
yù kē xué xiào
  • prep school
  1. 你要回预科学校吗

    So , you headed back to prep school ?

  2. 所以我以为被预科学校劝退

    So I thought getting thrown out of prep school

  3. WASP文化尽管在私生活领域――乡村俱乐部、社区、少数预科学校和律师事务所――依然存在,但它作为公共意义上的一种现象已经寿终正寝了。

    WASP culture , though it exists in pockets of private life country clubs , neighborhoods , a few prep schools and law firms is finished as a phenomenon of public significance .

  4. 这段由埃及媒体ElWady播出的视频采访中,这个预科学校一年级男孩阿里-艾哈迈德发表了惊人见解,对穆斯林兄弟会的谴责声讨令人无言以对。

    In a video interview with Egyptian news outlet El Wady , first grader Ali Ahmed delivers an incredibly precocious condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood that will leave you speechless .

  5. 花格雷森家的钱去读柯林斯预科学校

    to go to Collins prep on the Graysons ' dime .

  6. 该校是一所为上大学作准备的预科学校,招收全市最优秀的学生。

    A college-preparatory school for the city 's best students .

  7. 他说,小班教学和个人化关注给与预科学校的学生特有的自信,并使他们能够放松地和权威人物交流,这些又进一步的转换成了他们今后比他们的同龄人高得多的薪金收入。

    That translates to higher wages post-college , compared with their peers .

  8. 我需要你给柯林斯预科学校开张支票

    I need you to cut a check to Collins prep.

  9. 他秋季会同夏洛特一起去柯林斯预科学校

    He 's going to be attending Collins prep with charlotte this fall .

  10. 在预科学校就读的其他好处还包括一流的设备和丰富的课外活动。位于新罕布什尔州的St。

    Other benefits of going to a prep school include top-notch facilities and extracurricular activities .

  11. 先前只是一家康复培训中心,后来渐渐演变成了盲童的预科学校。

    It developed from a rehabilitation and training center into a preparatory school for blind children .

  12. 念柯林斯预科学校

    at Collins Prep this fall ?

  13. 预科学校是私立高级学校,学生家长要交付教育费。

    A preparatory school is a private junior school , where parents pay for their children 's education .

  14. 首先,奇姆尼的公司会在孩子就读美国预科学校期间为其提供辅导和监督。

    First , Zimny 's company would provide tutoring and supervision while the boys attended American prep schools .

  15. 布拉德利来自亚特兰大,他看起来就像是一名年轻20来岁的在读预科学校的运动员;他未受感染。

    Bradley , who resembled a prep-school athlete about 20 years younger , was from Atlanta and uninfected .

  16. 在中国政府的帮助下,美国和其他国家的一些学校开设了汉语语言课程。圣玛丽学校是太平洋西北部俄勒冈州梅德福一家私立大学预科学校。

    Some schools in the United States and other countries offer Chinese language classes with government support from China .

  17. 然而最后我们得出的结论是,预科学校的教育的真正价值决不仅止于让孩子进入类似哈佛的名牌大学。

    But in the end , the real value of a prep school education is more than just getting into Harvard .

  18. 尼共(毛主义)的领导人普拉昌达拥有农业科学的学位,曾经在一所预科学校教授科学。

    Prachanda , the party 's leader , has a degree in agricultural science and also taught science in a prep school .

  19. 学生可以从多个角度来看待这个问题,可以在某个方面变得优秀,预科学校给学生们提供了足够宽广的空间去探知自己所擅长的事物。

    There are lots of different ways to be the best * and prep schools give ample space to be good at something .

  20. 他记得自己12岁在预科学校念书时就开始了,当时他得到了那些单独园地中的一块。

    He remembers beginning aged 12 , as a boy at prep school , when he was given one of those individual garden plots .

  21. 可以说,预科学校教给学生提供了非预科学校的学生无法企及的教育平台。

    " Prep schools teach students something , or better , provides them with resources , that others do not learn or have ," he says .

  22. 艾尔文和佛洛伦斯现在就读于肯辛顿的一所小学,大家认为他们俩可能要转到伦敦西南的一所预科学校。

    Elwen , who along with Florence is currently at a Kensington primary , is thought to be down for a prep school in south west London .

  23. 利用中华优秀传统文化对大学生进行思想品德教育该校是一所为上大学作准备的预科学校,招收全市最优秀的学生。

    On Making Use of the Traditional Culture to Carry on Ideological and Moral Education to the College Students ; a college-preparatory school for the city 's best students .

  24. 这个名单具有一定的随意性和可变性,但是却反映了一个事实:很多家长送他们的孩子去预科学校读书的一个尤为重要的目的是使他们的孩子能够进入最有名的大学。

    This list , while arbitrary , reflects the fact that many parents send their kids to prep school specifically so they can get into the most prestigious universities .

  25. 据报道,他们小时候在英国伯克郡的拉德格罗夫预科学校读书就认识了,据说斯特劳本茨也参加了哈里王子的婚礼。

    The two friends reportedly met as children while attending the Ludgrove Prep School in Berkshire , England , and Straubenzee is said to have attended Prince Harry 's wedding as well .

  26. 他长着浅棕色的头发。我想我之所以特别注意到他,是因为他看上去像个预科学校的孩子,而不像个西区银行的顾客。

    He had sandy hair , and I think I was especially aware of him because he looked more like a kid from a prep school than a customer in a West Side bank .

  27. 在被来自少数固定预科学校的男学生主宰了几十年之后,这些一流高校已经成为多元化的万花筒——性别、种族、宗教,现在还包括地域。

    After decades of being dominated by male students coming from a narrow network of prep schools , these schools have become a patchwork of diversity - gender , race , religion and now geography .

  28. 在被来自少数固定预科学校的男学生主宰了几十年之后,这些一流高校已经成为多元化的万花筒&性别、种族、宗教,现在还包括地域。

    After decades of being dominated by male students coming from a narrow network of prep schools , these schools have become a patchwork of diversity & gender , race , religion and now geography .

  29. 当今世界,教育竞争几近白热化,学费昂贵,然而,就读于怎样的中学可能会影响到孩子的将来,所以不妨考虑一下让孩子上一所最好的预科学校。

    But in a world where education is so competitive and expensive , and where the name of your high school can open doors for life , it 's worth measuring the best of the best .

  30. 到了1970年代,严格限制生源的大学和预科学校开始放弃它们对天主教徒和犹太人由来已久的配额限制,减少自动录取的传统名额,用种族优惠政策鼓励招收黑人。

    By the 1970s , exclusive universities and prep schools began dropping their age-old quotas on Catholics and Jews , lessening the number of legacies automatically admitted , and using racial preferences to encourage the enrollment of blacks .