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shù mù
  • arbor;trees;plant trees;timber
树木 [shù mù]
  • (1) [arbor]∶树的总称

  • (2) [plant trees]∶种树;养树

  • 十年之计,莫如树木

树木[shù mù]
  1. 对树木的大规模砍伐正在破坏环境。

    The broadscale cutting down of trees is damaging the environment .

  2. 树木披上了绚丽的秋装。

    The trees were ablaze with the colours of autumn .

  3. 小路树木掩映,凉爽幽暗。

    The path was cool and dark with overhanging trees .

  4. 树木起天然的保护作用,遮挡了阳光的照射。

    The trees form a natural protection from the sun 's rays .

  5. 他可以听见树木燃烧发出的噼啪声。

    He could hear the crackling of burning trees .

  6. 树木在草坪上投下长长的影子。

    The trees threw long shadows across the lawn .

  7. 树木一排靠一排地生长。

    The trees grew in serried ranks .

  8. 树木用单色块来涂绘或处理成阴影部分。

    Trees are depicted with blocks of flat colour or shading .

  9. 在这个光秃秃没有树木的地方,周围数英里内都没有掩蔽处。

    No shelter was available for miles around in this treeless landscape .

  10. 在有些地方,树木长成后就会被砍掉。

    When the trees matured they were cut in certain areas

  11. 种植了云杉、松树和橡树等树木。

    Trees such as spruce , pine and oak have been planted .

  12. 灌木丛和树木在风中摇晃。

    The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind .

  13. 树木、灌木丛与藤蔓植物盘根错节,挡住了我们的去路。

    Trees , undergrowth and creepers intertwined , blocking our way

  14. 现在峡谷的南边已长满树木。

    The south side of the gorge is now clothed in trees .

  15. 目前大部分损坏都是因为倒下的树木造成的。

    Most of the damage that 's occurred was simply because of fallen trees

  16. 大风刮倒了树木和电线。

    High winds have knocked down trees and power lines

  17. 树木得了干腐病,状况堪忧。

    The trees were in bad shape from dry rot.

  18. 最初长满树木的山坡吸收了噪音。

    At first the wooded hillsides muted the sounds .

  19. 毛虫以各类树木、灌木和植物为食。

    The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees , shrubs and plants

  20. 如果听任土壤变干,树木可能会枯死。

    If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die .

  21. 他们用树木、灌木丛和草坪将房产装点了一番。

    They had landscaped their property with trees , shrubs , and lawns .

  22. 大院掩映在树木灌丛之中。

    The compound was hidden by trees and shrubs .

  23. 酸雨毁坏树木,腐蚀建筑物。

    Acid rain destroys trees and corrodes buildings .

  24. 山上我视野范围内的树木都被砍倒了。

    The trees on the mountains within my range of vision had all been felled

  25. 今年树木换装比去年早。

    Trees are changing colour earlier than last year

  26. 交战地区丘陵起伏,树木茂密。

    The areas where the fighting is taking place are hilly and densely wooded .

  27. 许多山坡上都已经光秃秃的,没有任何树木了。

    Many hillsides had been denuded of trees .

  28. 午后的热浪中,树木闪着微光。

    The trees shimmered in the afternoon heat .

  29. 科学家将研究各种树木,并观察哪些会结果实。

    The scientists will study the variety of trees and observe which are fruiting .

  30. 花草树木会过滤掉空气中的二氧化碳并制造氧气。

    Plants and trees filter carbon dioxide out of the air and produce oxygen .