
yù suàn xiànɡ mù
  • budget item;budget project
  1. 浅议水利中央级行政事业性预算项目专家评审制度的完善

    Studies on expert review system for central government budget project of water sector

  2. 详细的进度和资源配置来支持进度和预算项目。

    Detailed schedules and resource allocations to support schedule and budget items .

  3. 而培训是最容易被削减的预算项目。

    Training is an easy budget line to trim .

  4. 水利事业预算项目绩效问题分析

    Analysis of Cost-Benefit Budget Projects of Water Sector

  5. 第二你需要找出可以腾出金额的预算项目。

    Second you should look at the categories in your budget that you can cut back on .

  6. 它还包含一个详细的清单,涉及人事、设备和管理费用的全部预算项目。

    It contains a detailed list of all budget headings for personnel , equipment and running expenses .

  7. 本文从寻租角度分析了资本预算项目恶性增资的成因。

    The paper examines the escalating commitment in capital budget items from the perspective of rent-seeking behavior .

  8. 但由于预算项目评审尚处于起步阶段,在制度和实践上还存在一些不完善的地方。

    Improvement is necessary for the project review system in practice , as its implementation is in early stage .

  9. 第二类资本预算项目需要在能够提供基本相同服务的备竞争性被选项目中进行选择。

    The second type of capital budgeting projects requires choosing among competing alternatives that provide the same basic service .

  10. 另外,可能要用不同预算项目中的资金支付作业费用,例如根据资金的可用性选择预算项目。

    It might also occur that a job is paid from different budgets depending on the money availability for instance .

  11. 截至2007年,世界范围内已有73个国家或地区不同程度地开展了社会性别预算项目。

    Up to 2007 , the world has 73 countries or areas carried out in varying degrees of gender budget .

  12. 对预算项目的绩效评价是实行绩效预算的难点和制约瓶颈。

    Performance assessment of budget projects is the most difficult part and bottleneck for the implementation of cost-benefit assessment of the budget projects .

  13. 法庭指出,尽管州长可以向立法机构推荐某些预算项目,但在法律上并未规定他有此义务。

    The court noted that while the governor may recommend a budget to the legislature , he or she is not constitutionally required to do so .

  14. 决策责任、原生性认知、资本预算项目恶性增资&基于模拟试验的证据本科《循证护理》教学内容认知调查与课程设置预案研究

    Decision Responsibility , Generative Cognition , Escalation of Commitment in Capital Budgeting Decision : An Experimental Research Based on Role-playing Experiments ; Study on Cognitive Status of Nursing Undergraduates to Evidence-based Nursing and Curriculum Design of Evidence-based Nursing for Undergraduates

  15. 通过对RD项目依据其潜在收益所赋的权重,结合项目组对RD项目的期望贡献,构建了关于RD项目预算在项目组之间配置的规划问题;

    Mathematical program is built according to the weighted values of R D projects which are based on their patient revenue and R D project 's potential contributions to the success of R D.

  16. 漫画呆伯特(dilbert)的创作者斯科特亚当斯(scottadams)曾提出,联网的机器人将能够比人类更好地按时、按预算管理项目。

    Scott Adams , creator of the Dilbert cartoon , has suggested networked robots would be better than humans at managing projects to time and budget .

  17. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)称,发展支出占政府总支出(包括预算外项目)的份额从80年代中期的三分之二跌至今天的不足50%。

    The share of development expenditure in total government spending , including all off-budget items , has declined from about two-thirds in the mid-1980s to barely 50 per cent today , according to Morgan Stanley .

  18. 建筑工程成本预算在项目管理中的作用

    The Role of Cost Budgeting of Construction Engineering Projects in Project Management

  19. 按时按预算完成项目的程度。

    Completion of projects on time and within budget .

  20. 再多花一点钱来完成一项已经超出预算的项目总是更优的选择。

    Always better to spend a little more to complete a project whose budget has overrun .

  21. 这些问题都可能阻碍雇员在线协作和按时按预算完成项目。

    These issues can bar employees from collaborating online and completing projects on time and under budget .

  22. 现在几乎每个项目都在成本或者日程上超出预算,项目失败已经成为常规。

    Almost every project today has cost or schedule overruns , and project failures are practically the norm .

  23. 研究如何实现R&D项目预算在项目组之间的优化配置问题。

    The problem of R D budget allocation among R D project teams is studied in this paper .

  24. 最终的或详细的成本预算为项目期的财务状况提供了评价基准。

    The final or detailed cost estimate provides a baseline for the assessment of financial performance during the project .

  25. 具有项目管理经验并能够带领项目团队按时间和预算完成项目。

    Have project management experience and able to lead the team to complete a project in time and within budget .

  26. 您可能还想获取他们对主要应用程序项目的期望,包括您正在为之寻找预算的项目。

    You might also want to capture their expectations regarding major application projects , including the project for which you 're seeking a budget .

  27. 它还把责任推到了民主党头上——民主党需要回答,还有什么其他措施能限制一个不断扩大、势要消耗整个联邦预算的项目。

    It puts the onus on Democrats to say how else they would restrain a programme that is growing to consume the entire federal budget .

  28. 二是同时编制经营预算和项目预算,项目预算中的授权费用纳入经营预算,非授权费用上报公司。

    Plans to operating budget and project budget , putting license fee into management budget in project budget , reporting to company for the non-license fee .

  29. 项目成本控制是保证项目实际发生的成本不超过项目预算成本项目范围而对项目的成本进行监督检查并进行有效调整的活动过程。

    Project cost control is to ensure that the project does not exceed the actual cost of the project budget scope and supervise and adjust cost of the project .

  30. 针对口径上的差异,对建筑产品工程实际成本与预算成本项目如何调整进行了探讨,并提出改进的建议。

    Judging from this , the way of the adjustment of the actual and budget cost items of construction projects is discussed , and suggestions for improvement are put forward .