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dǒu pō
  • steep slope;abrupt slope;escarpment;bank;scarp;steep incline;upsweep;ungraded;heavy gradient;brae
陡坡 [dǒu pō]
  • (1) [upsweep;steep incline]∶急剧升高的斜坡

  • 海那边常常令人发愁的千米陡坡

  • (2) [ungraded]∶坡度大的地面

  • 陡坡路

陡坡[dǒu pō]
  1. 他在陡坡上到处试探,想找个蹬脚的地方。

    He was scrabbling for a foothold on the steep slope .

  2. 那些马费力地爬上了陡坡。

    The horses laboured up the steep slope .

  3. 外面是一道陡坡,直插大海。

    Outside there was a sheer drop down to the sea below .

  4. 下陡坡时总是要小心驾驶。

    Always take care when driving down steep hills .

  5. 女孩子们沿着长满青草的陡坡跑下去。

    The girls ran down the steep grassy bank .

  6. 这块地方四周都是陡坡。

    The ground rose steeply all around .

  7. 山谷的那边是直达山顶的陡坡。

    At the other side of the valley was a steep ascent to the top of the hill .

  8. 这些赛道既长又有陡坡,极具挑战性。

    The courses are long and punishing , with steep gradients .

  9. 陡坡太窄,他们没法并排走。

    The steep pavement was too narrow for them to walk abreast .

  10. 他在一个陡坡边上停住了。

    He came to a halt at the edge of a steep incline .

  11. 然后我们在杜鹃花丛中沿着陡坡向上爬。

    Then we ascend steeply through forests of rhododendron .

  12. 她驾车开上一个陡坡,然后沿着长长的下坡路驶入沙漠。

    She drove up a steep grade and then began the long descent into the desert .

  13. 我需你扶我上这个陡坡。

    I shall need you to hand me up on this difficult slope .

  14. 这条路有一个陡坡。

    The road has a steep incline .

  15. 在我去吉姆家的路上,看见一个小男孩在把自行车推上陡坡。

    On my way to jim 's home I saw a little boy pushing a bicycle up a steep hill .

  16. 我们沿着小径曲曲折折地爬上陡坡

    We followed the path zigzagging up the steep slope .

  17. 你有沿着这样一个陡坡滑雪的本事吗?

    Do you have the skill to ski such a difficult slope ?

  18. 该模式表明,对于水流能量保持能力差的冲积扇,其古流向应该沿短轴陡坡降方向,即大致为SEE方向;

    The model shows that current of alluvial fan progressed in the direction of SEE along the short axle with steep slope , and its current energy can keep only in short distance .

  19. 东海陆架冰后期潮流沙脊以不对称横剖面为特征,陡坡倾向SW。

    The cross-section of tidal sand ridges is asymmetric with a steep slope inclining to the SW .

  20. 国内的侵蚀预报模型主要有在GIS支持下的陡坡地包括浅沟侵蚀的坡面侵蚀预报模型、有一定物理成因的坡面侵蚀预报模型和流域预报模型。

    Steep hill slope erosion prediction model including shallow gully erosion supported by GIS , the process based hillslope erosion prediction model , and watershed erosion prediction model in China are outlined .

  21. 本文依据紊流边界层的动量方程和连续方程,利用流速分布的对数律,推导了陡坡紊流边界层的发展厚度δ和水深h的计算式,并与原型观测资料进行了对比。

    In this paper , starting from the Momentum Integral Equation and Continuity Equation , the formulas about turbulent boundary layer thickness δ and water depth h of a steep channel flow are deduced by making use of logarithmic velocity law .

  22. 但这其中没有任何一个人驾车攀爬过31度倾角的雷特娜国际赛道(DaytonaInternationalSpeedway)陡坡,也没有在一对身穿皮衣、手拿遮阳伞的赛车女郎簇拥下出现在竞技赛场上。

    But none was shown climbing 31-degree banks at the Daytona International Speedway , let alone appearing at racing events flanked by a pair of leather-clad female chaperones holding parasols .

  23. 在针对FTO样品的高能闪光照相实验中,比较了一般准直体与陡坡准直体对FTO样品的成像性能。

    In the high-energy flash radiography of FTO object , the performance of a general collimator and two graded collimators was compared by experiments .

  24. 对於复合物含量高的催化剂,滞后环在p/p0为0.48,附近有一刀形的陡坡,表示21A半径的孔隙很多。

    For the catalyst of high surface complex , the loop has a knife shape at p / p_0 about 0.48 , indicating numerous pores of radius 21 A.

  25. 说明基于PRT的陡坡山地建筑在北京山区应用有着光明的前景,最后从政策层面对北京陡坡山地开发提出建议。

    The study shows that , the application of PRT based steep land architecture in Beijing mountainous areas has a promising prospect . In the last , the study also details the proposal for Beijing steep mountain areas exploitation at the policy level .

  26. 三峡工程厂房基坑开挖中,大部分坝段坝趾下游形成高达10~80m的临空陡坡,其中部分地段长大缓倾角结构面较发育,与临空面组合构成坝基潜在滑移面。

    During the power-house foundation of the Three Gorges projet , a 40 ~ 80 m high steep slope will be formed on downstream side of the damtoe rock monolith where large low dip angle joints constitute potential sliding surface of the dam foundation .

  27. 黄壤质地粘重,抗蚀性好,坡度29°的陡坡耕地的侵蚀速率仅2509t/(km2·a)。

    However , erosion on cultivated yellow soils is not as severe as on the purple soils because of its clayey texture and high erosion resistance . The erosion rate on the slope of 29 ° is 2 509 t / ( km ~ 2 · a ) .

  28. 为了凑齐一套行头,你可以往左走,来到这条街陡坡的最高处,穿过最后一扇中世纪的“石门”卡米尼塔·弗拉塔(KamenitaVrata),它来自曾经环绕格拉代茨(Gradec)的工事。

    To complete your ensemble , make a left at the top of the street 's incline and pass through Kamenita Vrata , the last medieval " stone gate " remaining from the fortifications that once surrounded Gradec .

  29. 公路陡坡挡土墙稳定性验算的探讨

    Research on Stability Checking Computation of Highway Steep Slop Earth-preventing Wall

  30. 陡坡铁路路基爆破施工实践

    Practice of blasting for construction of railway foundation on steep slope