Editor 's Day event at Texas Instruments ( TI ) in Dallas , and met with many of their engineers and marketers in diverse application areas .

  12. 在市场营销人员看来,QR码可以连接网络与现实世界。

    For marketers , QR codes bridge the gap between offline and online worlds .

  13. 贝恩近期一直在到处出差,一方面了解市场营销人员使用Twitter和其竞争对手的情况,另一方面在设立一些地区办公室。

    Mr Bain has been travelling to learn about how marketers use the platform – and its rivals – and opening regional offices .

  14. 德里克·约翰逊(DerekJohnson)一手创办的科技公司Tatango.com要招一个营销人员,他在面试应聘者时,一位求职者西装革履地出现在他面前。

    When Derek Johnson was interviewing candidates for a marketing job at his tech company , one applicant arrived in a business suit .

  15. 从擅于利用互联网和品牌价值,到纪律严明、组织严密,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)的2008年总统竞选活动,对于营销人员来说,不啻一堂实物教学课。

    From its mastery of the Internet and brand values to its relentless discipline and organisation , the 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama was an object lesson to marketers .

  16. WH有限公司原先对营销人员的激励还存在着些许不足,究其原因,主要在于缺少一套更为合理的薪酬激励制度。

    The reason for it mainly lies in the lack of a more reasonable salary incentive system .

  17. 美国广告界和营销人员说,iPad将会提振久负众望的手机广告市场。

    Madison Avenue and marketers say the iPad will give a boost to the mobile-ad market , which has been slow to live up to expectations .

  18. 与美国橄榄球超级杯大赛(SuperBowl)和奥运会(Olympics)广告类似,营销人员希望吸引观看凯文•杜兰特和勒布朗•詹姆斯决斗的数百万观众的目光。

    Much like with the super bowl and the Olympics , marketers want to capitalize on the millions who tune in to watch Kevin Durant and LeBron James go head to head .

  19. 我们都知道Twitter的Logo是天蓝色的,如果用户和营销人员发现自己手上的设备显示的Logo带点绿色,非抓狂不可。

    Knowing that Twitter uses a sky blue color for its logo , it can be jarring for users and marketers alike to see a version with a tinge of green .

  20. 最后希望平衡计分卡绩效管理系统的成功建立在解决H企业营销人员绩效管理问题的同时,能够为面临相同困扰的企业提供有益的借鉴。

    The last hope for the success of the Balanced Scorecard performance management system at the same time solve the problem of H corporate marketing staff performance management , can provide a useful reference for enterprises which facing the same trouble .

  21. 最后,以上述的理论与实际研究为基础,对F鞋材公司营销人员绩效管理体系现状做了相应的分析,提出了相应的改进方案。

    Finally , take the above theory and the actual research as the foundation , has made the corresponding analysis to the F shoes material company marketing personnel achievements management system present situation , proposed the corresponding improvement program .

  22. 扎克伯格周三在戛纳国际广告节(canneslionsadvertisingfestival)上向营销人员表示,此前facebook基本上依靠有机增长,但将很快启动首次战略性地区行动。

    Mr Zuckerberg told an audience of marketers at the Cannes lions Advertising Festival on Wednesday that after relying largely on organic growth , Facebook would soon begin to make its first strategic local moves .

  23. 同时,她们还在吸引营销人员对这些故事的兴趣,通过这些故事销售从汽车(比如Jeep)到威士忌(JackDaniels,杰克•丹尼)等在内的各种产品。

    They are also drawing on marketers ' passion for using stories to sell everything from cars ( think Jeep ) to whiskey ( Jack Daniels ) and much more .

  24. 斯莫伍德表示,迄今为止,这两家公司对45项广告活动进行了衡量,在70%的个案中,营销人员每花费1美元在Facebook上,会带来3美元的额外销售额。

    So far , the two companies have measured 45 campaigns and in 70 per cent of cases , for every dollar a marketer spent on Facebook , it earned an additional $ 3 in incremental sales , Mr Smallwood said .

  25. 其次对FQ公司基本情况尤其是营销人员的薪酬体系进行了研究和分析,找出公司营销人员薪酬体系存在的问题并深入剖析了产生这些问题的原因。

    Next , this essay takes research and analysis on the brief condition of FQ Corporation , especially focusing on the salary system of sales staff , thereby finding the problems existing in the salary system of sales staff and analyzing the inherent causes .

  26. Richard指出,法国电信过去一直聘用名门院校的通信高材生,“认为在技术智能方面,除了法国电信,再无业界翘楚。”公司管理由技术人员而非营销人员主导。

    In the past , says Mr Richard , France Telecom , having recruited most of the graduates of the X-Corps des Telecoms , the most elite stream of telecoms students , " thought there were few skills or knowledge on telecoms outside France Telecom . " Engineers still tend to call the shots , rather than marketing types .

  27. 营销人员聘用策略模型及其模拟研究

    A Study on Recruiting Policy Model and Simulation of Sales Force

  28. 设计营销人员多元薪酬激励体系。

    Multidimensional salary inspiring system for marketing salesmen should be designed .

  29. 完善对营销人员的分配办法。

    7 , perfecting distributive wages to management and rendition exports .

  30. 营销人员必须了解市场需求和消费者行为。

    Marketing professionals must understand market needs and consumer behavior .