
  • 网络Marketing objectives;marketing target
  1. 这个项目确立了主要的市场营销目标。

    In this project , the main marketing objective is identified .

  2. 中国当前的激光产品仍然处于增长阶段,所以,当前的市场营销目标是增加市场份额。

    As china 's present laser product is still in growth stage , the present marketing objective is increasing market share .

  3. 在此基础上,进一步基于SWOT矩阵分析并结合寿比山的营销目标、市场定位,确定了产品营销策略。

    A further analysis is made based on SWOT Matrix . Together with the marketing target and the market positioning , the marketing strategy of the product is formed .

  4. 尽管从电饭煲制造商到路威铭轩(LVMH)等奢侈品品牌,几年来许多跨国公司将营销目标对准了中国的海外游客,但中国移民人口吸引的商业注意力要少一些。

    While many multinationals , from rice cooker manufacturers to luxury brands like LVMH , have been targeting Chinese tourists overseas for several years , immigrant populations have attracted less commercial attention .

  5. 2003年初,NL公司决定投资生产软启动器,为尽快收回投资,抢占市场份额,就要求公司能够制定正确的营销目标与市场策略。

    At the early in 2003 NL Company decided invest to produce soft-starter . For the sake of returning investment in short term , NL company need to select fix target markets and hammer out marketing mix method .

  6. 报业竞争中的营销目标与营销策略组合

    Newspaper Competition : Distribution Aim & Its Tactics

  7. 我们如何论证客户的营销目标?

    How do we identify your marketing problems ?

  8. 江苏省国际旅游市场营销目标选择研究

    Study on Choosing Jiangsu International Tourism Marketing Target

  9. 有效的销售团队的薪酬管理,对于激励企业销售队伍有效地执行其销售职能,实现企业的市场营销目标具有十分重要的意义。

    Effective pay management of selling teams proves very significant to reach their selling aim .

  10. 最后是营销目标的确定和产品的营销定位。

    Finally , marketing target is ascertained with the fixed marketing position of the product .

  11. 基于云模型和关联分析法的电力营销目标市场模糊评价

    Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for choosing target market of electricity based on cloud model and correlation analysis

  12. 当前,实现顾客满意成为现代企业的重要营销目标之一。

    Today , customer satisfaction becomes one of the important marketing targets of the modern enterprises .

  13. 制定了符合自身实际的,具有针对性和可操作性的营销目标和相关规划。

    Formulated in line with their own reality , targeted marketing and operational objectives and related planning .

  14. 分析机构的客户质量和结构,确立营销目标客户。

    Analysis of the quality and structure of institutional clients for choosing the target customers ; 3 .

  15. 在设立营销目标,完善组织结构,建立考核评估体系和有效控制渠道方面采取了一系列举措。

    A series of measures are made in marketing targets setting , organizational structure establishing and place controlling .

  16. 使总经理恼火的是,今年的市场营销目标一个也没实现。

    To the general manager 's annoyance , none of the marketing goals this year has been reached .

  17. 这一部分主要从目标客户,营销目标及策略和市场调研策略三个方面展开。

    This part main wrote from target customers , marketing objectives and strategy and market research strategy three aspects .

  18. 避免空洞的营销目标和简单地以惩罚为基础的目标控制导向。

    Also in this paper I manage to avoid empty marketing objectives and simply punishment based on control-goal orientation .

  19. 它是建立在互联网基础之上,借助于互联网特性来实现一定营销目标的一种营销手段。

    It is an Internet-based marketing means aimed at achieving specific marketing objectives through the unique characteristics of Internet .

  20. 应用市场细分原理对柳工装载机市场进行了分析;为柳工集团公司营销目标提供依据;

    The marketing target of LiuGong enterprise is presented by using subdivision principles to analyse the market of LiuGong loaders .

  21. 通过三者之间有机的互动来创造顾客需求,实现企业营销目标与顾客需求的良性循环。

    It is the interaction among three systems that creates customers ' demands and realizes the goal of enterprises ' marketing .

  22. 通过对工农路九号住宅小区项目的市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位的研究,确定了工农路九号住宅小区项目的营销目标和整体架构以及产品策略、价格策略和市场推广策略。

    The strategies for products , prices and marketing promotion will be made according to segmentation , targeting and positioning in the market .

  23. 能够了解顾客如何和为什么购买,将会帮助企业更好地实现自己的营销目标,使目标顾客的需要和欲望得到更好的满足。

    Knowing the customer how and why to buy will help the company to realize their marketing aims more easily and satisfy their customers .

  24. 方案中确立了营销目标、目标市场,提出了针对目标市场的营销组合战略。

    Have establish the marketing goal , goal market in the scheme , has proposed making strategy up to the marketing of the goal market .

  25. 麦当劳希望实现更快、更友好的服务;更美味的食物;更有吸引力的氛围;更好的价值;更犀利的营销目标。

    The company hoped to achieve faster , friendlier service ; tastier food ; a more appealing ambiance ; better value ; and sharper marketing .

  26. 战略联盟是厂商之间通过非所有权合并来联合其能力和资源以达到全球营销目标的一个长期正式的协议。

    A strategic alliance is a formal , long-term agreement between firms to combine their capabilities and resources to accomplish global objectives without joint ownership .

  27. 由以产品为核心向以顾客为核心转移,创造最大的顾客满意成为制造企业的营销目标。而服务成为制造企业创造顾客满意的法宝。

    The marketing target is to farthest satisfy the needs of customers and service will be the key for the enterprises to reach the target .

  28. 有时品牌需要一个完整的检修,然后我要探索的可能性范围内对客户的视觉关注和营销目标的基础。

    Occasionally the brand needs a complete overhaul , and then I have to explore a range of possibilities based on the clients visual concerns and marketing objectives .

  29. 通过制定合理的营销目标、帮助和鼓励性的定期评价,以及适时的调整,来达到对营销策略和计划控制的目的。

    Through establishing rational marketing objectives , helpful and instigate regularly assessment system , and timely adjustment , to achieve the aim of control upon marketing strategy and marketing plan .

  30. 商业银行纷纷看重中小企业客户发展,很大程度上基于盈利考虑和其培育长期的优质客户群的营销目标。

    The commercial banks generally are valuing the development of SME customers , always based on their thinking of profitability conditions and their marketing objectives of fostering long-term high-quality customer bases .