
yù bèi lì xiàn
  • Preparatory constitutionalism;provisional constitution-making
  1. 这既是预备立宪的需要,又是权利斗争使然,尤其是中央与地方督抚斗争的结果。

    It was the result of constitutionalism preparing and rights contending .

  2. 《预备立宪公会报》新论

    A New Research on Newspaper of Preparatory Council for Constitutionalism

  3. 预备立宪公会与1910年国会请愿运动。

    Preliminary constitutional consortia and the Congress Petition Movement in1910 .

  4. 咨议局的成立是清朝预备立宪的产物。

    The establishment of the Provincial Assembly is a product of preparing constitutionalism in the Qing Dynasty .

  5. 随着清末预备立宪的开展,选举制度首次以法律的形式在中国确立和实践。

    At the end of Qing Dynasty , western electoral system was carried out firstly in China .

  6. 清末预备立宪时期宪政编查馆研究

    Study on the Constitutional Compilation Bureau during the Preliminary Stage of Constitutional Monarchy in the Late Qing Dynasty

  7. 预备立宪派与速即立宪派的妥协,达成了国会提前召开之共识;

    The compromise between the preparatory constitutionalists and the immediate constitutionalists cast into the consensus that convoked Parliament in advance .

  8. 清末司法独立思想的端倪、动因及途径&至预备立宪前夕的考察

    The Ideological Orientation , Causes and Approaches of Judicial Independence of Late Qing Dynasty & A Research until the Eve of Pre-constitutionalism

  9. 目前,学术界对于清末预备立宪时期袁的宪政实践已多有研究,而对其宪政观的研究却十分薄弱。

    His constitutional practice in preparatory constitutional period has been researched at the present day , but little study on the constitutional view .

  10. 预备立宪是清政府在走向现代化过程中的重要一环,这一决策的形成,包含了太多的因素。

    Prepare the constituent is in the process of modernization qing dynasty is important one annulus , this decision formation , contains too many factors .

  11. 由于清廷在1906年宣示预备立宪,司法独立运动和民事诉讼律的修订开始提速。

    Since Qing Government declared to prepare constitutionalism in 1906 , the movement of judicial independence and the revision of civil procedure law began to accelerate .

  12. 晚清预备立宪是中国政治史上鲜有的政治妥协的产物。

    The preparation for constitutionalism in the Late Qing dynasty was the outcome of the political compromise , which rarely existed in the political history of China .

  13. 清廷于预备立宪筹备事项中列明了厘定国家税、地方税的计划,并开展财政清理,为订颁国家税地方税做准备。

    Qing government made a plan of redefining national tax and local tax and did financial clearing to make preparations for concluding national tax and local tax .

  14. 清政府被迫缩短了“预备立宪”的期限,允诺召开国会和成立责任内阁。

    The Qing government was compelled to shorten the time limit of " the Promising Constitution ", permitting to summon the parliament and establish the on-duty cabinet .

  15. 《辛丑条约》签订后,清政府开始在政治上进行变革,推行新政和预备立宪。执政信任问题初探

    After 1901 , Qing government began to practice the ruling way of New Policy and the Preparatory Constitution for the purpose of maintaining their authority . Ruling Trust

  16. 清政府在“预备立宪”中,不仅拟订了关于这一机构的法律草案,而且就这一机构的设立作出了安排。

    Qing dynasty not only drew up the draft law for this institution , but also made arrangements for its establishment in the course of preparing for constitutionalism .

  17. 1909年,作为清政府“预备立宪”骗局产物之一的咨议局相继在各省成立。

    In 1909 , as a result of the swindle of pre-establishment of constitution by the Qing Dynasty , Advisory Bureaus were established in each province one after another .

  18. 从清末预备立宪到民国北京政府时期的立宪风潮中,分税制经历了一个曲折的过程。

    In the movement of constitutionalism from the constitutional preparation at Late Qing to the Period of Northern Warlords Government , the tax-sharing system had went through a tortuous process .

  19. 摘要日刊是清末立宪运动高潮时期由预备立宪公会创办的一份立宪刊物。

    Constitutional annals is a constitutional journal which was established by the preparatory Council for constitutionalism during the peak of the constitutional movements in the last years of Qing dynasty .

  20. 在清末的预备立宪改革中,地方行政体制也进行了相应的改革。通过这一改革,初步形成了行政与立法、行政与司法的分离;

    During the preparatory constitutional reform the end of the Qing dynasty , the local administrative system also underwent corresponding reform , whereinthe primary separation of administration from legislation and jurisdiction was effected .

  21. 清末预备立宪基本国策的确立,及其实行宪政的模式的选择,与五大臣出国考察政治有着十分密切的关系。

    In Late Qing , both the policy of constitutional movement and the pattern of constitutionalism were determined , as had very intimate relations with the investigatory mission of five high - ranking officials .

  22. 1906年7月13日立宪上谕的颁布到1910年五年预备立宪的开始为第二阶段,这是奉天地方审判制度改革实施和部分地方审判制度开始运作阶段;

    The second stage is from 1906 's ready constitutional edict declaration to 1910 's prepared constitution reform in five years which is the stage of the local application and partly social function of the reform .

  23. 清朝末年,历来不被人重视的监狱事业竟被提升到清末新政和预备立宪运动的计划方案之中,继而使监狱改良拉开帷幕。

    At the end of Qing Dynasty , the prison career which had been neglected for a long time was been put in the planning program of New Deal and Constitutionalism , so the prison reformation began .

  24. 尽管这种妥协是有限的,但正是这种有限的政治妥协,成就了预备立宪,并在实际上拉开了近代中国政治史上最深刻的一次政治变革的序幕。

    Though this compromise was confined , exactly this confined political compromise achieved the preparation for constitutionalism , and , practically , drew back the prologue of the deepest political reform in the political history of modern China .

  25. 从地方自治与宪政关系的角度,袁世凯认为地方自治制度是预备立宪的基础和根本,因此,他又尽可能的给予地方自治以宪政的许多特征,尽可能的赋予地方自治机构以极大的权限。

    From the relationship of local autonomy and constitutionalism perspective , Yuan Shikai regards local autonomy system as the foundation of the Preparatory Constitutionalism Activity that he renders Local Autonomy many characteristics of constitutionalism , and endows the local autonomy administration maximum authorities as much as possible .