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yù fáng
  • prevent;take precautions against;guard against;precautions against;precaution;prophylaxis
预防 [yù fáng]
  • [prevent;precautions against] 预先做好防备

预防[yù fáng]
  1. 我们认识到了这种可能性,并且采取了一些预防措施。

    We recognized the possibility and took steps to prevent it happening .

  2. 柠檬汁能够改善血液循环,有助于预防经济舱综合征。

    Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation .

  3. 身着防暴服的警察到场实施预防行动。

    Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure .

  4. 预防在传统医学中也起着主导作用。

    Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine .

  5. 你必须采取一切合理的预防措施,保护自己和家人。

    You must take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family .

  6. 养很多孩子是他们预防老年孤寂的一种办法。

    Having a lot of children is a way of insuring themselves against loneliness in old age .

  7. 许多人深信维生素C能预防感冒。

    Many people swear by vitamin C 's ability to ward off colds .

  8. 地方当局说宵禁是一种预防措施。

    The local administration says the curfew is a precautionary measure .

  9. 他们对预防和初级护理极为重视。

    They put a high premium on prevention and primary care .

  10. 应该有用于落实当地犯罪预防计划的专项资金。

    There should be ring-fenced funding for local crime prevention initiatives .

  11. 该地区开始成功地用奎宁作为预防剂。

    The region began to use quinine successfully as a prophylactic .

  12. 人们谴责该政府部门未能采取足够的预防措施。

    People accused the ministry of failing to take adequate preventive measures .

  13. 可以采取疫苗接种和其他预防措施。

    Vaccination and other prophylactic measures can be carried out .

  14. 导致假期泡汤的大多数常见的身体不适都是很容易预防的。

    Most common health upsets that spoil a holiday are easily preventable .

  15. 盼望有一天有人会研制出一种能有效预防疟疾的疫苗。

    Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria .

  16. 人们可以通过避免阳光照射来预防皮肤癌。

    People can keep out of the sun to avoid skin cancer .

  17. 有人声称葡萄酒有助于预防心脏病。

    It has been claimed that wine helps protect against heart disease .

  18. 钙可能有助于预防结肠癌。

    Calcium may aid in the prevention of colon cancer .

  19. 研究表明高纤维饮食可预防肠癌。

    Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer

  20. 在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。

    Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease

  21. 若想获得预防犯罪方面的帮助,请拨打我们的24小时咨询热线。

    For help on crime prevention , call our 24-hour advice line .

  22. 保持肌肉强壮发达有利于预防背部疾病。

    Keeping your muscles strong and in tone helps you to avoid back problems

  23. 锻炼不仅会降低血压,而且可能对心脏病有预防效果。

    Exercise will not only lower blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks

  24. 刚出现征兆时,就服用止痛片来预防疼痛。

    You can pre-empt pain by taking a painkiller at the first warning sign

  25. 我们已意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施。

    We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution .

  26. 我们需要制订一个能有效预防犯罪的方案。

    We need a positive programme of crime prevention .

  27. 在昂贵的治疗性药物上花费太多,在预防性药物上的支出则太少。

    Too much is spent on expensive curative medicine and too little on preventive medicine

  28. 这种饮食结构被广泛认为可以预防多种癌症。

    Such a diet is widely believed to offer protection against a number of cancers

  29. 中年时期的一些疾病可以通过改善营养的方式来预防。

    Some of the diseases of middle age may be prevented by improving nutrition .

  30. 每天有4万个孩子死于本可以预防的疾病。

    Forty-thousand children a day die from preventable diseases